No one expected that this guy Liu Zimo would have such a skill, and he looked so arrogant, which shocked everyone.

“How many skills have you gained from this? Can you tell us everything? You can’t let us be shocked every time, right?”

Senior Flame Dragon looked at the boss Liu Zimo with admiration and said very sincerely.

Because he really couldn’t figure it out now. What kind of skills does the boss Liu Zimo have? They are amazed every time. , making him feel extremely admired

“Haha, old-timer, if you ask me that, I don’t know it myself. As for what kind of skills I have, I can’t even count them in my head?”

Hearing Liu Zimo actually say this, everyone felt a little uneasy.

Because since coming to the ancient battlefield, these people have not only evolved and awakened their own bloodlines, but also absorbed some chaos energy. There are no other benefits.

But Liu Zimo has acquired many unexpected skills, and they feel jealous

“Don’t worry, you will definitely get what you need in this ancient battlefield, and your wishes will definitely be fulfilled, but remember one thing, don’t be greedy?”

Looking at the extremely serious expression on the face of the boss Liu Zimeng, everyone seemed to be really excited. After all, if they can obtain the baby’s growth skills, that is what they want most.

Soon Princess Yuebai took her He was cleaned thoroughly and put on some clean clothes. These clothes were carefully prepared for him by Slime Mirror.

“Wow! Miss Yuebai, you are so beautiful, aren’t you? You look like a watery hibiscus. If you pinch your face with your hands, the water will probably drip from it?”

Slime King was full of envy when he saw Princess Yuebai’s extremely fair skin after she evolved.

As a girl, everyone wants to have a beautiful face and good skin. This is what they dream of. So their reaction is very normal.

“Why is it that there seems to be a wall between us? Why am I trapped here alone?”

Because Liu Zimo didn’t even notice that Princess Yuebai had finished cleaning and dressing up, so he didn’t remove the barrier. Naturally, Princess Yuebai couldn’t come out.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you that it was Liu Zimo who drew a separate space for you. I don’t know how he did it?”

The slime actually had an expression of envy on his face, and turned to look at Liu Zimo, meaning to ask him to remove the barrier he had drawn casually and release Miss Yuebai.

I saw this guy Liu Zimo gently using his hand to Swing, a barrier suddenly appeared in that independent space, and it disappeared in an instant as if it had never appeared before.

“Now is not the time to talk about these things. I feel that there should be an ancient castle ahead. Maybe there is something we want in there?”

It has to be said that Liu Zimo is always able to capture everyone’s psychology, because he found that the eyes of Slime Mirror looking at him were a little unfriendly, so he quickly changed the topic.

So he knew that in this In the Ancient Battlefield, what everyone is most concerned about is treasures and increasing skills. When the Ancient Battlefield is mentioned, everyone seems particularly excited.

“What are you waiting for? Hurry over there, I’m a little impatient to wait?”

The expression on the face of the old flame dragon was even more strange. He was even cuter than a child. He shook the boss Liu Zimo’s arm with his hand and said directly with a begging look in his eyes.

When Liu Zimo said these words, there was no trace of emotion. Hesitant, because he felt that it was time for everyone to acquire their own skills and treasures, otherwise they would have come here in vain?

Under the leadership of Liu Zimo, several people went through two or three hours of trekking and constant hard work. Kill, finally arrived at the ancient castle Liu Zimo mentioned, but everyone felt disappointed.

“Let me go, boss, this is the ancient castle you mentioned, will there be any treasures in it? Only a ghost can believe it?”

Except for the old giant ape, everyone had doubtful expressions in their eyes when they saw the boss Liu Zimo, because they couldn’t believe that the thing in front of them was an ancient castle.

Because what was in front of them was an ancient castle, and they couldn’t tell that it had been The prosperous state can be described with a simple and dilapidated word.

“Haha, this is the ancient castle. Despite its humble appearance, are there many treasures inside? Liu

Zimo pointed at the dilapidated building in front of him and said with a smile.

Because through his powerful perception, he could clearly feel that there were indeed some valuable things and treasures in the castle of this ancient city. , it will be of great help to everyone to improve their abilities, otherwise he would not have such suggestions?

“If there is nothing here that I want, do you know what the consequences will be?”

I don’t know what happened to this guy Slime Jing. He always likes to threaten the boss Liu Zimo, and he looks very arrogant every time, but every time he ends up without any result.

“Of course entering this ancient castle is not a simple matter? Because there are some higher-level resentments living in this ancient castle. They won’t let us succeed so easily. Everyone must be more careful?”

Hearing the somewhat fanciful explanation from the boss Liu Zimo, everyone’s expressions looked particularly disdainful.

Because the ancient castle in front of them was really inconspicuous, and they couldn’t see anything strange about him, but The boss Liu Zimo just said that there were good things in it, how could they believe it?


I don’t know what Liu Zimo was muttering in his mouth. I just saw his hands sliding forward, and a huge passage instantly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, which looked very weird.

“This is a relatively independent space. In order to ensure everyone’s safety, please don’t go out casually?”

Although this passage seemed a little weird, everyone still walked in silently. After all, danger is a bit objectionable to everyone.

“Hey, boss, we are hiding in this relatively independent space. What should we do if we meet a baby?”

The old flame dragon is most concerned about how to get the treasure he wants. Because this space is relatively independent, he has no way to tear it apart and get out by himself, so he asked with some worry

“Don’t worry, as long as you see the baby you like, I will just get it for you?”

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