Swept Star journey

Chapter 399 Shocking and Terrifying Dark Gold Blood

Now that he was going to make the last test, Su Yan naturally didn't know how to ink, and quickly summoned the night ghost, and then separated a ray of remnants from the main body to merge with the night ghost, and then sent the night ghost out of the cave again.

But when it comes to caves, I have to mention Su Yan's disguise technique. This secret technique has indeed allowed him to escape danger many times in the past twenty years.

In recent years, for some unknown reason, the bloodthirsty demonic wolf search army seemed to have found the weakness of the third-level hidden formation pattern arranged by the star plunderers. One by one, the star plunderers who had never stepped out of the formation pattern were found one after another. , and was besieged.

Even he has also encountered several crises, and the barren mountains where the cave is located have also ushered in several times of rigorous searches. If he hadn't used the disguise technique to maintain the aura of his native beasts, he might have been killed by the bloodthirsty demon wolf. They found it and killed it.

Taking a breath, Su Yan murmured in his heart.

"This time we must succeed!"

Then he directly sent the night ghost out of the cave, traveling through the void all the way, and the night ghost soon arrived outside the lair of the bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor again. Because he had tried more than ten times in the past 20 years, now Su Yan is not interested in this bloodthirsty wolf king. The Demon Wolf Emperor's lair is still very familiar.

Instead of rushing in, Su Yan still ordered the night ghost to lie dormant first. After all, this was the last attempt, and he had to try his best to be as foolproof as possible.

Three months later, a gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the dark night ghost who had been dormant outside the bloodthirsty wolf emperor's lair for three months.

"Huh? Why are there so many fewer guards outside the bloodthirsty wolf emperor's lair?"

Cannian, who merged with the night ghost, had a flash of doubt. After three months of continuous monitoring, he finally confirmed that the number of patrols outside the bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor's lair was indeed much less. Compared with the previous twenty years, It is more than ten times less.

"Could it be that the two bloodthirsty demon wolf emperors ordered the search mission to be for twenty years?"

Such an idea subconsciously popped up in Su Yan's mind. Of course, this was just his guess.

But if the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf Emperor was here, he would be shocked and furious, because the mission deadline it issued was indeed the same.


Shaking his head, Su Yan stopped thinking about it, no matter what the reason was, since there were fewer patrols, it was good news for him.

Hibernating again for a few minutes, after a round of patrols passed by, taking advantage of this opportunity, under Cannian's order, the night ghost stepped out in one step, and once again rushed into the lair of the bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor.

This is a cave full of bloodthirsty red lights and has a vast space. However, after entering the lair, the cave is not directly in front of your eyes. The first thing you need to pass through is a deep corridor.

Of course, although we are talking about corridors, they are very wide. Even creatures with a size of several hundred meters like the bloodthirsty wolf emperor can pass through without hindrance. One can imagine how wide it is.

Under the raging bloodlust, the night ghost moved forward cautiously, but fortunately, the number of patrols in this lair was also much, much smaller, so that the night ghost moved much more conveniently .

After carefully turning several corners, I finally came to the main space of the lair, and its whole picture was naturally presented in front of my eyes.

The thousand-meter-high cave wall is even more terrifying in length and width. The night ghosts in the void stared at this wide space, but Su Yan was a little amazed.

Compared with this lair space, his private base under the city of Thresh in the molten abyss seemed too childish.

But he didn't marvel for too long. After all, he is only at the third level now. After advancing to the fourth level, the base will definitely need to be expanded. It shouldn't be too far.

After turning around, Su Yan looked around again, looking at everything in this wide space.

The small caves on the surrounding rock walls are like honeycombs, overlapping one another, and the number is terrifying. Su Yan glanced over and could vaguely see that there were a terrifying number of ordinary bloodthirsty demon wolves living in these caves.

The one below is naturally the lair of an ordinary first-level bloodthirsty wolf.

Going further up, the middle and lower positions are the lairs of the second-level bloodthirsty demon wolves, and those near the top of the rock wall are naturally the few residences of the third-level bloodthirsty demon wolves.

Su Yan's eyes flicked slowly, and soon he focused his eyes, and finally found something unusual.

On the rock wall directly opposite the lair entrance, a towering giant portal stands there, with a height of nearly a thousand meters, coupled with the terrifying bloodthirsty light emanating from the portal, it is only a glimpse from a distance , the illusory ghost body of the night ghost trembled and was almost shattered.

Moreover, Su Yan also discovered that all the bloodlust in this lair overflowed from this giant portal.

"What on earth is this? Could it be the inner world of one of the bloodthirsty demon wolf kings?"

Such a thought flashed through Su Yan's mind, but he quickly rejected it again.

"Impossible, even a fourth-level bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor's inner world is absolutely impossible to have such a terrifying bloodthirsty intention."

Su Yan had witnessed the battle between the two bloodthirsty demonic wolf kings and the black ape lord's avatar back then. Even the bloodthirsty demonic wolf king with a body size of 600 meters was more bloodthirsty than the bloodthirsty wolf king. What emanates from this giant portal is much weaker.

Regarding this point, Su Yan can be sure, after all, he witnessed both with his own eyes, so he can be sure of it.

But it was because of such a thought in his heart that Su Yan's heart was pounding.

It is more terrifying than the bloodthirsty intent on the bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor, so what is hidden in this bloody portal?

"A bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor that surpasses level four? Or is it an extremely precious secret treasure of the blood path? Or..."

One after another guesses arose in Su Yan's mind, but no matter what they were, what they represented was by no means something Su Yan could get his hands on.

But although he knew it in his heart, Su Yan couldn't stop because of his strong curiosity. Under his subconscious, the night ghost stepped forward step by step, and soon came to the giant portal.

"Just take a look at it from a distance, it's not a big deal, and even if it is discovered, it's just a lingering thought, nothing serious will happen."

Su Yan kept comforting himself, but not to mention, in this way, the tension in his heart really dissipated a lot.

Looking up slowly, Su Yan cast his eyes on the giant portal with strong curiosity and anticipation.

But disappointment soon followed. Although the giant portal was large, it was covered with a thick layer of blood. Under the cover of this thick blood, Su Yan couldn't see the situation inside the portal at all. .


This kind of result caused Su Yan to swear several times, but in the end he was helpless.

Under such circumstances, there is only one way to find out the specific situation inside the portal, and that is to let the night ghost enter the portal.

But obviously, Su Yan didn't dare, knowing that 99% of the portal had two fourth-level bloodthirsty demon wolf kings, how could he dare to enter without authorization?

Yes, the night ghost's spatial attainments are so unpredictable that the third-level bloodthirsty wolf can't even notice the slightest difference, but the fourth-level is different. Compared with the third-level and fourth-level, they are one by one. Levels are fundamentally different.

Not to mention the dark night ghost with only the second-level peak strength condensed by the avatar, even if the third-level night ghost of the deity is here, Su Yan has no doubts, as long as he dares to enter this giant portal, then he must It was immediately discovered by two bloodthirsty demon wolf kings, and they were killed.

There are tens of thousands of doubts about the ability of the fourth-level creatures. There are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing he can't do.

Although this is just a remnant thought, even if it is killed, it is not a big deal, but I am afraid of the weird methods of the fourth-level world master. What if the other party can use this remnant thought to infer the position of his main body? Su Yan really had no place to cry.

Although this possibility is very small, it has to be guarded against, which is why Su Yan fell into hesitation.

But a figure who came quickly solved his problem.

A third-level bloodthirsty wolf that walked in from outside the lair did not fly up to the top of the rock wall and sleep in a cave like other third-level bloodthirsty wolves, but came straight to the outside of the giant portal .

Then it roared in a low voice, and with the flash of the bloody portal, a circular passage with a diameter of more than 30 meters was slowly opened, and this third-level bloodthirsty wolf passed through this circular passage, slowly Slowly stepped into the giant portal.

But in this way, Su Yan, who was hidden in the void, also saw all the situation inside the portal through this circular passage.

When the third-level bloodthirsty demon wolf entered the giant portal, the circular passage also slowly recovered, but Su Yan's eyes widened in the void. The circular passage had already been restored, but his eyes stared straight at it for a long time, as if caught in a trap. Dazed.

A few minutes later, Su Yan, who suddenly turned around, remained silent, and directly ordered the night ghost to rush out of the lair.

Because there were not many guards, the night ghost quickly retreated from the bloodthirsty demon wolf king's lair without any risk, and then quickly headed towards the barren mountain where Su Yan's avatar was located.

In the cave of the barren mountains, Su Yan, who had closed his eyes on the spot, suddenly opened his eyes, and a serious look flashed in his eyes.

What I saw just now in the lair of the bloodthirsty demon wolf emperor is still vivid in my mind.

The moment the third-level bloodthirsty wolf entered the giant portal, Su Yan could clearly see what was going on inside the portal.

Two bloodthirsty demon wolves hundreds of meters in size lay quietly on the bloody ground, their pupils closed tightly, and above their heads, there was a ball of blood the size of Su Yan's fist suspended.

These two drops of blood are dazzling dark gold, and the bloodthirsty spirit emanating from them is even more frightening. The bloodthirsty spirit on the two bloodthirsty demon wolf emperors is in front of him, just like Yinghuo and Haoyue. gap.

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