“Lao Chen helped me take care of them. He waved his hands to everyone, turned around and got into the carriage.

He told the coachman,”Let’s go!” Go to Kunshan City.”After that, the coachman drove the carriage on the road.

Liu Zimo sat in the carriage, closing his eyes and concentrating, thinking about what to do next? He planned to change his identity. He had already killed Yan Xin in the treasure hunting party last time. The people picked up Liang Zi.

When they arrived at the gate of Kunshan City, a huge city gate appeared in front of them. After passing the cross-examination, Liu Zimo and the others entered the city. After getting off the car, Liu Zimo found a deserted place. He used the transformation technique to change his appearance into a big man. The sudden change really shocked the two little ones.

“Zimo, how did you become such an ugly uncle? Bai asked Liu Zimo his own question.

“You also need to disguise when you go out.

Besides, don’t call me Zimo, call me Heitu!

“”Liu Zimo said to the two little ones.

After the change, Liu Zimo took the two little ones to the inn and opened a room.

He put the two little ones there and went out to the treasure hunting club alone.

When he came to the treasure hunting club Kunshan City Meeting, as soon as he entered the door, a dazzling array of products were placed in the cabinets.

He walked to the counter and asked the girl who was hosting people:”Is this where your Kunshan God Tomb gathering is?”””Yes, sir, please wait while I call the supervisor for you.

After saying that, the woman walked towards the inner door.

After a while, the woman followed a man with a big belly and walked out.

The man said to Liu Zimo,”Who are you?” In Xia Yade, he is the person in charge of Kunshan City Treasure Hunting Club.


My name is Heitu, and I’m here to join you this time at the Kunshan God’s Tomb.

“”Guest, please come here.

It’s like this.

For the safety of this divine tomb, we need to test your strength.

I hope you don’t mind.

“As he spoke, he led Liu Zimo to a secret room.

The entire secret room was empty. In the middle of the secret room, there was a gray crystal.”Please put your hand on the crystal and release your strongest elemental power with all your strength.”The supervisor said to Liu Zimo. Liu Zimo put his hand up. He did not use the power of the ice element, but the fire element. The crystal lit up red.”Congratulations, great black earth mage, you passed. Please come to the foot of Kun Mountain in three days and enter with us.”

Yade said to Liu Zimo. Well, I understand, thank you for reminding me. You’re welcome! This is a mission voucher, you can redeem it at any time. Do you need anything else? Yade handed Liu Zimo a voucher and said. Well, I would like to ask, how can I find the Kunshan Divine Tomb? Liu Zimo asked Yade.

The Kunshan Divine Tomb is gathered in a place called Tailong Forest in the southwest of this mountain range. According to the news we have received, that The peak is called Tailong Forest, and that peak is the area where our treasure hunting club is located. You will naturally know it when you arrive. Yade answered to Liu Zimo. Okay! I understand, thank you very much. Liu Zimo He thanked Yade and said. Haha, it’s okay. You can play slowly and I won’t disturb you. Goodbye! Bye! Liu Zimo said.

Yade left. Liu Zimo went shopping in the Tailong Forest.

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