
Chapter 257: Comparing music

When Pedro heard Hugo's words, not only did he not panic, but magically ran to the open space behind the bar, and Hugo followed curiously with his beer.

This is where the stage of the Rock Night is located. Hugo just took a look at it, knowing that it is now occupied by a karaoke machine, a pinball machine and a pool table, but only when he came closer, he knew that there was still left here. A large vacant lot is actually scattered with many musical instruments, which makes Hugo's eyes flashed with'exciting' light. This is truly a unique'hole' sky.

Hugo turned his head and looked at the bar. Green and the beautiful woman were still talking in a hot'friendship'. Green made the beautiful woman a smile, and it seemed that progress was very good. She seemed to have noticed Hugo’s sight. Green looked over and realized that Hugo was expressing appreciation for this corner. Green raised his eyebrows slightly to express his pride, and then he focused on the beautiful woman. 'On the body.

Pedro chose among several basses. Hugo noticed. Pedro chose a six-string electric bass. This surprised Hugo, but after thinking about it, he expected it.

Generally speaking, bass is divided into acoustic bass and electric bass. The former is more suitable for traditional jazz, and the latter is more modern. Pedro chose electric bass, which is in full compliance with his age, and it can be seen that he is A bass player who is more deeply influenced by modern music.

Overall, the most common bass is the four-string, which is also the most commonly used instrument for rock bands. In addition, there are five-string electric bass and six-string electric bass. The fifth string adds a bass b string, which is widely used in popular music; while the sixth string adds a high pitch c on the basis of the five string. Strings, this kind of piano is often used for single performance (), and it is often seen in jazz music. There are also seven strings, eleven strings and even substrings, but the frequency of use is very low.

Pedro chose a six-string electric bass. Obviously, he wanted to show off his skills and fully demonstrate his bass skills. At the same time, he also showed the charm of the bass instrument incisively and vividly. On the one hand, he went to the Hugo demonstration. You can also see his strong self-confidence.

After Pedro saw the appearance of Hugo, he did not show any politeness anymore. He struck his fingers directly on the strings. As expected, it was the most common way of opening the electric bass. The root accompaniment on the three strings was the least. Characteristic strings, but at the same time the most commonly used, used as the root note in accompaniment.

From the beginning, Pedro used the most basic but also the most technically'sounding' way of playing in bass technique, that is, hitting the bass. This is also a way of playing with your fingers, but not with your fingertips. Do ordinary playing, but use your thumb and other fingers to hit and hook the strings. This way of playing produces the brightest sound.

Hugo noticed that Pedro's basic skills are very solid. Pedro is so young, he should be younger than him, so he must immerse himself in bass skills research for more time to reach the current level. Pedro has mastered these two most practical basic techniques, whether he is playing with his hands or hitting the string bass. In order to show off his skills, he has also demonstrated advanced techniques such as string tapping and overtones. However, Hugo's understanding of these advanced technologies is very limited, and it doesn't work to talk about it on paper.

So Hugo simply closed his eyes and admired Pedro's performance. Pedro’s choice of the Pink Floyd Band ( to perform. Pink Floyd is one of the greatest bands in history. This British rock band was born in the 1960s. Their creation Both'sex' and technology'sex' have played an irreplaceable role in the process of rock music, and the bassist Roger Waters (.ers) in the band is a great performer. Pinker Freud's live performance is one of their greatest charms, and Pedro's choice can definitely be called a daunting challenge.

The song "Money" comes from Pink Floyd's 1973 album "Dark... of the." This album is also one of the most successful rock albums of all time. The album stayed on the Billboard Albums chart in the United States for 741 weeks-this is equivalent to nearly fourteen years, this record was not broken until 2014. It can be said to be a classic masterpiece of the band, and the song "Money" almost relies on bass as the main melody, and is combined with a psychedelic complex electronic synthesizer and sound effects to create a frame structure. It is definitely a masterpiece.

In fact, Pedro only uses bass to play this song, without the aid of other instruments, and without the help of singing, which is very disadvantaged. Hugo originally thought that Pedro would choose a jazz piece to show his superb skills. He did not expect that he would choose a Pink Floyd. This is really unexpected, but what is surprising is Pedro’s performance. It can be called'fine' color.

Pedro's control of the rhythm can be fast or slow, not only completely controlling the bass sound quality of the instrument itself, but also showing the most important sense of rhythm for a'color' bass player. Pedro is even more valuable. The elegant and mellow jazz flavor of the bass instrument was also interpreted, allowing Hugo to easily depict in his mind the wonderful picture of the upper class people in the banquet hall in the 1930s in the banquet hall.

As the song gradually enters the climax, Pedro's performance has also become cumbersome. Various techniques have made it possible to evolve a variety of sounds with just a single bass, which is amazing.

Before I knew it, a small group of people gathered around to admire Pedro's ‘exquisite’ performance. In fact, this is one of the special "colors" of Al Bar. People often come forward to play, even band performances. It is not a professional performance, but it is just everyone’s hobby, or some people are here to compete, and they often win the bar. Many people's attention in it.

Seeing more and more people, Pedro couldn't help getting excited. The skills in his hands became more and more cumbersome. It seemed that the bottom of the pressure box was displayed. This made Hugo laugh. After Pedro was too excited, he began to grab the rhythm. Especially when there was no drum set, the rhythm was completely controlled by Pedro himself, so the whole rhythm became disordered. 'Chaos' up. It seems that Pedro is still too young.

"Why, this time I plan to learn bass?" A voice rang in his ears, and Hugo turned his head and saw that it was Neil Anderson. This made Hugo'showing joy', but he didn't expect to see it again today. To be able to see Neil again.

"No, I don't know how to bass." Hugo said with a smile, "It's just pure appreciation, appreciation." Hugo pointed to Pedro in front of him.

"Originally, he was competing with you." Neil immediately showed an expression of sudden realization, and he was also holding a glass of beer in his hand. "His basic skills are very good, but he still lacks acting experience." Last time Hugo After playing guitar with Neil, Hugo knew that Neil is not only a very skilled guitarist, but also has a lot of experience in live performances, which can be regarded as a veteran. But in the underground rock circle, there are countless capable people, which is not surprising.

"Technology can be practiced, experience can be accumulated, mainly depends on your own wishes." Hugo took a sip of beer and said with a smile. On the road of rock bands, there is actually no shortcut. It is to rely on the accumulation of performances one after another. Which of the world-famous rock bands is not honed in countless touring performances.

While they were speaking, there was applause from the surroundings. Hugo and Neil looked at Pedro who stood in the middle and bowed to thank. The two also raised their wine glasses to pay tribute to Pedro.

"Hey, Neil." Pedro walked over, greeted him beamingly, and then looked at Hugo confidently, "How?"

"'Fine' color." Hugo gave his thumbs up and commented briefly, which made Pedro smile triumphantly. "However, you seem to rarely practice with a band."

Pedro was stunned, looking puzzled, "How to explain?" Neil seemed to have noticed something too, and looked at Hugo with interest.

Hugo shrugged, "I don't mean anything else, I just don't think your mastery of melody is in place."

"That is, I did have a few notes that went wrong just now, and two chords went wrong." Although Pedro was very proud, he did not deny his mistake, and went to the bar with Hugo and Neil. Carefully care about it, "But why do you think I lack practice with the band?"

Hugo looked at Neal and chuckled, "It seems that I said the wrong thing." Neil stretched his hands and said that he couldn't help. "Actually, it's not just a problem of wrong melody performance. You know, any performance is possible. No one can be perfect if something goes wrong."

Although Pedro’s technique is indeed “sexy” and the sense of rhythm is also very sophisticated, Hugo can feel it sensitively. Pedro’s mastery of melody is still slightly green, which is more than just a few notes. The problem of mistakes, or the problem of incorrect chords, is more that Pedro is too jerky about the connection between rhythm and In short, if Pedro is allowed to play alone, he He will be a great bass player, those flaws are not a problem; but if you put him in a band, he can integrate into the drums, but lack of keyboard and guitar support, which will make the song There is a sense of disconnection in the performance, which may be perfected in the studio, but it is very easy to be exposed in a live performance. For the band, live performances cannot be more important.

"You mean, my rhythm and melody are out of touch?" Pedro didn't have the complacency just now, and he thought about it seriously.

Hugo nodded, "Especially the last paragraph." In the last part, after Pedro lost control of the rhythm, the melody seemed a little broken. Playing with bass alone doesn't feel special, but after playing with other instruments, there is a problem. It will be very obvious. Although Hugo is not familiar with the techniques of other instruments, his natural sense of music makes him have a pair of sensitive ears.

Neil's expression when he looked at Hugo was even more ‘brilliant’ again. Although he also noticed the abnormality, he was not as sharp as Hugo. But if you think about Hugo’s two previous creative talents, Neil is relieved. As a creator, it’s very important to have a sense of music. Obviously, Hugo’s talent in this area is very important. It is really'color'.

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