Our ancestors dug wells

“Is it considered a businessman?”

In response to Zhang Wei’s question, his father Zhang Ping did not answer directly, but thought about his response.

“What do you mean? Are you engaging in illegal activities? Let me think about what illegal activities were in ancient times, running a brothel? Or… something more serious, child trafficking?” “What are

you talking about? It’s not what you think. , our ancestors did a rather eccentric job, helping people dig wells.”

“Huh? Well diggers?”

Zhang Wei looked sideways, with curiosity in his eyes.

Not only him, but also Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue who were chatting with Zhang Wei’s mother were paying attention.

“Digging a well? This is indeed a craft. In ancient times, digging a well required finding the water source first. This kind of search for water sources is a side job and requires a certain knowledge of geography and feng shui.”

Lu Lianxue said.

Qiu Xiaolin on the side also took over:

“No wonder Xiao Weizi, your ancestors offended people and had to move their graves, because your ancestors believed in this, dug wells and knew Feng Shui, so they must be afraid that their ancestors’ graves would be implicated.”

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally and asked Said:

“Our family is pretty good at digging wells, but can we get rich by digging wells?”

“No way. In ancient times, a village could not be built casually. It must be built in a place with a water source. The most important thing in every village is water source, which will definitely require digging wells. Our ancestors relied on helping people find water sources and dig wells.” When

Zhang Ping said this, he proudly said:

“Our family relies on digging wells, and we can also dig wells. At that time, I heard that he was famous for digging wells. I heard that the emperor asked someone to dig wells, and he also found our family. I heard that most of the famous wells left today were dug by our family for generations. Now It has become a tourist attraction.”

“I even heard from my father that the emperor lived in and built a palace, and we dug the well in it. I just don’t know which emperor’s palace it is. Do you think it is the Forbidden City? Haha.”


Facing Zhang Ping’s question, Zhang Wei did not reply. He raised his eyebrows and looked at his father Zhang Ping. His attention was not on the well in the palace, but was completely attracted by the previous sentence. Most of the famous wells were dug by his family.


Mentioning the well, a term suddenly came to Zhang Wei’s mind…Longjing Lock.

Not only him, Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue also wanted to go together, looking at each other and towards Zhang Wei.

As ghost exorcists, especially those who have contact with Sen Luo Si, they all know that Suo Longjing is no ordinary well. It is the target of Sen Luo Si, the most terrifying evil force in Daxia, and the purpose of Sen Luo Si’s establishment.

As for Suolongjing, due to its long history, even the Wei Daosi knows very little about Suolongjing. As early as the war years, many historical materials were lost. No one knows how and when Suolongjing was built. .

“Dad, do you know which famous wells were built by our family? I heard that there is a well that has been passed down for a long time. It is called Suolongjing. That one was not built by our family.” ”

Suolongjing? Is the name so domineering? , Haha, I don’t know, things happened to my ancestors for so long, and I don’t know if Suolongjing was built by our family, maybe.”

Zhang Ping said:

“Your grandfather only told me that there are many wells . Our digging skills are the best in Daxia, no one. As for which wells we have dug, who can remember, what, are you curious, son?” ”

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Haha, you must be curious, our family may be Celebrities, although they are not famous poets, but famous well diggers are also very interesting to listen to. You have to understand them.” ”

That’s true. The glory of our ancestors must not be forgotten. It must be passed down. I remember that there seems to be some left in my family. There are a few ancient books handed down from ancestors. They are ancient texts. I am too lazy to read them. If you are interested, son-in-law, we will get them to you when we come back. Don’t damage them.”


Zhang Wei nodded. If his family is really a famous well digger, there may be records about Suolong Well. It should be a famous well in ancient times. Even if it was not dug by his family, there may be records about Suolongjing.


for a long time.

As Zhang Wei and his father Zhang Ping took turns driving, they arrived at an unknown mountain. Since there was no road up the mountain, they could only park the car at the foot of the mountain and walk up the mountain.

This mountain is very remote, there are no villages around it, and few people come here. Therefore, there are no mountain roads, so we can only rely on memory to climb up the mountain.

until afternoon.

After climbing for more than half an hour, Zhang Ping and his wife were exhausted and sweating, and finally arrived at the ancestral grave.

“I’m here, Cao. I feel like I need to ask someone to cut down the branches and open a simple path next time. Otherwise, I’ll be too tired every time I look for it. You young people have good physical strength. You haven’t been able to breathe much after walking for so long. ”

Zhang Ping wiped off his sweat, handed a bottle of water to his wife, and then pointed to a peach tree in front of him with a red rope hanging on the trunk:

“My son, do you remember the way to the mountain? You need to remember more. “Have you seen the peach tree? That is where the ancestor’s grave is. The red string is used to mark it, so it is easy to find. It is said that the peach tree was planted by the ancestors when they moved the grave.”


There is a peach tree in the sky, which has survived for hundreds of years. Even the peach tree is tall and strong, standing in the mountain, like a giant spirit god, guarding the mountain and the tombs sheltered by its shade. .

Zhang Wei and the others came to the peach tree and immediately saw the ancestral graves. There were many ancestral graves, dozens of them scattered around, just like a small cemetery.

“Zhang Wei, the arrangement of this tomb…”

Lu Lianxue glanced at the tomb, her beautiful eyes suddenly startled, and she looked at Zhang Wei in surprise. Before she finished speaking, Zhang Wei also heard the words and looked over.

“Xiaoxue, have you noticed it too?”

“What riddles are you trying to solve? Are these tomb arrangements Feng Shui? Are there any specialties?”

Although Qiu Xiaolin doesn’t understand Feng Shui, she knows that Lu Lianxue was born in Longhu Mountain and has a lot of knowledge about Feng Shui. I have a certain understanding, and the arrangement of tombs I mentioned is definitely not ordinary Feng Shui, but the Feng Shui in the eyes of a ghost exorcist.

“Hey, girl Xiaoxue, you still know Feng Shui.”

Zhang Ping and his wife were also surprised after hearing this.

Lu Lianxue waved her hands a little shyly:

“No, I just know a little bit about it. I like to read some strange books, and I happen to have read about Feng Shui.” ”

Then Xiaoxue, what is the Feng Shui of this ancestral grave in our house? Tell us about it. ”

The grave should have been planned in advance. In the future, future generations will be buried here. The specific place and order of burial have been chosen.”

“Awesome, Xiaoxue girl, you are right, that’s what my dad told me.” Yes, he said that he will be buried in that place in the future, and then if our descendants are buried in the future, they will start on his right side. What does this say?” “This is a

formation, a kind of Feng Shui that benefits future generations, next to it The peach tree is actually a factor in the formation. The peach tree has always been used to ward off evil spirits and avoid evil. Together with the arrangement of the ancestors’ tombs, it can protect the continuation of the descendants and has the effect of not cutting off the descendants. It allows the descendants to receive the kindness of the ancestors and continue it.”

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