Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 594: Aggrieved

The 6611 Institute, when it was established, was to guard against the bear country. It was far away from the border with the bear country, and a good strategic depth could be obtained. In history, even in that terrible world war, it was on the battlefield of the Han country. , Most of the land has been lost, only here is still persisting.

Therefore, it is very safe here. Compared with the 6601, if a war starts, it will definitely fall immediately. Therefore, if according to the plan of the Eagle Country, even if the Tomcat fighters can be produced in Han, it is impossible to be in the 6601. All.

On the plane, I repeatedly thought about the relationship. As the big brother of the Han fighter aircraft industry, Gu always had a sense of pride. The most advanced fighter aircraft in Han must be produced in 6601.

But now, no project has been achieved. Thinking of the vacancy of the heavy fighter, General Gu feels a little uncomfortable.

Although according to the itinerary, he should have returned to the 6601, but because the Air Force Commander's next itinerary is to fly to the 6611, he also wants to see if the 6611 is really capable.

We can't imitate that kind of advanced fighter plane. We can even say that we are confused and don't know where to start, but people are going to fly for the first time?

How is this possible? Our scientific research ability is the most powerful! The J-7 produced by 6611 is also all the materials taken from its own side. Now, it would be good if they could change the Super Seven. How could it be possible to imitate the Raptors, after all, it is also a third-generation machine!

On the third-generation machine, let alone the titanium alloy beams, it cannot be manufactured by itself. There are also various assembly processes that cannot be achieved by itself. Not to mention the complicated aerodynamic layout. It is simply confused. what!

On the plane, Mr. Gu was worried, and finally, the plane landed in the land of abundance.

After getting off the plane, the group took a car and went to 6611.

"All leaders are welcome to come and inspect." After receiving the news at the 6611 Institute, Mr. Song and Mr. Tu hurried out to greet him. This time the superiors made a sudden visit. Moreover, people from the Air Force and the Ministry of Aviation Industry came together. what happened?

"Lao Song, Lao Tu, it is said that the new annihilation here is smooth, let's come and take a look." General Zhang said, and he didn't say much.

Going to the Eagle Country, it was a lot of anger. Now, I came to the 6611, hoping to give him some hope.

When he came, Chen Rui said very clearly, and the progress was very fast. Moreover, Chen Rui’s performance in the Eagle Nation also made General Zhang attach great importance to him. In the future, he plans to vigorously promote him as a newcomer. He will definitely not lie and fool. By yourself.

"Everyone, please come here." I heard that I was here to see Xinjian, and Song Lao was quite excited, and led everyone through the front workshop to the most hidden independent assembly workshop behind.

Along the way, President Gu was boringly carrying the pebbles on the side of the road. Just you, want to independently imitate the Xinjian? What a joke!

Our 6601 is very difficult. You are not fooling your superiors, are you?

President Gu was quite distrustful in his heart, but when he walked into the workshop, his eyes straightened instantly.

I saw some workers on a silver-white fighter plane. The whole fighter plane was undergoing an orderly assembly. This fighter plane looked extremely tough, exactly the same as the original Raptors. of.

"This is the new fighter we are copying?" General Zhang's face was full of joy. He has already taken three steps and two steps, and headed for the new fighter.

The fuselage is the easiest to build. Just make various frames and then rivet the rivets on the exterior. Unlike the previous aircraft, this aircraft uses countersunk rivets. The heads of the rivets are not exposed. , It will be more smooth.

The paint hasn't been painted yet, and the exterior is just the luster of aluminum alloy. General Zhang touched the aluminum alloy outside and said in a surprised voice: "Your progress is so smooth, why don't we know?"

Take a look at the 6601. After so long, it's still on the drawings, and here, the prototypes have been built!

Their progress is so fast, and the Air Force does not know anything. This is what makes General Zhang most speechless.

"We have reported several times, but the superiors have not responded." Song Lao said: "We know that the superiors are very busy and may not have time to come to us. Therefore, we just immersed ourselves and waited for the first flight of the new fighter. At that time, we believe that the superiors will definitely come to participate."

no response? General Zhang looked ashamed: "Yes, we always thought that the Super Seven project is mainly going on here, the project imitating the Raptors, there must be more technical problems, and I think you will not make any progress here, so There is not much attention. Lao Tu, Lao Song, you are wronged."

Zong Gu looked at the airplane in front of him. At this time, his heart was extremely shocked. It was impossible, absolutely impossible. How did they make this airplane?

This was built in the 6611 Institute. You can know the progress of the construction, but how is this possible? Can they understand the technology of the aircraft?

"You have made great contributions. From now on, the progress of the entire project will be reported once a week." General Zhang said, "How far is it now?"

"The development of the airframe is fairly smooth. The main problem of our aircraft is the flight control system. This is the first time that we have used a digital telex with more than four degrees. We have now completed the development of the telex operation and installed it on this aircraft. The inside of the fighter jets are all produced by ourselves, we have complete property rights, and can be mass-produced at any time.” Song Lao continued.

This is indeed a difficult problem. If it is only to copy the program of the sample, of course it is possible, but they have not done so. These days, the team led by Xiao Yang has tackled key problems and has already controlled the digital telex of this aircraft. The rate is thoroughly appreciated, and I am surprised by the compilation of the source code. The source code is quite scientific, and they have complete confidence in the flight of the aircraft.

The duck-type fighter is inherently static and unstable, and only digital telex can conquer it!

"Our radar system is progressing very smoothly." Song Lao continued: "The 114 supporting institutes have completed all the production processes of the flat-slit radar, and they are being assembled for us. About next week, our aircraft will It can be equipped with the radar produced by itself. It is estimated that it can detect fighter targets of about 100 kilometers."

When Song Lao said this set of data, all the air force generals present had their eyes wide open. Now all the air force fighters are short-sighted and do not have any long-range air combat capabilities. Now, his side finally With advanced airborne radar, can a target of 100 kilometers be detected?

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