Su Xiaoqi's heart moved.

Familiar audiences also know that when Ye Han has this iconic smile on his face, it means that Ye Han has found something good!

Every time!

This time, of course, is no exception!

At this time, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi started going down the mountain.

At first, Su Xiaoqi was still observing the surroundings, thinking that there would be something good on the way down the mountain.

But Ye Han went down the mountain so fast that he didn't stop on the road at all.

This time Su Xiaoqi understood, Ye Han's discovery was not on the mountain, but at the bottom of the mountain!

What's under the mountain?

When I stood on the top of the mountain just now, I could only see the trees one by one, and they all looked the same.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also puzzled.

"What did Ye Han see just now?"

"Go back and look at the pictures at the top of the mountain, you should be able to find something."

"I saw it. Looking down from the top of the mountain, there are some trees, similar to each other!"

"Ye Han's eyesight is so good, I zoomed in to see it, but I didn't find anything."

"Strange, what is the harvest that makes Ye Han so anxious?"


Everyone was curious, staring at the pictures on the screen, waiting for the results.

Teacher Piao and Xiao Tuan couldn't see it either.

"What good thing did Ye Han find?"

"I see Ye Han's expression, this time the harvest should not be small."

Teacher Piao said.

After explaining for such a long time, the two of them are relatively familiar with Ye Han.

Every day's work is to stare at Ye Han and explain Ye Han's every move.

Can you not understand?

"Ye Han is about to go down the mountain, and he will know the answer soon."

The small group also said.

Now everyone was hooked by Ye Han.

"Boss, what did you see?"

"Is it the prey?"

Su Xiaoqi followed Ye Han's butt down the mountain and asked.

Fortunately, this hill is not steep, and the way down the mountain is not difficult to walk.

Otherwise, the two of them wouldn't dare to go so fast.

"Not prey."

"It's a plant."

"I'm on the mountain, no matter how good my eyesight is, I can't see my prey, I can only see trees."

Ye Han explained.

Su Xiaoqi nodded, this is true.

When she was standing on the mountain just now, she could only see the trees.

If Ye Han said he saw the prey, Su Xiaoqi really wouldn't believe it.

"What kind of tree is that?"

Su Xiaoqi continued to ask.

"I'm not sure, it just looks a bit like it."

"It's coming soon, I'll just go check it out."

Ye Han also had some drumming in his heart.

If he is not 100% sure, he will not say it, and he will save his face when the time comes.

But now, he is 70-80% sure that the kind of tree he saw.

Su Xiaoqi followed behind Ye Han, and the two descended the mountain at the fastest speed.

Ye Han's mouth was so serious that even Su Xiaoqi couldn't ask, so the audience had to watch patiently.

It takes more than an hour to climb the mountain, but the speed of descending the mountain is very fast.

In about half an hour, Ye Han took Su Xiaoqi down the mountain successfully.

"Let's go, boss, hurry up!"

Su Xiaoqi urged.

Ye Han was not in a hurry. He smiled, took out a bamboo water cup from the basket behind him, and took a sip of water leisurely.

"What's the hurry, where is the tree growing, and it won't give birth to legs to run away."

"Why don't the emperor be in a hurry for the eunuch?"

Ye Han said teasingly. Su Xiaoqi gritted her teeth and glared at Ye Han.

"You're sure that this tree is the one you guessed, so you're confident and start teasing me."

"Humph, I don't need you to tell me, I'll find it myself!"

Su Xiaoqi immediately guessed Ye Han's thoughts.

After going down the mountain, Ye Han came to a thorough judgment, so he was not in a hurry at all.

Instead, he started teasing her.

"Little Qi, she really deserves to be my little cook, she's like a roundworm in my stomach!"

Ye Han didn't expect Su Xiaoqi's reaction to be so fast.

He took another sip of water and stood there in his spare time to see if Su Xiaoqi could find it.

When the audience saw this posture, they became even more anxious.

Some impatient people started to scold Ye Han.

"Damn it, Ye Han is deliberately trying to whet your appetite!"

"Like those novels I read, the best part is gone every time!"

"Ye Han can't hurry up, hurry up and say the answer!"

"Let's all see, what kind of trees are there nearby?"

"Is there anyone who knows how to do it, tell me quickly, it's killing me!"

"I heard that people who are easy to get anxious will [early crab], for example, they like to fast forward when watching movies..."

"Don't fart, I think you have this problem yourself!"


There was chaos in the live broadcast room, and the barrage kept scrolling.

Some people even offered a reward to ask Ye Han to tell the answer quickly.

But unfortunately, Ye Han couldn't see the barrage and rewards in the live broadcast room, and would not be affected by the audience at all.

"found it!"

At this time, Su Xiaoqi pointed to a big tree in front of the left and shouted.

"Boss, is this the tree?"

"This tree has fruit. The other trees around have no fruit. This tree has fruit. You must be talking about this tree!"

"What kind of tree is this, hurry up, or I won't cook for you in the future!"

Su Xiaoqi threatened.

She guessed right, the tree she pointed to was what Ye Han found this time.

But she didn't know her, so she couldn't tell her name.


"You dare to threaten me and deduct your salary for a month!"

Ye Han said as he walked towards the tree.

At the same time, he also began to introduce the tree to Su Xiaoqi.

"Now let me tell you, the tree is called the Breadtree."

"I don't know if you've heard of it?"

Ye Han walked under the tree, started to take off the basket behind him, put it on the ground, and then moved his muscles and bones, ready to climb the tree.

This tree is full of fruit!

At a glance, there are at least hundreds of fruits!

This is definitely a huge gain!

The reason is very simple. After hearing the name of the bread tree, many viewers immediately understood.

"breadfruit tree?!"

"Who said just now that Ye Han's luck ran out and came out to be beaten!"

"Ye Han actually discovered the bread tree, now he has a good time!"

"I once ate the fruit of the bread tree, and it really tasted like bread!"

"Can you guys do some popular science? Forget it, I'll search the Internet myself!"

"The bread tree is a woody food plant. The fruit is rich in starch, and it is delicious when cooked, fried, and roasted!"

"Let me briefly summarize, Ye Han has discovered another food that can be used as a staple food!"


The heat in the live broadcast room exploded again.

This time, Ye Han made such a major discovery after searching for a long time.

The fruit from such a tree is probably enough for Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi to eat for a long time!

At this moment, Su Xiaoqi raised her head and looked at Ye Han who was climbing the tree, and there were a lot of fruits on the tree.

Each fruit is almost the size of a basketball.

She felt that two of them could eat one at a time!

No wonder, no wonder Ye Han is so happy, this time the harvest is indeed very good!

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