
Chapter 737: Chase after

Sandra stood behind Hugo, holding her breath involuntarily, like hide-and-seek, lest she would be discovered by the three paparazzi in front of her. Although she knew she had been exposed just now, the current atmosphere still made her involuntary. This feeling. 520 novel

Suddenly, Sandra felt Hugo squeeze her hand. She raised her head and looked at Hugo’s cheek, only to see the back of her head. Sandra was still thinking: Does Hugo have it? What plan? But what plan? They are now surrounded by three paparazzi!

At this moment, a word of "Michael" rang, and Sandra's head had not had time to react, and even the voice hadn't turned into a symbol into his mind. Hugo held her hand tightly, and then moved towards Jumping out, Sandra's reaction was actually a little slow, but at least she had received Hugo's signal just now, so her footsteps still barely followed. After the first step was taken, the second step followed immediately, and soon the two of them ran quickly.

Since Hugo and Sandra are premeditated, Daws, Anthony and others are calculated later, although the difference in reaction time is very small, at most only one or two seconds, but the start-up speed is already very clear. It's different, not to mention the difference in acceleration, so it seems that in the blink of an eye, Hugo and Sandra have appeared ten yards away, as if they were moving instantaneously, and Anthony and others were dumbfounded.

For this little bit of stunned time, the speed of the two people added up, and they ran farther and farther.

The reaction speed of the three paparazzi can be seen to be higher, and Dawes is the first to react, no matter the three seven twenty one, he directly catches up.

Anthony followed, he still paused, the relationship between the shout of "Michael" and Hugo's departure was running in his mind, and he reacted one step earlier than his head. He was about two yards behind Daws and chased him. Up.

The last paparazzi stood there still for a while. After Anthony had run out for about seven yards, he reacted and ran up.

This difference in reaction speed is actually the difference in the talent of the paparazzi, and in many cases there will be decisive differences, such as on occasions like today.

Hugo held Sandra's hand tightly and ran forward quickly. Sandra could clearly feel the heat coming from Hugo's palm. The rapid breathing of the two people appeared very clear in the dark, even The sound of heartbeat is especially obvious in the sound of messy footsteps.

There is no dialogue between the two people, although Sandra has a lot of questions, such as explaining why both of them have been photographed, why they have to escape; another example is that there is no problem with the fact that the two people are dating publicly, at least she doesn't mind, I guess The crew didn't mind either; and what did that "Michael" just mean... But at this time, I was running, and my brain was unable to think because of the lack of oxygen supply.

More importantly, the scorching heat in Hugo's palm occupied almost all of Sandra's mind. She didn't even know where she was running, but kept running madly behind Hugo.

The road leaving the mountain city is downhill, so the running speed can be said to be faster and faster, and the pace of the pace is getting faster and faster. The situation seems to be out of control at any time. At this time, you can see that Sandra is outstanding. Although she is a woman, she runs much slower than men, but her pace is very good, and she has enough endurance. This is how her agent sent her. "Life and Death Speed" is an important reason for the crew, so under the leadership of Hugo, Sandra has a steady pace.

Dawes, who followed him, tried to shorten the distance, but found it very difficult. His physical strength seemed to be no better than Sandra. This was really a bad situation. For paparazzi, most of the time they are driving and tracking, otherwise it is fixed-point squatting, so that although there are moments for rushing, it is not common. At this time, Dawes fell in love.

As a result, a wonderful scene appeared on the downhill road of the mountain city, with a man and a woman running wild in front, and three men in an irregular linear arrangement in the back chasing after him. It was like a plot of an action movie, which made people strong. It is suspected that this is the shooting location of a certain movie.

Hugo led Sandra to run all the way and came to an intersection. He didn't recognize the direction-or there was no way to recognize the direction, so he turned directly toward a fork in the road next to him.

Since this area is a residential area, there are many trails. However, the road planning here is relatively casual, unlike the Hollywood Boulevard in the front, which are neatly planned in a tick-tac-toe shape. The roads in this area are located halfway up the mountain, just like the one behind Sunset Plaza, staggered irregularly. distributed.

After Hugo and Sandra jumped into the trail, they couldn’t choose their way. They crossed left and right. They didn’t change the direction at all. As long as they saw the road’s mind, they just turned around. In less than a minute, Hugo would It seemed as if I had entered a maze, and I couldn't distinguish east from west to north at all.

Listening to the messy footsteps and panting behind him, Hugo saw a villa not far away with a recess in the door. He slammed the brakes, turned and hid in the recess in the door, and then forced a force with his right hand. Pulling, he pulled Sandra back directly.

Sandra did not expect this situation at all. Her steps were completely out of control, and her center of gravity was unable to maintain balance. So she just followed Hugo’s strength to get involved at will. This is also Sandra once again deeply felt Hugo’s. The powerful force contained in the seemingly weak body, and then she didn't have time to have any thoughts, and she slammed into Hugo's chest directly.

The man’s breath immediately surrounded Sandra, and the strong and powerful heartbeat in that sturdy chest came surging like a tide beating on the reef. Only then did Sandra realize that her hands were actually placed subconsciously. Under Hugo’s chest, the temperature of Hugo’s chest could be clearly felt in the palm of her palm, which made Sandra's cheek flushed instantly. This was the first time she felt the joy and palpitations of blushing and heartbeat again tonight. move.

Sandra raised her head and saw the gleaming sweat on Hugo's handsome face, but it was so charming under the sparse starlight, that soft lips were slightly squeezed, as if they were fascinating. Ted her to step forward and kiss.

The date tonight is actually very good, from the beginning of Hugo’s arrival at home to pick her up, to the choice of the restaurant, to the conversation, to the gentleman Hugo’s actions, and to the end of the dinner, including what happened when she was facing a paparazzi just now. Tension and excitement, everything is beautiful, it can even be said to be perfect.

All this makes Sandra feel very comfortable, but the problem is that it is comfortable and comfortable, but it is more of a kind of comfort between friends. Before in the "speed of life" shooting process, the feeling of jumping and blushing in the center was no longer Nor did it appear. This atmosphere is more like getting along with good friends, which is quite different from dating between men and women.

Sandra had never felt it before. She always felt that although the date was perfect, she seemed to be missing something, and she couldn't tell what was missing; at this moment, feeling the excitement of her heartbeat almost reaching her throat, Sandra I finally understood what was missing, that is, the anxiety, excitement, nervousness, anticipation, jerky, and shyness of dating. Everything is too comfortable tonight, and there is no feeling that would appear on the first date.

But at this time, the chaotic breath, powerful heartbeat, and chaotic rhythm made the sparks of the chemical reaction appear again!

Hugo secretly went out to read a 520 novel and then retracted again, holding Sandra in his chest, and whispered, "Quiet..."

Sandra could feel Hugo's breath blowing above her forehead. The numbness made her mouth dry, and she couldn't tell whether it was caused by the chemical reaction or because of the big run. Sequelae.

Then I heard a series of messy footsteps running past the alley, and vaguely heard a man's voice, "Where did they go?" Obviously, Hugo's series of detours made the paparazzi stunned. Now, all three tails seem to have lost their goals.

The sound of footsteps lingered nearby, but after all, it didn't stop and gradually disappeared into the distance.

Hugo and Sandra breathed a long sigh of relief. Hugo looked down at Sandra who was lying on his chest, and whispered in a low voice, "I finally got rid of them and was followed by them. This is not a pleasant thing."

This is how the paparazzi is very precise. Even if they take pictures of Hugo and Sandra, they will not give up easily. They must follow the two people to continue, whether they are going home or going on a date. If two people go directly into the motel, that’s why It's even better for paparazzi. Therefore, whenever you encounter paparazzi, you must get rid of them and not let them follow all the way.

Today, Hugo's strategy is obviously very successful, and it is different. The simplest attack will achieve the goal.

Sandra leaned against Hugo's chest and laughed lowly, "They must be thankful that I am wearing high heels today, otherwise they will have no chance."

Hugo realized that Sandra was running all the way in high heels. This is really amazing. Hugo lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled, "No wonder people say that Hollywood actresses are amazing. Today I think I have experienced it. Arrived."

Sandra was ridiculed by Hugo, and she couldn't help showing a white tooth, gritting her teeth to express her anger, and the result was that Hugo almost laughed out loud-at this time the paparazzi hadn't gone far and could not relax her guard.

The turbulent breath of the two people because of their suffocation was intertwined randomly in the air, and the eyes of the two people touched together. Only then did they notice how close and warm each other's postures were. Ambiguous, the smiles at the corners of the mouth slowly converged, and the two people unconsciously began to get closer to each other, getting closer, and getting closer. The hot breath made the two people’s fast heartbeat lose the rhythm and thumped. Countless sparks collided with the sound of the impact in my mind.

Finally, the soft lips found each other and kissed each other. The sweet taste made people close their eyes involuntarily, wanting to savor it carefully. (The text to be continued is provided by (Dian Dian Han Paper).)


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