
Chapter 793: Shining moment

There is a voice that can awaken sleeping memories through difficulties and obstacles; there is a melody that can crush all the protective shells to fit the soul; there is a lyrics that can hit the softest part of the heart like a meteor. This is the power of music, and this is why music can be a bridge for everyone.

At this moment, the singing on the stage with a touch of sadness but shining with subtle light is this kind of music.

Involuntarily, people raised their hands, waved their hands in accordance with the rhythm of the melody, and then vented the turbulent emotions that could not be described in words with their feet, bodies, and voices. The entire playground of Venice High School was like a sea of ​​people, and the undulating waves spread endlessly in the line of sight.

"Take me to the place you are longing for, a place that no one knows and is waiting for us to explore. Please don't waste your youth in rock bands, they will only make you sink."

There is only one youth, and only one time. This is the most beautiful and wonderful period of life. No matter how long the life is, this is the most brilliant period. However, no one knows this truth. Only after the youth has disappeared in the wind can they stand in stunned position, look back blankly at the lush green years, and then be at a loss, wanting to go back to the past but can't do anything. , Wanting to take a step towards the future but at a loss, can only stand stupidly on the spot, remembering the past, holding the ray of "unwilling" and reluctant to start again.

However, people often overlook that youth is precious because it is wanton, unassuming, and unruly. What it carries is the fearlessness and courage in the heart, breaking the shackles of life, and doing it freely. I, hold on to myself, the light of youth gleams in the lines of my palm.

Many people don't even understand what youth means.

Perhaps it was for the dream of rock and roll, desperately, left school, abandoned the family, forgot the future, and devoted himself to the band; perhaps it was to spend time, drinking, partying, racing, and having fun, leaving the stress and troubles of life at home In the mailbox at the door, arm yourself with the truest emotions in your heart, without pretentiousness; perhaps to release your body and mind, sitting in a daze on the balcony of the attic in the sunny afternoon, a cup of tea and just watching the time slip away. .

This is youth, who will not succumb to society, will not be fettered by morality, will not be afraid of the future, but will be shining wantonly, using their soul to shine.

This is also the reason why youth is unique: this is a time that can never be replaced. When we learn to grow up, when we learn to worry, when we learn to fear, when we learn responsibility, when we learn to bear, youth is gone forever Up.

"So, I will start a revolution from the bed. My life, because you said that my thoughts have dazzled my mind. Outside the house is blooming in the middle of summer. When you stand by the stove, the flames reflect your face. , The hope in your heart is burning like that flame."

Therefore, the meaning of youth is not in age, but in mentality. When the mentality has changed and the growth has come unstoppable, then leave your youth in the time when you are crazy for rock and roll, disputes for friends, and debauchery for happiness, and all your nostalgia, reluctance, and unwillingness Reflected in the photo album, sorting out my own shape, embracing my life after I grew up, and remembering the years of ignorance and squandering time.

Hugo’s mellow and warm voice is like the brightest ray of sunlight in his youth, penetrating the shackles of time, penetrating the obstacles of space, and projecting directly from the most brilliant distant memory on the present atrium, in an instant Suddenly, the turbulent emotions overwhelmed me. Before I realized it, tears welled up in my eyes, and the choking in my throat was telling the mixed feelings in my heart.

The melody gradually reached its peak, and the drum beat accompanies the passionate guitar strings to spill in the heart, "So Sally can wait", everyone in the audience sang loudly in unison, the uniform singing voice followed Hugo's voice , Like a response from all over the world, from the depths of memory, quietly echoing in the sky above the playground and above the soul.

"She knows that even if you wake up too late, even if you have been abandoned by everyone, her youth is gradually withering, but I remember you said, don't be annoyed by the past. At least not today."

Every sentence of the lyrics is so sharp, and it pierced the chest accurately, and only when you try your best to shout out, can you vent the intricate thoughts in your heart. The five thousand audience members sang hoarse, every word comes from the depths of their hearts, full of tearful weight and intricacies, shining brightly in the gorgeous sunshine in the afternoon.

The continuous chorus of the whole audience made the stage tremble slightly. Neil could clearly feel that the enthusiasm in the body was continuously transmitted from the fingertips to the strings, and the surging passion was melted into the melody. The feeling that the whole soul was singing happily was unprecedented.

Not only Neal, but Fogin’s drums, Alfonso’s keyboard, and Pedro’s bass are all like this. The excitement and joy that rises from the depths of the soul is perfectly combined with the melody. This is what The true essence of live performance is also the peak performance of music.

Hugo closed his eyes involuntarily, because he was eager to hear this voice swarming from all directions, this is the voice from memory, this is the voice from the bottom of my heart, this is the voice from the soul, igniting every word in the lyrics with enthusiasm A ray of emotion has a subtle resonance with Hugo's heart. Hugo's mind immediately showed the situation when he was composing the song. The excitement of rebuilding the courage after being lost, continued to stir in his chest.

The closed eye sockets couldn't help but feel a little warm.

This is the power of live performance! Although audiences will not compare the Glory to Death and Nirvana bands, and the two very different bands are not comparable, there is no doubt that the live performances of the two bands are undoubtedly absolutely top-notch. . The power that shocks the soul is hidden in the melody and awakens the most real emotions in the mind.

Kurt just stood there, even if Dave pulled his arm to signal that he was going to get in the car, he didn't move, just stood there and listened quietly. Involuntarily, Kurt also closed his eyes. This is not only a song, but also a whisper from the soul, which can only be understood by listening with the soul.

"So Sally can wait. She knows that even if you wake up too late, even if you have been abandoned by everyone, her youth is gradually withering, but I remember you said, don't be upset about the past. At least not today."

Kurt only felt warm in his eyes, opened his eyes slightly, and the sunlight entering his line of sight became blurred. In the hazy halo, he seemed to see himself laughing in the studio. What is that? When? It's been a long time since he laughed so freely. It seems that it was something before the release of "Don't Mind". Although it was only three years ago, it was as remote as a lifetime event.

The feeling that the heart trembles slightly because of the music is really long-lost. It is like two strangers who have never met, but find a spiritual fit because of the common music. The melodies that really move people are actually similar. It is not the way or means of composing music, but the implication. The real emotion in the melody.

Kurt opened his mouth suddenly and asked, "Who are they?"

Dave, who stood behind Kurt, was stunned. He didn't forget the conflict between Kurt and Glory to the death before. He thought that Kurt was going to pick something up again, so he couldn't help but hesitate. But Kurt just stood there quietly, motionless, Dave hesitated for a moment, and said, "To death, the lead singer is Hugo Lancaster."

Kurt didn't speak, he looked at the world through the hazy halo, everything seemed to have a golden halo, beautiful and indescribable, the corners of his mouth that was tightly pressed involuntarily quietly A small arc was drawn, but it quickly disappeared, and he whispered, "Glory to death (death. or.), glory? Or? Death? Glory, or death?"

In a trance, the souls of the Nirvana band and the souls of glory to death, under the afternoon sun, separated by the time of a charity performance, separated by the space of a playground, overlapped together, the kind that came from the depths of the soul. Calling, making a clank, reverberating, reverberating, reverberating in my mind...

The voice from a distance was like velvet, awakening Kurt again, "But I remember you said, don't be upset about the past. At least not today." The long-lasting voice gradually disappeared into the melody, and then The noise surged in an instant.


The uniform shouts were The whole Venice High School was shaken, and the trance Nirvana band opened again when the opening scene was repeated. The shouts of those lines, "d.o.g" It's so hoarse, as if all the turbulence in my heart must be vented. It's just a slogan, but it makes people have an urge to cry.

The slogan was like a ray of light projected over. Kurt couldn't help but want to know the singer of this song. He wanted to talk to this person, but... after hesitating, he didn't want it, and he couldn't. So, Kurt stood there, let out a long sigh, then regained his senses, and gave Dave a look to signal that they could leave. Dave glanced at Kurt. He originally thought Kurt would move, but there was nothing. He looked back at the direction of the playground, and finally only shook his head.

Kurt is so proud, he doesn't want to bow his head; Kurt is so lonely, he is afraid of strangers; Kurt is so reserved, he refuses to take the initiative. So, Kurt turned around and got in the car. The door of the car was closed by Ques, who followed closely, and a wall was erected between Kurt and Hugo's world, and then the light that occasionally flashed in Kurt's world disappeared again and fell into the darkness again. supply. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Kazakhstan to read it, and vote for recommendations and monthly tickets for the work. Your support is the biggest motivation for me to continue to create! )


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