Sweep the World

Chapter 634: :Take advantage of it

If the people are willing to develop a certain place on their own, as long as they do not cause deep grievances or sorrow in that place, it is actually a happy thing for the ruling class.

It can even be said that even if a certain place is made a mess, in order to develop that place, the ruling class will treat it as if it hasn't seen it, at most, they will come out and clean up when the development is nearing completion. For example, if you kill a few guilty officials and people who are too evil, or vent your anger to the victim, that matter will be over.

The only collectives that can develop a certain area independently are those noble families. This is why Liu Yanming clearly dislikes noble families and can uproot them, yet accepts the existence of the noble families as a collective.

The population of Han is small, and it is still very difficult to move the population to the place where it is needed. Liu Yan can’t do the job of relocating the people to a barren land. If he wants to do it, he will pay a high price. Then use It is a good way to induce the family to take the initiative to pass by.

A wild land outside the country was developed by a family with people, money, and grain. The family got the benefits they wanted during the development process. Regardless of how much benefit the family got, the land was included as part of the national territory. The country has made a lot of money, but it has made a lot of money.

Migrating population matters are not simple in any era. Take the last large migration from Yangzhou, for example, the number of direct deaths of more than two million people during the migration process reached 80,000, and the subsequent indirect death toll is still I don't know how much, but the food consumed is enough to fight several battle-level battles. The migrant population in Yangzhou is only sent to Liangzhou, Yizhou, Ningzhou, and Guangzhou. What if the price is farther away?

Liu Yan agreed with the families to go to the Indochina Peninsula (accepting the suggestion, and calling it that way later). In the process, he only asked the various fleets to help transport and sold a large number of ships. Not only did he not cost much money, but he made a profit. A lot. The amount of money spent and the amount of money earned are of secondary importance. What is important is that the place where it is struck has become the territory of the Han Kingdom.

In the Indo-China Peninsula today, the number of troops stationed by the Han army is only 5,000, but there are more than 100,000 armed forces belonging to each family, and the number of unarmed Han people has reached more than 200,000, which is really a breakthrough before the Chinese people. The population in the Indo-China Peninsula has been a record high in the past dynasties.

With more than 300,000 people entering the Indochina Peninsula, Liu Yan has reason to believe that that piece of land will never be able to leave the embrace of the Han family. As long as the center is not sick to the degree of dementia, the Indochina Peninsula will always belong to the territory.

Jiaozhi first became the territory of the Han family in the sixth year of Emperor Xiaowu’s Yuanding year (11 BC). The historical background was that Liu Che wielded an army to destroy the South Vietnam and established Jiaozhi and Jiuzhen in the northern part of modern Yue 1 South. The three counties of Nichinan and Nichinan implement direct administrative management.

By the way, when the Qin Empire sent its troops to the south, it defeated the Baiyue tribes in the south and pacified the southern borders. Some of the land under the jurisdiction of Xiangjun was in the south and north of Yue 1, but did not go deep into the Indochina Peninsula, so it was called Jiaozhi. It was really only occupied by the Western Han Dynasty.

The Western Han Dynasty established prefectures and counties in that area, but no migrant population went there, only a small number of Han troops were stationed for garrison. According to relevant historical records, the number of troops stationed in Jiaozhi in the Western Han Dynasty never exceeded 500, but it was these troops who maintained this territory until Wang Mang usurped the Han.

After Wang Mang established the new dynasty, many plots were probably abandoned if they were not managed, including Jiaozhi County. It was not until the establishment of the Eastern Han Dynasty after the Green Forest and Chimei Rebellion that Jiaozhi County was re-incorporated into the territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The Eastern Han Dynasty re-established Jiaozhi County, and the number of garrisons was more than that of the Western Han Dynasty. However, during the reign of Emperor Liu Bao of the Han Dynasty, the local Cham area even killed the county magistrate of Xianglin, Nichinan County of the Han Dynasty, and thus became independent from the Eastern Han Dynasty and occupied Most parts of the former Nichinan County (the central part of Viet Nam), with Brahmanism as the state and religion, established the Cham Kingdom, and the Eastern Han Dynasty was bounded by Hue.

At that time, the center of the Eastern Han Dynasty was reported after the loss of Jiaozhi for nearly a year. At that time, Champa was established. The center of the Eastern Han Dynasty that got the report was actually a bit embarrassed. If you didn't specifically search for relevant information, you wouldn't know where Jiaozhi was at all. They have discussed whether they should be famous for suppressing rebellion. Afterwards, they probably felt that the treasury was so empty that it could starve mice to death, plus the poverty of horse racing. The place of Jiaozhi didn't seem to be important, as it had never been a place like this before.

Jiaozhi was retaken by the Han descendants at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. The man who sent troops to retake it was called Shi Xie. He was the weakest of all the separatist princes at that time, but the weakest of such princes was able to beat the Champa country. There is no way to fight back. If it weren't for the isolation of mountains in the northern part of Champa, it is estimated that Champa would not survive.

Shi Xie, a princely force, survived until there were only three princes in the Central Plains, and it was still alive until the early days of the Three Kingdoms. Sun Wu and Cao Wei fought the battle of Xiaoyaojin, and Sun Wu and the Shu Han fought the battle of Yiling. Shi Xie didn't even take the opportunity to attack Sun Wu northward, but there was a surprise attack from the old Sun's house behind him. Since then, Shi Xie's site has become part of the old Sun's house, including Jiaozhi County.

"The great man entered Jiaozhi, far deeper than his predecessors before him." Yu Yi was still in the hunting suit that the family behind came to put on. He rode on the horse and said to Liu Yan: "The latter Han (referring to the Eastern Han Dynasty) lost. Jiaozhi, then lost and regained only to stop at Nichinan (referring to Shixie’s attacking and occupying the motherland), so did the Soochow marching to Jiaozhi, and the same was true for the Sima clan. After the Yongjia Rebellion, Nichinan was captured by Lin Yi. Nowadays, the Han Yu Cochin, straight through the strait."

Originally, Lin Yi country could survive the establishment of the Great Sui Dynasty in the Central Plains. It was only during the reign of Yang Guang that Liu Fang led troops to destroy it. However, after the establishment of Li Tang, Lin Yi resurrected, but it was renamed Champa. And Champa had to wait for the Ming Dynasty to be destroyed by Annan.

Now there is no need to wait for Yang Guangqian to clean up after Yang Jian’s dynasty. The country of Lin Yiguo is now gone. Even Funan has lost all its coastal territories and has been compressed by various families to the later Thailand.

The strait mentioned by Yu Yi is not the strait of Indonesia and Singapore in later generations, and it is not correct to say that the strait is the sea area of ​​the later generations of the peninsula of Thailand and Cambodia.

Speaking of straits, there are too many seas that can be called straits. Two continents sandwiched between them can be called straits, but the one with few natural Shanghai reefs is really the strait between Indonesia and Singapore. The straits of the remaining islands are mostly small islands, and the large number of small islands means that the draft is very complicated, and the ocean currents are also related to sea navigation.

The later South China Sea has now become the inland sea of ​​the Han country. The Philippine Islands closest to the East Asian continent have basically been discovered and left for exploration. Malaysia, Brunei, and Indonesia have also been explored as long as they are in the South China Sea. Because there are too many densely-populated islands in this sea area, the coastal conditions are really too complicated. Not only are the ships going to hit the rocks seriously, but they also get lost when they enter.

The exploration of the ocean has never been an easy task. It takes countless sacrifices and losses to figure out which sea areas are safe or dangerous, and even where ocean currents are suitable for navigation is a university question.

This is really the case. In the era before the steam engine, sea navigation was carried out by wind. In addition to the monsoon is very important, the smooth flow of ocean currents is also the key, so there are so-called routes. Before the steam engine was used, the routes that were convenient for Hainan Airlines were really priceless treasures.

Han Dynasty’s HNA is still in its infancy. The Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, and the East China Sea are relatively easy to play. The route between the Korean Peninsula and the Wai Islands is directly used. The current exploration is from the Wai Islands to Liuqiu (Bay). Bay that island), and then arrived at Luzon (the Philippines).

The sea will explore that route because Liu Yan remembers that there is a convenient ocean current there.

At present, except Liu Yan in Han, no one knows the ocean better. No one believes that certain sea areas can't get in or out, let alone why they can't get in or out of the sea.

In fact, there are very simple factors. The ocean currents in some sea areas follow that direction. Ships sail along the ocean currents. Even if there is not much wind to blow the sails, they can sail. But if you think of it, you will be dragged by the countercurrent ocean currents, and the sails must have enough wind to sail.

The area of ​​the Indo-China Peninsula is not small, but if you add the islands around the South China Sea, it will appear to be very large.

The "circle" Liu Yan painted for various families is only in the Indochina Peninsula. According to the current technology, minerals are difficult to develop, but there is no shortage of precious wood resources. Then there is the world's largest jadeite mineral.

"Yes, it is indeed found in the lower reaches of Zhoushui." Zhoushui said that Zhoushui is actually the modern Salween River, which is west of Ailao County and now belongs to the Burmese community: "It's just that the transportation is extremely inconvenient. , The ore is difficult to transport out."

Now the Southwest Peninsula is full of dense forests. If roads are opened up on land, believe it or not it will be overgrown again after a year? Even if there is an existing water system, because of the local climate, unless the river system is wide enough, it is covered with many plants.

Traffic is only one aspect that is difficult to develop. The miasma in the dense forest is not something that can be solved now, and the other is that there are so many toxic creatures over there that it is terrifying.

I just talked about the resources of fragrant wood, emerald, etc., everyone in the Northern Department who was unable to intervene vigorously didn't know how depressed they were. When they heard the miasma forest over there, and then listened to the many kinds of poisonous creatures, everyone was in balance. That's it!

The area designated by Liu Yan for the autonomous development of the Northern Department. The grassland can develop animal husbandry. The northeast must be used for farming, and the wood resources in the northeast are also abundant to the limit. The most important thing is that it is colder. There are no other natural obstacles.

The development process of the Indo-China Peninsula has to face the primitive jungle. Maybe you will lose your life if you are bitten by a mosquito, or you may even fall into a swamp when you are walking. It sounds a little crippled and hurts only if you compare it. How can it not? Let the northern department have some fun.

"So kill less savages." Liu Yan was saying that, but his hand loosened the bowstring to let a sharp arrow shoot out, and shot an elk. He put the bow away and said slowly: "Those wild people who grew up in Sri Lanka, are familiar with the local environment and climate, and are very suitable for various precursors."

Can Yu Yi say he has tried his best to avoid murder? Han is now a vast land with sparsely populated people, and there is a lack of sufficient labor everywhere. Fighting outside to capture foreign races and selling them as slaves has great gains, and it has become a loss-making business to kill people.

"It's okay, there will be millions of slaves soon." Xu Zheng grinned and said: "Exterminate Goguryeo, as long as you are a man, no matter how old you are, there should be a man in his 20s and 30s. Wan? Baekje and Silla are the same, don't believe that they make up less than a million slaves."

Having said that, the battle to exterminate the swallows has come to an end, and Goguryeo really turned his face before, which caused Ji Chang to be responsible for chasing and killing Murong Xianbei, while Lu Tai left the battlefield against Yan.

Goguryeo took the lead in the attack at Ma Jishui. Together with the servants of Baekje and Silla, suddenly violent, Lu Tae, who had prepared for it, commanded the Han army and the servants of the Waley Island to suppress it. After that, Lu Tai slid his army east, and the army had not yet entered the boundary of Goguryeo. The Han army in the Liaodong Peninsula and the Chao 1xian Peninsula had already sent troops to attack the three rebel countries.

Now, the battle to destroy the swallows is still going on, and the Han army is pursuing the Xianbei Mountain area.

At the same time, the battle of Han Dynasty against the aforementioned three countries of Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla was officially launched.

Before Liu Yan entered Yecheng, Lu Tai had already captured Marutu and killed the Buxian Mountain (Changbai Mountain) area. Only a few remnants of Goguryeo fled northward into the original Fuyu habitat.

Baekje is more pitiful. Their northwest is originally the territory of the Han Kingdom, and the area on the peninsula is also in the area of ​​Oifang County. They were attacked by the Han forces of the two lines of defense together, and there were also the Han family descent from the internal Gongsun clan and other immigrants. The Han army came to join forces inside and outside, and the country was declared subjugated only 23 days after the outbreak of the war.

The Silla, which is dominated by the three Koreans, is even more straightforward. The Han army has just left the boundary of Gagai, and the newly-organized servants of the Wa Islands are still floating on the sea. Sending people to bring the table to beg for the surrender~www.wuxiaspot.com~ General Zhengdong can now boast that he is the famous general who wiped out the Three Kingdoms. "Xu Zheng said while laughing at'haha', and said with a somewhat sour taste: "The youth of Goguryeo was tossed by Murong Xianbei and us, and there are so many Han descendants in Baekje who are in high positions. The three Koreans of Silla are simply soft, and it is hard to feel a sense of accomplishment when they perish. "

Sang Yu wanted to ask some things, such as whether their families could enjoy the feast after the Three Kingdoms was eliminated, but Liu Yan never gave any hints, so it's really hard to open that mouth.

"The three countries on the peninsula can indeed provide hundreds of thousands of labor." Sang Yu said cheerfully: "Did you first repair the road from the hinterland of the Central Plains to the northeast?"

Liu Yan's instruction is that girls and girls of school age in Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla should not be used as slaves to work. He is thinking about the needs of the country, and it is also a kind of unknown evil. Girls are raised up, and girls of school age will be given priority to meritorious officers. The younger generations want the Peninsula women to be crazy, and people at this time enjoy it first.

Destroying the three countries on the peninsula will not only have population resources, but in fact, any resources on those lands can be regarded as Han. As long as they have the ability to expand outward, the resources are inexhaustible!

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