On his right side, there was an older man walking behind.

Like the ancient wolf, he looked very proud.


Gu Lang snorted coldly as he walked, muttering to himself.


A bunch of idiots.

As Gu Lang thought about it, he quickened his pace and walked forward.

In about a quarter of an hour, Gu Lang came to a big rock.

Um? There is a large amount of magical fluctuations in this stone.

It seems that this is an ancient ruins.

Gu Lang looked at the huge stone monument in front of him and thought to himself.

The light on this stone monument is so strong.

It seems like there should be something very powerful here!

do not care.

Let’s talk after we get in first!

The big man thought in his heart, and jumped up and stood on the huge stone monument.

The light on this stone monument is so strong. We should not get close to such a strong light. one thought in one’s mind. right! right! I don’t dare to get close either! Another person thought in his mind. However, what is going on with this magic circle! Why is there a magic circle here! One person said doubtfully in his heart.

On top of the huge magic circle, those people were very surprised and surprised when they saw this magic circle.

This is a magic circle. The light of this magic circle is very dazzling, but it is not the light of an ordinary magic circle. This magic circle seems to have a strong attraction, attracting us. A woman said very excitedly.

Yeah? Well, I’m sure. The girl said very seriously.

Let me see! Another man said very doubtfully. OK! I took a look, and I also felt that this magic circle seemed not simple. Ouyang Kela said excitedly.



The woman said very excitedly.

I don’t know who that person is, but he can actually arrange such a beautiful magic circle.

If we can get in, then our strength will be even higher.

Ouyang Kela looked at the huge magic circle and said with excitement in his eyes.


I also think this magic circle is very good.

The woman nodded and said.


If we could learn such a powerful magic circle, it would be of great help to us!

The man looked at the magic circle, his eyes full of longing, but it quickly disappeared.

No, we are not studying these magic circles now, but we must find the treasures in the magic circles as soon as possible. Otherwise, wouldn’t we be in danger! One person said very worriedly. yes! right! The man nodded in agreement and said. Then let’s leave quickly! Otherwise, it will be too late! A man said anxiously. yes! Let’s go now! yes! Ouyang Kela also said anxiously, and then the two of them hurriedly ran forward.

Hello! Wait for us, wait for us! The two men shouted anxiously as they ran. And what about the woman Ouyang Kela mentioned! She was walking slowly, and when she was some distance away from them, the woman stopped, then slowly turned around and walked slowly forward.

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