Ghost: The mountains and forests are my home field


He Qiao and the others gave their favorite roles accordingly, and the results were surprisingly consistent.

“These figures are all pretty good-looking. I’ll choose the one about Bear Haunt. After all, of those toy models of yours, I only know one Bear Haunt.”

He Qiao said with a smile,

“Bear Haunt. I was watching cartoons with my son. I just found out about this cartoon. The cartoons I watched before were like Avanti and Havoc in Heaven.”

He finished.

Liu Li on the side took over and said:

“I also chose the one about Bears Haunted, haha, because I have only seen Bears Haunted. During the Spring Festival, I accompanied my nephew to watch the Bears Haunted movie, and every time I went to my sister’s house You can all see my nephew watching Bear Haunt.”

Others also agreed, saying that they would also choose the figures of Bear Big Bear and Bald Qiang from Bear Haunt. After all, they have not seen many other figures and they are not anime fans like Zhang Wei. , I have watched very few anime, mostly from TV when I was a kid. At most I know the familiar ones like Dragon Ball, Conan, and Doraemon.


Zhang Wei didn’t bring these familiar ones. He had too many figurines, not to mention a backpack, a sack, or even the trunk of a car. He could only put them into his backpack casually by forcing his eyes to pick them up. .


Zhang Wei put the other figures into his backpack, leaving only three figures, which were Xiong Da Xiong Er and Bald Qiang from Bear Infestation.

Immediately afterwards.

After arriving at the destination, Zhang Wei got out of the car with the bear figure.


He Qiao and the others were stunned, their eyes full of doubts.

“Mr. Zhang Wei, you are confused. Look at your hands. You are still carrying a bear-infested figure.”

It was Liu Li who spoke. She covered her mouth and smiled, thinking that Zhang Wei was just playing with the figure. Now, when I arrive at the place, I have forgotten that I still have the figure in my hand, just like most people sometimes hold the remote control or mobile phone and forget about it, and they look around for the lost remote control of the mobile phone.

But as soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei shook his head:

“I’m not confused, I’m using them to help.”

“Ah? Help? What can this figure help with?”

He Qiao asked subconsciously.

Zhang Wei grinned and said bluntly:

“Help us find ghosts, and… help us exorcise ghosts.”

In his words.

As if he knew what everyone was thinking with their confused expressions, Zhang Wei did not try to show off, but held Xiong Da, Xiong Er, and Bald Qiang in his hands and said softly, “Help me find a ghost in this area who will survive.” After that, Zhang Wei Wei threw the figure towards the forest ahead.


In front of the forest at midnight.

He Qiao and the others saw a scene they would never forget.

I saw the thrown Xiong Daxiong and Xiong’s second-hand stuff flying through the air. When it landed, it made two banging sounds like heavy objects hitting the ground. The Xiong Daxiong’s second-hand stuff had changed, not only had it become bigger. , still alive.

The moment they hit the ground, they turned into the size of an adult bear, huge and strong, weighing several hundred kilograms. They fell to the ground, splashing dust and leaving bear footprints.

Immediately afterwards.

They opened their mouths, and instead of roaring like bears, a human voice came out.

“Charge the duck! Xiong Da, catch the ghost!”

“Charge the duck! Xiong Er, catch the ghost!”

That voice.

They have heard it. Isn’t it the funny voice of Big Bear II in the cartoon “The Haunting of Bears”? The voice is exactly the same.

Xiong Daxiong Er shouted, shaking his several hundred kilograms of bear body, and rushed into the forest.

As for the other figure… the Bald Qiang figure.

Also alive.

As soon as the figure of Bald Qiang landed on the ground, it also grew in size, becoming as tall as a human being.

Then he looked back at Zhang Wei, nodded slightly, and then pulled the chainsaw in his hand, and suddenly the chainsaw made a whirring sound.

“Stinky bear, wait for me. I, Bald Qiang, also want to catch ghosts. I won’t cut down trees to make money today. I want to catch ghosts and make money, hahahaha.”

Bald Qiang held the chainsaw above his head with both hands, smiled arrogantly, and said tightly Following the bear, Big Bear Er rushed into the forest.

This scene.

He Qiao and the others looked dazed. As Bald Qiang rushed into the forest like a crazy pervert, their dullness gradually turned into madness.

Time flies.

Another place in the forest.

The trees here are dense. Since there are no street lights, only the moonlight shines. Looking at it, ordinary people can feel that the surrounding trees are all huge figures, as if they are terrifying giants standing there. In addition, there are insects chirping from the mountains and forests. , it’s kind of weird.

at this time.

In this midnight mountain forest, a strange ‘person’ appeared.

Just by looking at the blood on his face and the intestines flowing out of his abdomen without any concern, but running faster than an athlete, it was enough to know that it was definitely a ghost.

Look carefully behind it.

Several hundred meters behind him, seven or eight people were chasing the ghost.

Originally, the distance between the ghost and those people was only one or two hundred meters.

After entering the forest.

Relying on the complexity of the mountain forest and the obstruction of the view by the trees, the ghost quickly distanced itself from these people, and the distance gradually widened.

To this.

The ghost was very satisfied. There was a smile on the ghost’s face covered with blood:

“A bunch of idiots made me escape here. You can’t catch me. I know how to get around here even with my eyes closed.”

It is a The red-clothed ghost has killed many people, but has never been arrested. The reason is that it is very cautious. Before every killing, it will prepare the possibility of being discovered by the exorcist and plan an escape place.

This mountain forest was a forest it often visited during its lifetime. It was as familiar as at home. To put it bluntly, it knew exactly where there was water in the forest and what animals and plants there were.

Think of this.

The ghost found a direction and ran over:

“Although the mountains and forests are my home field, I can’t be careless. Just in case, I have to replenish some of the consumed Yin Qi first. I remember that there are many mushrooms in that place, and there are often Small animals are out and about, alas, mosquitoes are small and fleshy, it would be great if they could eat people.”

At the same time.

A few hundred meters behind the ghost.

Eight people appeared here. If He Qiao and the others were here, they would definitely recognize them. They were Captain Zhao and others from the Department of Health in the next city.

One of them looked around at the surrounding mountains and forests with a gloomy look on his face:

“Captain Zhao, what should we do? We seem to have lost track. It’s too troublesome to find ghosts in this place.”

The others also had ugly faces.

Not long ago, they almost caught up with the ghost, but the ghost escaped into this forest. Now, let alone catching up, they couldn’t even see the ghost.

Captain Zhao waved his hand after hearing this:

“Don’t worry, it’s okay to follow you now. I brought the ghost hunting gossip. As long as I can get close to the ghost at a certain distance, I can find it, and there is no need to worry about it escaping. I have already contacted Captain He.”

In his words . .

He checked the time:

“Captain He should bring people to the forest now. Let’s attack from the front and back. We’re not afraid of the ghosts escaping.”

Captain Zhao took out three ghost-hunting gossips and asked his teammates to form groups of three and spread out over a short distance. This will increase the area for ghost hunting.

Not long after.

They found the direction the ghost was leaving and chased him.


Captain Zhao did not forget to tell us:

“This is a protected area. Remember to fight the ghosts later. Don’t destroy or harm the animals and plants too much.” ”

Then what if animals hurt us? It’s not that animals like to hunt at night. time, will we be regarded as prey by animals?”

“Don’t worry about this, this mountain forest is close to Spring City, there are no large or ferocious animals.”

Captain Zhao said, fearing that his teammates would be too nervous, he joked:

” Rather than worrying about being attacked by a large animal, you might as well worry about a murderer in the forest. Stop thinking about it and follow along.”

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