The real ‘danger’ of Yunnan Worm Valley

at the same time.

On the outskirts of Yunnan Worm Valley, there is a place filled with zombie fog. The fog is almost as thick as thick.

There are mountains of corpses all over the place. Human bones and Gu insect bones are everywhere. Looking closely, these bones are all broken limbs. None of them are intact. It seems that the bones were torn into pieces before they were alive.


Looking closely at the bones, it can be seen that there are bite marks on them. It seems that the way these bones died was not only torn into pieces, but also chewed to death.

Maybe there were too many bones.

Maybe it’s because the scene here is terrible.

It is extremely quiet here, so quiet that you can hear a needle, and not even a single Gu insect can be found around it. It is the safest area in the Yunnan Worm Valley. You don’t have to worry about being attacked by zombies or Gu insects.

But quiet is quiet, but it does not mean that there is no sound. Because it is too quiet, once there is a sound here, even a pin drop can be clearly heard. For this reason, any sound here seems to be infinitely amplified and can be clearly heard. hear.

Listen carefully.

You can hear, in addition to the inanimate movement, a very regular whirring sound. If there are medical personnel here, they will definitely be able to recognize what the whirring sound is… that is the sound of breathing!

Judging from the gentle and regular breathing, the breather seems to be sleeping.


I don’t know how many years of steady breathing, all of this changed when a strange wave spread… It was a wave that spread from the depths of the Yunnan Worm Valley, and it was the wave that attracted the tide of corpses back to the lake.


Deep in this place, two pairs of terrifying eyes suddenly opened.

next moment.

In this place that had been silent for an unknown number of years, an unprecedented ‘big earthquake’ suddenly occurred. Two indescribable terrifying auras shot straight into the sky. The refractions above the top shook, causing the shining light to sway.

For a while.

The sky outside the Worm Valley in Yunnan seemed to be wrathful, and the sky was uncertain, just like the anger of two ancient gods, and all nine heavens were destroyed.

This scene is shocking.

Same time.

In that place filled with corpse fog, the fog was thick and turbulent, and two stunning figures exuding a terrifying aura walked out of it. They were a man and a woman, wearing ancient costumes from an unknown dynasty. The costumes were in tatters. The texture on it is unclear, but the simple style is enough to prove its age.

They walked side by side, looking directly in the direction of Yunnan Worm Valley with angry eyes, and then walked straight over.

Along the way.

Like Wan Taisui, they were not afraid of the so-called dangers of the Yunnan Worm Valley at all. Even if they encountered the poisonous wind, they walked straight through it without taking any detours. They just physically withstood the baptism of the poisonous wind and resisted it. Apart from their clothes, they were even more fragile. Apart from the damage, there are no scars left on the body.

Not only that.

Even if they encountered Gu insects, and there were swarms of Gu insect hives, they were not afraid and stepped straight into the territory of the Gu insect hive.

It seemed like he thought of something.

The female of the man and the woman stopped, reached into the nest, and pulled down the honey nest. She was not afraid of the swarm’s revenge and took it away in front of the swarm.


Unlike when they saw Zhang Wei and the others, when the Gu bee swarm saw the two of them, even though they were robbed of their honey nest, they did not take any revenge. On the contrary, they stayed away from the women. They looked angry but dared not speak.

Almost all the way.

The scenes of a man and a woman encountering bugs and zombies are exactly the same, which is unbelievable. Neither the bugs nor zombies attacked them, they all stayed away. It seems that these so-called ‘dangers’ in Yunnan Worm Valley are, in their view, , the men and women in front of you are the real ‘danger’!


This is not because the bugs and zombies are afraid of humans, because… although the appearance and clothing of a man and a woman look like humans, their dead-like skin is enough to prove their identities. They are definitely not living people. , it’s a zombie!

It didn’t take long.

A man and a woman, no, to be precise, two ancient zombies, came to the deep entrance of Yunnan Worm Valley and walked in.

Wait until you reach the depths.

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site:

They stopped and looked around, as if they were sensing something. Within two seconds, they locked onto a direction, which was the direction of the lake, and walked straight towards it.


the other side.

A rocky site on a hillside near a lake.

The corpse fisher came out of the lake, followed the marks left by the papermaker, and found this place, where he found Huang Xiaodan and others hiding here.

Both sides meet.

Hu Shiliu hurriedly asked:

“Mr. Li, how are you? Has Captain Zhang Wei been rescued? Why aren’t Captain Zhang Wei with you when you seal the door on the zombies?”

She noticed that only the corpse collector came back, with a look of worry on her young face.

The person who fished for the corpse did not hide anything and told the story of his search at the bottom of the lake:

“Captain Zhang Wei was not found at the bottom of the lake, nor was the poisonous python. After searching them all, they seemed to disappear out of thin air, but the zombies who sealed the door were still there looking for them.”

” Damn it, you left the Sealing Zombie alone there? Aren’t you afraid that after Zhang Wei is found by the Sealing Zombie, the Sealing Zombie will take the opportunity to do something evil.”

Huang Xiaodan raised his eyebrows.

The corpse hunter shook his head and responded:

“Don’t be afraid of this, because I left my corpse rope on the sealed zombie. I can sense the situation there. If he attacks Zhang Wei, I can use the corpse rope here. Deal with the closed door zombies.”

Before he finished speaking.

The man who fished for corpses did not dare to go to the ink mark and asked bluntly:

“Let’s not talk about this for now. Come back to the lake with me first. The tide of corpses has been led away. We can go to the bottom of the lake with more people to look for Captain Zhang Wei. By the way, There is one more thing.”

As he was talking, he headed to the lake with everyone.

“Have you heard a loud noise, similar to a shout, just a few minutes ago, the Zombie who sealed the door said he heard it at the bottom of the lake.” As

soon as he said this.

Everyone was stunned and expressed doubts:


“Li Zhili, why do you ask this suddenly? Just now we didn’t dare to breathe loudly to avoid the tide of corpses. I can tell you for sure that we didn’t hear the sound. .”

Just when everyone was confused.

The old corpse driver suddenly asked,

“You mean a few minutes ago?

He instinctively looked towards the cage of the zombie bird in his hand. At the same time, Gu Master Lin was also startled when he saw this, and then looked towards the gourd holding the Gu Insect King on his waist.

The two suddenly remembered.

Just a few minutes ago, they were hiding here to avoid the tide of corpses. They were hiding well, but suddenly, the zombie bird and the Gu Insect King were inexplicably agitated, causing quite a stir. Everyone was startled by this. The two thought they were afraid of the zombie tide, so they hurried to appease the zombie bird and the Gu Insect King.

This is also the time.

Everyone noticed the actions of Gu Master Lin and the old corpse exorcist, and they also thought of this:

“Wait a minute, wasn’t it the old zombie exterminator and Lin Gu Master who made their zombie birds and the Gu Insect King restless a few minutes ago? Time.”

“Aren’t they afraid?”

“Is their restlessness related to that shout? But why can’t we hear it?”

everyone said.

The old corpse exorcist and Gu Master Lin looked at each other and said in unison:

“Perhaps that is a sound that only zombies and Gu worms can hear.”

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