Supreme Naruto

Chapter 131 Minions can't do it!

"elder brother……"

Brother, there are affectionate names among relatives, and there are names that turn against each other or ridicule or despise.

There are also polite names between two people who are not very familiar.

Today, Naruto heard a brand new name.

It seems that I have had a bad stomach for a week, and it is called constipation...

But no matter how unpleasant the elder brother's cry was and how many emotions he was under, Naruto was very happy to hear it.

Pretending to be an adult, with his hands behind his back, he nodded gratified: "Xiao Ningzi, let's go to the game, your brother Naruto is optimistic about you."

God Tm's Naruto brother! Naruto wool brother!

Neji's face turned even redder, and the veins on his face jumped.

Resisting the urge to fight Naruto, he walked around Naruto to the arena.

At the same time, Gaara and Naruto just passed by not long ago, Gaara was walking up the stairs and going back, and this Naruto brother could hear it very clearly.

"Bang!" The cork of the sand gourd squirted out.

He wanted to try again to see if he could kill Naruto, but surprisingly, the Shouhe in his body did not take the opportunity to lobby for his anger today to come out to help him kill or something, but to dissuade him with a sigh: " Forget it, don't mess with that kid, there is that guy with nine tails, and that guy is really annoyed, you really have to explain it here this time."

This is the first time I have seen Morizuru Gaara in such a style.

The voice full of unwillingness and unhinderedness seemed to be an old man who had lost a candle in the wind and the wind. He was calm and full of kindness.

Gaara was silent for a long time, and her heart became more and more complicated.

He knew that Shouhe was just afraid that his death would affect him...

However, the words of dissuasion unexpectedly did not make him resentful.

He replied, "Then today, for your sake, I won't do anything..."

Gaara also somewhat understands Morizuru's mood when he sees Kyuubi.

I can't beat it... I'm tired...

The cork floated back and re-plugged the sand gourd.

Gaara raised her nose and sniffed. Today, the bloody smell of the sand gourd after opening was a little weak... was washed once by the rain... Surprisingly, he found that the bloody smell of the sand was a little less.

But as a murder weapon, is there any other value after defeat?

Thinking of this, my love is a little lost and lonely...

"I love Luo..."

A familiar voice sounded.

Gaara raised his head and looked over. It was Temari who was preparing to participate in the competition, and he was also his sister.

He didn't answer, and turned his eyes to the stone steps again, and continued to walk up, the two passed by.

Temari stopped and looked at Gaara's young back. This was the first time she had seen Gaara defeated, and it was the first time she had seen such a Gaara.

At this time, Gaara felt a little different to her, like... a helpless child...

But before she could take a closer look at the different mood from before, Naruto's mean smile came over.

"I'm sorry, Hyuga Neji was offended by me, so this game..."

"Actually, let me tell you, it's better to surrender as soon as possible."

Naruto is telling the truth, but it sounds humiliating to Temari.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Naruto and said, "I will win this game, I..."

Before the cruel words could be said in the second half of the sentence, Naruto had passed her by and waved his hands: "Then go ahead, I don't think you are optimistic."

Not optimistic about me? With you optimistic about me?

big fire...

Temari's hand subconsciously pressed on the iron fan on her back, and she now has the urge to blow the defiant guy away.

"Contestants Temari please enter as soon as possible!"

With the referee's shouts, Temari turned his head coldly and walked towards the arena.

In the stands, Naruto walked all the way. When passing by the auditorium, there was no applause for the triumphant hero, only a neat white eye.

"What a lucky boy, just in time for the rain."

"Oh... luck is also a kind of strength..."

"But thank God, if it weren't for the rain, I don't know when this boring game will be played."

"Look at the complacent look of that guy, he obviously won through shit luck, can't he keep a low profile?"

"Hey... shit luck can't be envied. You have the ability to go down and fight?"

"Am I buying salted fish and letting me play games? Is there something wrong with your head or is there something wrong with my head?"

The messy voices rang in my ears, and Naruto didn't like Bamen Dunjia at this time...

Because hearing is strengthened, those sounds that were originally inaudible have become extraordinarily clear.


Forget it, what does that sentence say, the more outstanding a person is, the easier it is to attract jealousy around him.

They are all just jealous of themselves...

In this way, those unpleasant words were all turned into applause under Naruto's special filter and accepted.

Walking to the top floor of the stand, Hinata ran over, poking her fingertips on her chest, full of admiration: "Naruto-kun, Sasuke-kun said that you brought the rain, is it true?"

Weed! Have you finally met Bole?

Naruto was suddenly a little excited.

The depressed mood was immediately relieved.

Compared with those who are irrelevant, Hinata's praise is the most precious.

For a time, the waist straightened a lot.

He nodded reservedly and said, "Ah, that rain was summoned by me with some small hands."

Hinata's eyes of admiration are even better, "Naruto-kun, you can really summon rain, so can you summon snow? I like to see snow."

Naruto's eyes turned into Doudou eyes, blinked a few times, and looked up at the sky with uncertainty.

It's the looks like summer...

Still far from winter...

Snow in summer?

Hinata, why didn't you say let me pick a star for you to play with?

Then honestly replied: "If it's winter... I can try."

In other words, I can't do it in summer at all...

However, Hinata was not disappointed at all, her eyes brightened instead, and she said in surprise, "Then in winter, wouldn't I be able to see snow when I want to see it?"

Naruto's Doudou blinked, nodded and said, "Ah, theoretically it looks like this... But when do you usually want to see snow, Hinata..."

Asking this sentence, the original plan was to secretly write it down in a small notebook, and then wait until winter to surprise Hinata.

But Hinata's subsequent words made him despair.

"When... I want to see it when I'm happy, because snowflakes are so beautiful, you know? Every snowflake is different."

Naruto heard this and understood why Hinata likes to watch the snow, because the white eyes have the ability to microscopically.


Hinata poked her fingers at each other on her chest and continued, "I also want to see snow when I'm sad...because snowflakes are so beautiful, they can make me forget the unhappy things quickly..."

I want to watch when I'm happy...

I want to watch when I'm not happy...

Hinata, do human beings have other emotions besides being happy and unhappy?

These two emotions encompass all emotions, right?

That means you want to see snow every day all winter, right?

Naruto felt like he was going to kneel...

A slave can't do it!


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