
Shaohua's words shocked everyone.

"This, how is this possible? How do tree roots grow into the human body?

"It's not scientific!"

Jian Xi exclaimed.

Ye Fan rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"It's been months since we crossed over, and you still have to talk about science?"

They're playing games right now, and games may be about logic, but they certainly won't be about science.

It is better to be more concerned about how this is caused than why the roots are in the human body.

"How did you get here?"

Ye Fan looked at Shaohua and asked.

"It was when we were doing the main quest in a village that we found a skull."

Ye Fan nodded, and now it was determined that the skull belonged to the Phantom Human Race.

Motioned for her to continue.

"The skull was buried in the ground, but not deeply, and when I dug it up, I found a seed in it."

Dongfang Qingqing added at this time: "It is the seed of the Eternal Dryad.

Ye Fan nodded.

"What about this one?"

"I ate it."

Everyone: "??? Shaohua

looked a little embarrassed.

"The seed looked like a nut and looked delicious, so I couldn't resist it and ate it."

Ye Fan was shocked.

, you're so violent, girl, you dare to eat everything in the skull?!

Shaohua's face was also flushed at the moment, and he was very embarrassed.

It was really starving her when she was in the cave, and she was almost starved to death.

So much so that now, she thinks about it all the time, looking for food first.

If I hadn't encountered a corpse... It's all about living.

Ye Fan touched his chin and thought for a while.

"Then you might as well pull it out the next day and give it to Qingqing to eat." Ye Fan said.

"How dare you be a little more disgusting?" Dongfang Qingqing said angrily.

Shaohua shook his head: "It's useless."

"Since then, two days later, this kind of change has occurred in my body, and Dongfang Qingqing also found me at that time."

Dongfang Qingqing continued Shaohua's words.

"First, in order to complete my task, I was worried about Shaohua's physical condition, so I lent her out."

"I just asked her to come over today."

Hearing this, everyone knew what was going on.

"What to do, I don't have the slightest clue, what about you?" Dongfang Qingqing asked.

Everyone shook their heads, these two parties had no clue, how could those of them who had heard about it have.

Specifically, we have to continue to investigate.

"Do you feel anything wrong with your body?"

Ye Fan looked at Shaohua and asked.

Shaohua shook his head: "No, only when you use skills, will the situation just now occur."

Ye Fan nodded, there was still time if he was not uncomfortable.

"You guys brainstorm for a while, and Qianmo will go upstairs with me."

He still has serious business, so he will deal with it after asking first.

Coming to Ye Fan's room, Ye Fan asked Qianmo to sit down, and then asked.

"Tell me, you have to talk to me about something."

"It's about SSS-class copies."

Ye Fan had actually guessed, nodded, and motioned for her to continue.

"That's right, in the past month, our team has gone to a total of three dungeons, and two of them have to be abandoned because they are too difficult."

"As for the other copy, we've got through."

Ye Fan thought for a moment, and then asked, "Then you have a problem with the copy that has not been opened?"

Unexpectedly, Ye Chun shook his head.

"No, it's a problem with all copies."

They can get through that copy because that copy is "No Misery".

The book "No Miserable World" is a famous book of Qianmo Planet, and Qianmo has read it many times and knows the world inside well.

Under this premise, they can clear the customs.

In addition to this copy, the other two copies are also film and television dramas on the planet where the demons and Menghou are in the team.

However, because they were not very familiar with it, they couldn't get through.

"After that, I went to ask other teams that were playing SSS-level dungeons, and found that all SSS-level dungeons came from the people in the team who opened the dungeon, and various film and television novels in the world where they lived."

"And all the customs clearance tasks are to obtain one of the powerful items."

Ye Fan was not surprised, because he had already discovered these things.

However, because I didn't have many SSS-level dungeons at the time, I was worried that it would be a special situation, so I didn't rush to make a conclusion.

And now, with so many teams like this, that's for sure.

Seeing Ye Fan's calm appearance, Qian Mo knew that he had come to the right place.

"Surely you've found out, right? What are your thoughts? Qian Mo asked.

"I had already found this out in the second copy, and I did have some ideas at the time, but there was no real evidence." Ye Fan replied.

"I want to hear about it."

Ye Fan thought for a while, and then said slowly.

"You also play games, and you know that there are many studios that can farm props and equipment on your behalf, right?"

Qian Mo nodded, before playing professionally, she also did a period of power training.

Let Ye Fan mention this, she immediately understood what Ye Fan meant, and then her face became shocked.

"Do you suspect that someone asked us to help get these powerful items?"

As she spoke, she shook her head again.

"No, in that case, why not just SSS-class copies? Isn't that more efficient?

"If you make a list, will you take the white number?" Give you a number with no equipment and no level, do you brush?

Ye Fan glanced at her and said.

Qian Mo only understood a little.

Still, she had some hard time accepting it.

"It's... It's unbelievable.

"So I say it's just speculation, and there's no evidence to back it up at the moment."

Ye Fan said lightly.

"It's better not to say this news yet." Ye Fan added.

"Why?" Qian Mo asked.

"Think about it, if we really guess it, there is really a powerful existence behind this that controls everything, how will it deal with us?"

Ye Fan's words made Qian Mo shudder suddenly.

Undoubtedly, it will be obliterated.

"I see."

Qian Mo nodded, taboo Mo is deep.

After finishing speaking, Qian Mo left.

Before leaving, he also asked Qian Mo to say hello to the demon on his behalf.

After Qian Mo left, Ye Fan returned to Qingqing and Shaohua.

"How's the brainstorming going?"

Ye Fan asked.

"Not good."

Jian Xi sighed and shook her head.

"There is so little information known that there is simply no speculation."

"If you can't push it, you won't push it, let's get to the essence of the problem." Ye Fan said.

"Isn't it just to take the seeds out of her body, let's find out if there is anyone in the city who can do surgery, and directly disembowel her, won't the problem be solved?"

Ye Fan sneered.

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