
Chapter 756: heaven and hell

Many years later, when people mention the 66th Oscars, there are only a few things they can remember. One is the successful summit of Tom Hanks and Hugo Lancaster, and the other is Jane Campi. En's "Farewell Piano" sword made history, and another is "Schindler's List" sweeping the army.

In fact, many people don't remember the confrontation between "Schindler's List" and "Farewell to Love God", even for the famous director James Ivory. People remember that "Howard Manor" that astounded everyone, but few people remembered the excellent reputation of "Farewell to You Tian". "Farewell to the sentimental heaven" the loser was thus obliterated in the long river of time.

The more embarrassing fact is that after the filming of "Farewell to the Sentimental Heaven", James seemed to exhaust all the talents in his body. After fifteen years of training since 1979, So it went down. Although after 1994, James still shot "Jefferson in Paris (.in., "Golden Bowl (the... and other good works, but the reputation is declining, and the talent that has amazed countless people. Was spent in time.

Later, some insiders carefully studied it, and James’s decline seemed to start with "Farewell to the sentimental heaven." People can't help but guess whether an unknown secret happened within the crew during the filming of this movie. Mochente-Avery, once known as the Iron Triangle, disappeared in the long history.

Occasionally, someone will find the name of Tracy Jacobs in the producer column, thinking about the direct and indirect connection between Tracy's career trajectory and James, and then sigh thoughtfully.

Tracy made a desperate gamble and lost, so it was completely defeated. "Farewell You Tian" faced the powerful "Schindler's List", there was no power to fight back at all, and even the strength to linger, Tracy even wondered if it was from the beginning, "Farewell You Tian "There is no chance, all so-called opportunities are just illusions.

It's just that, who knows this illusion, whether the media deceived her, or her own hatred blinded her eyes, is not known.

Such a result, in fact, Tracy should have expected it long ago, because she desperately put all the bets on the table, and if she wins, she wins; if she loses, she loses.

Tracey’s subconsciousness knows better than anyone else. In fact, Hollywood never needs to make a desperate move. “Keep the green hills without worrying about firewood” is the truth. As long as they retain their strength, anyone has the capital to make a comeback. This is also the reason why Martin Baum kept persuading her not to be impulsive.

But Tracey was unwilling to take it slowly. The hatred not only blinded her eyes, but also made her lose her sanity, and made her mad, so she broke the rules of the industry, so she must bear the consequences.

"Farewell to Love Day" lost, not just a movie showdown, but also an Oscar victory. Tracy has bet too much on this work, and she has no capital to start again. , All her strength has been sinking to the bottom of the sea with the failure of "Farewell to the Emotional Heaven", and finally vanished into ashes.

At this time, all thoughts became clear, and they were extremely clear in Tracy's mind.

But Tracey does not regret it, she does not regret it at all, because Tracey knows that in the Hollywood circle it is always the work that determines the victory or defeat. In the end, it must be implemented in the work-or the benefits that the work brings. If the work wins, even the unknown dragon set can become popular all over the world overnight; if the work fails, even the top superstars or even large production companies will fall into the dust.

The victory of "Schindler's List" is a fact that Tracy has no way to change, because the opponent is too strong, fame and fortune. So, instead of shackled and unable to fight and fight as hard as possible, and finally meet the temporary failure and get the chance to get a bad salary, this is not what she wants, because she will regret it; it is better to put all the bets and make a crazy bet, and finally either It is her choice to win a big victory or fail completely.

Therefore, Tracy does not regret it, her only regret is that she has not been able to become the winner of this gamble.

Tracy left her seat and walked backstage. At this time, the entire Oscar has completely ended. Everyone is busy. The winner is busy accepting congratulations and enjoying tonight; the loser is busy turning and leaving, savoring the pain of failure alone. ; Soy saucers are busy expanding contacts, or preparing for the carnival that is about to kick off... No one noticed Tracy, even the "Farewell You Qingtian" crew did not notice Tracy. .

Tracy walked to the backstage like a ray of ghost, shuttled among the crowd, no one noticed her, no one greeted her, no one stopped, Tracy easily came to the backstage, far away, she just Saw Hugo.

At this time, Hugo had just signed and confirmed, and received his own little golden figure who had completed the engraving. Standing aside, he was interviewed by the reporter. Leonardo, Joseph, Samora and others were standing not far away, saying Smilingly waiting for Hugo to accept the interview, but today I have to wait, because at this time at least six media are waiting for the first time to interview Hugo's feelings, and everyone is waiting in line for their order.

Tracey was standing about seven yards away, and there was a crowd of people between the two people. There was so noisy, crowded, and lively, bright lights fell down, lighting up a circle of halo around, that The joyful laughter, cheerful squabbling, noisy discussions, and brisk expressions fainted in the light, making the air relaxed, just like heaven.

Here, Tracy, as if there is a low air pressure, forms a small area. In fact, the most important thing is that Tracy is standing in place, and people passing by will subconsciously avoid her and follow their own established path. , So this formed a small space. But this made Tracy's surroundings seem more and more deserted, a shadow enveloped her, and all the noise seemed to be isolated. Here is an independent world, quiet, dead, gloomy, gloomy...There is a negative negative Emotions spread slowly in the air, like a virus, spreading their teeth and claws in the oxygen factor, like hell.

A thought of heaven, a thought of hell, just a few steps apart, but created a gap between the sky and the other, close at hand but still far away, this distance seems to be impossible to cross.

Looking at Hugo with a smile on her face, Tracy suddenly realized that she seemed to have not looked at Hugo seriously for a long, long time, but the gap of two years has drawn a gap between the two people, waiting for her When it was discovered, it was insurmountable.

Hugo seems to be more calm than two years ago, and it seems to be more sunny. The gentleness of the smile ripples slowly in the halo, as if a lotus flower has fallen in the lake of her heart, blooming proudly, A lot of experience has also been added to the handsome eyebrows, the traces that have settled down over the years are quietly blended into his temperament, and there is an indescribable taste in his gestures.

Suddenly, Tracy only felt a throbbing pain in her heart. The pain at this moment almost made her too late to react, and even her expression did not change. It spread all over the body in an instant, penetrated into the bone marrow, and imprinted on the soul. It stayed deeply in her mind, indelible. But just the pain of this moment made Tracy clearly realize: It turns out that she still loves Hugo deeply, it turns out that she really loves Hugo deeply.

How much she hates Hugo, how deeply she loves Hugo; how cruel and fierce her revenge is, how crazy and hot her love is; how firm her mind is, how deep her love is.

This thought was enough to burn her to death in an instant.

When the pain reached its extreme, Tracy laughed instead. Does she regret it? No, she still does not regret it, because all this is her choice, she will not regret it, if she regrets it, it means she denies herself. Therefore, even if the heart hurts no more, she will not regret it.

Tracy bit her tongue tightly, and the **** smell spread slowly in her mouth. How sorry she is, regretting that she is not a winner, otherwise, she can look at Hugo a little bit at this time. A little fragmented picture, maybe she will be more painful than Hugo, but she can be painful and happy. It is a pity that she is a loser, she is watching Hugo, but Hugo can't notice her, how ridiculous.

But at this moment, Hugo seemed to perceive Tracey's eyes and suddenly raised his head. Then the two people's eyes looked like fate, and they looked at each other across the crowd, and they collided with infinite sparks.

Tracey’s eyes were so mixed, crazy and cruel, cold and cruel, but a little light shone in the endless darkness. Although separated from the crowd, although separated by seven yards, Hugo can Recognize the truth of that little light: it is a deep love, it is a deep reluctance.

It is said that the hateful person must have a pitiful place, and it should be said at this moment. Hugo knows that Tracy loves Lancaster so deeply, but the two of them have quarreled endlessly. Such a fragile and weak Tracy looks so so pitiful. But Hugo knows that pity is behind and hate is first. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

Is there any right or wrong in love? Maybe there is, maybe not, but what is certain is that every love will have an ending. The love between Tracy and Lancaster came to an end today, just two Individuals will come to this point, perhaps no one expected it.

Hugo took a deep look at Tracy, he knew that he had nothing to do with her, from this moment on. As a result, Hugo pursed his lips slightly, then withdrew his gaze and continued to invest in the interview, without paying attention to Tracey's movements and signs. But Tracey still stood on the spot, watching Hugo hatefully, affectionately, cruelly, violently, and reluctantly, just standing quietly like this.

Tracey stared at Hugo, but Hugo didn't notice Tracey. One thought of heaven, one thought of hell, this is probably their ending.

On March 21, 1994, at 11:32 pm, the five-year story of entanglement and struggle between Hugo and Tracy came to an end. (To be continued [provided]. If you like this work, you are welcome to read it and vote for a monthly pass for the work. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create!)


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