It is true that the country is large in size and has many resources at its disposal.

But, the killing game is not something that a country can control at will.

Therefore, Professor Ma couldn't answer Jiang Yang's question for a while, and any materials from the game are currently in short supply.

It can even be said that the use of these materials has been arranged by the country in multiple plans, and how many more materials can be divided into the rune industry plan proposed by Jiang Yang?

It's just that this can't be said directly, otherwise, wouldn't it be completely useless to talk about it?

"Well, these problems need to be discussed and resolved in the bureau."

Professor Ma can only give an uncertain answer. This is his real idea.

"Hey, don't talk about these nonsense. As far as I know, the country has the materials to make some rune bombs and get some cold weapons for the students. It's not bad."

"As for materials such as magic pattern metal, it's not that I look down on the country's ability, but so far I haven't found any world that can produce it"

"Of course, it is also possible that I am ignorant and have never seen it, but this is enough to explain the scarcity of this material."

Jiang Yang mercilessly pointed out the problem in his words. After all, raw materials can't solve the problem of industrialization.


Professor Ma was embarrassed by what Jiang Yang said, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

"Another issue is confidentiality"

"If you want to promote this technology, keeping it secret will become a problem. I don't know if other countries have solved the secret of rune props, but as long as it is promoted, various forces will definitely know this secret."

“I really don’t want to do such a loss-making thing.”

"After all, even if you sell it, you should get a good price, right?"

Jiang Yang didn't get entangled in raw materials either. He only needed to know one state of the country, and he already had a basic plan for other things.

"We can completely produce this according to the existing closed research institute model, as long as there is no traitor technology, it will not be leaked out"

Professor Ma is quite experienced in this question, and answered Jiang Yang's question directly.

"Well, you also said,

It won’t leak out without an insider”

"But, do you feel that there are really no traitors in the institute?"

"I can even conclude that within two months of your latest research results, similar things will appear in various parts of the world"

"In today's era, I don't think there is any difficulty in the player's ability to be pervasive"

Jiang Yang once again complained mercilessly, if everyone's heart is for the motherland, if every force abides by the rules, the world will really see a ghost.

"Jiang Yang, you can't say that. There are dedicated senior players guarding the researchers. You can rest assured about the security issues over there."

Chang Zizai next to him didn't sound like a good taste. Why did the preparations made by the country become nothing worth mentioning in Jiang Yang's mouth.

"Well, even if there is no problem with this question"

"Then next, the question of interests"

"Which of you can guarantee that the benefits can be distributed reasonably after the emergence of a new technology. I think even a high-level player like you, the team leader, will have interest demands and the props you want?"

"When the time comes, should it serve you senior players? Or should it serve all the citizens?"

"Or to serve a certain leader?"

Jiang Yang's tone became more and more indifferent. Technology is really not a big contribution to him. After all, even if he handed it over, his thoughts and knowledge are still in his mind.

However, what he absolutely cannot tolerate is that some people rely on his technology to obtain unimaginable benefits, causing the world to slide into a deeper abyss.

"You~ you child, really!"

Professor Ma seemed to understand the meaning of Jiang Yang's words, a little angry and a little helpless.

Although the situation in China is much better than that in foreign countries, who can stand the test of people's hearts and human nature?

"Then what do you want to do?"

Chang Zizai frowned and asked Jiang Yang, didn't Jiang Yang say so much now that he made it clear that he didn't believe them?

"Yeah, what do I want to do"

Jiang Yang looked through the mask, looking out at the still brightly sunny world.

Although he did have a certain evil taste when he said those things to the old mage, he also really hoped that an originally beautiful world could continue.

Instead of being overrun by the abyss in the end, turning into a world of death and darkness.

"I will give you the content related to rune technology"

"But I will complete this reform in my own way. Even if I am alone, I will unswervingly push the world to move forward. Even if it is about to fall into the abyss, I will pull it out!"

Jiang Yang's tone became more solemn than ever. Since others are not worthy of trust, then just rely on yourself.

"You, how can you think so? The country has done a lot for this world! This is not a problem that can be solved by just one or two people."

Seeing Jiang Yang's decisiveness, Professor Ma felt uncomfortable for a while, but he couldn't help persuading him.

"It's okay, my plan will not have any impact on the country's plan, and I will not touch anyone's interests"

"So, I also hope that you can promise me some conditions. If you can promise me these conditions, I can give you effective solutions for technology and even material problems."

Of course Jiang Yang knew how little personal power was, but he also knew that the situation would get worse if he lost his initiative.

"What do you think"

Chang Zizai asked in a deep voice, he could see that Jiang Yang's trust in them was still limited.

"The first thing is to protect my relatives and friends. It's not a personal protection, but once there are evil forces trying to get their ideas, you must do your best."

Jiang Yang was also polite and directly stated the terms he had thought up a long time ago.

"No problem, that's what we're supposed to do"

"Second, open up the authority of the mall to me. In the future, I will release some tasks and sell items to players directly through the mall. Don't worry, it is definitely not something that endangers the country and the people."

"This has to be discussed with the superiors."

"Article 3, I will leave the Special Bureau after this transaction is over, and I will act on my own in the future. I don't want anyone to follow and monitor me, and I don't want to affect other people because of me."

After Jiang Yang said this, Chang Zizai's face became a little ugly. In this way, Jiang Yang was not familiar with the jurisdiction of the Special Police Bureau, and many things could not form common interests.

"Could it be that someone will target you in the special agency?"

"No, the mission is good, so I don't want to turn this place into a vortex"

Jiang Yang glanced at him and replied like this.

"Crack! The vortex of fart, are you thinking too much?"

Hearing what he said, Chang Zizai couldn't help but patted the table. Who does this kid look down on?

He can't keep a young man in the bureau, can't the country keep it?

"Then think I'm thinking too much, anyway, this is also a condition"

Jiang Yang was not interested in his reaction, he would talk to anyone, but not necessarily when he was doing things.

Of course, in fact, Jiang Yang's next plan is also doomed to him not being able to stay in the special agency to dawdle.

"Okay, old Chang, wait for him to finish first"

Professor Ma next to him stopped what Chang Zizai was about to say.

"Fourth, if I accidentally fail in the game, I hope you will spread rune technology all over the world after it is developed, in the name of my engineer"

"Hehe, young man, don't you want other forces to obtain this technology?"

Professor Ma laughed a little weirdly, he felt more and more that this young man was interesting.

"That was at the very beginning. Everything is fragile in the initial stage of germination, so it cannot withstand any major changes, but once it grows up, the road of inertia will eventually be on the right track."

Jiang Yang is not that kind of dead-headed, why not change if he can exchange technology for more benefits?

"That's right, young people are so proud!"

"The fifth and the last one, if I take this technology out, should you express it?"

Jiang Yang stretched out his hand and gestured for counting money, which everyone understood.


This stunned the two of them who were listening to his words seriously. After all, just now Jiang Yang was tall, with the attitude of a peerless god, but this kid revealed his true nature in a blink of an eye?

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