Back in the box laboratory, Jiang Yang first opened the incubator to release the flame ants inside, and arranged it in a hidden place in the valley to form a hidden line of defense.

Then continue back to the test bench to conduct your own research.

The runes drawn by Jiang Yang alone are no different from the ones on the Feixue bullets, except that they lack the relevant energy as fillers.

Carefully smear the sub-dragon blood on these runes, and then wipe off the excess, which looks very similar to the ones on the bullets.

But I don't know if the relationship was not triggered and the rune drawn by Jiang Yang didn't respond.


After the bullet is fired, it will hit the object, that is to say, it will cause the bullet to deform and cause the rune on it to change?

Jiang Yang put on protective glasses and a mask to try, and directly used a knife to smash the metal plate engraved with runes.


But there is still no change, but the drawn runes are messed up.


Jiang Yang touched his chin. If it wasn't a collision, what should it be?

Since the triggering of the bullet should be related to the firing process of the bullet, a flash of light flashed in Jiang Yang's mind.

So started trying again.

This time he took out an ordinary bullet and tried it, carved two kinds of runes, then soaked it in the blood of the sub-dragon, and then wiped off the excess blood to complete it.

The whole bullet looks like there are some thin red lines on the surface of the brass, which is very delicate, and there is no other feeling.

Jiang Yang put the bullet on the table and let it sit for a while, waiting for the water in the blood to dry up.

Then I took out the pistol and loaded the bullets, wanting to simulate the process of shooting.

"The bullet is pushed out of the clip, into the barrel, struck by the firing pin, the flame inside the bullet is ignited, and the bullet is fired"

Jiang Yang carefully simulated the whole process, and finally found that the moment when the two runes can be triggered at the same time is only the moment when the gunpowder inside the bullet is activated.

"That means it needs to be heated?"

Jiang Yang muttered to himself,

But in the end there was no shooting.

The main reason is that he needs to pay attention to concealment here at this time, and he would be stupid if he fired a shot so stupidly.

Taking out the bullet, Jiang Yang took off the bullet and poured out the gunpowder in the bullet.

Then reinstall the empty case bullet and put it on the alcohol lamp for heating.

As the temperature rose, the runes on the surface of the bullet suddenly burst out, especially the light on the runes on the bullet head was so dazzling that it made people feel dazzling.

However, the runes on the bullet case inexplicably produced a driving force, and the bullet still flew out.


There was no bursting sound, only the warhead flew out instantly, and hit the metal plate of the box laboratory silently.

"Hey Hey"

Jiang Yang's eyes lit up, and he picked up the bullet again, as if he understood something, and seemed to have infinite inspiration.

"Dragon blood, rune, needs high temperature to activate"

Jiang Yang seems to have seen a path that is completely different from the modern energy system, but this path is really incomplete.

At least for Jiang Yang, this is true, but I don't know how Feixue obtained this technology.

Then Jiang Yang began to re-engrave all the runes on the three bullets, a total of four runes.

It has different functions, representing the holy flame of brilliance, the paralysis of electric stimulation, the ice of low temperature, and the ring rune as auxiliary driving force.

All four runes need to consume energy substances in the blood to function, but Jiang Yang still doesn't know what substances are.

Fortunately, he had enough experimental instruments in his hand, put the remaining sub-dragon blood in the syringe into a test tube, added some anticoagulant, and put it into a centrifuge for separation.


As the machine starts up, it will once again focus on the runes in front of it.

If his guess is correct, these runes are the key to making special props, like the pet bracelet he wears on his hand, or [creator gloves] These props have extremely unique patterns on them.

Before, Jiang Yang couldn't figure out what function these lines had. Although they seemed to be just decorations, now it seems that there is indeed a mystery inside.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yang simply took out both pieces of equipment, and copied the special patterns on them again.

However, compared to the runes engraved on the bullets, the runes on these two props are much more complicated.

Now that Jiang Yang looked at it carefully, he felt dizzy for a while. This is an amazing technique. These lines are actually precisely formed by connecting basic runes.

In particular, the runes on the Creator Gloves are even more complicated. The entire rune structure is not a plane, but three-dimensional, which means that it is basically impossible to copy it like before!

"Amazing! Amazing!"

But this is not a problem for Jiang Yang, the big deal is to make a glove-style metal part, and then describe it as it was.

But the more I imitated him, the more I realized that I was wrong.

Because the runes on the creation glove belong to a superimposed structure, composed of extremely fine and small runes that can be seen with the naked eye, and finally these small runes form the rune network of the entire glove.

"It's outrageous, it's really outrageous!"

After realizing this, Jiang Yang had nothing to say except feeling confused. It was basically impossible for him to complete such a precise operation now.

After shaking his head and giving up, Jiang Yang turned his attention to the pet bracelet again.

The rune system on the pet bracelet looks simpler.

But it's just a few. Although the entire big rune network is also composed of small runes, because the pet bracelet is an entity, it means that these runes are not fully displayed.

If Jiang Yang wants to view the complete rune structure, he must destroy the complete structure of the rune, so the pet bracelet is very likely to be broken.

Now pet bracelets are still useful, Jiang Yang will not be stupid.

It's just that he can only study the four most basic runes, which is really frustrating.

Suddenly the centrifuge stopped working, and Jiang Yang immediately walked over to take out the test tubes.

At this time, Yalong's blood has been divided into several layers, such as familiar red blood cells, serum, blood protein, etc., but in addition to these conventional things, Jiang Yang also found a thin milky white layer.

Then Jiang Yang took out the straw and began to separate the different layers of blood, and then tested them separately.

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