Farewell (1)


The wind spirit resembling a wolf swiftly fled.

As the distance between him and the spirit could not be reduced, Rei thought about using an overdrive, but then shook his head.

The probability that the materialized spirit would act arbitrarily without obtaining the contractor’s consent was extremely low.

First, I had to figure out the identity and intentions of the contractor and tear the spirits apart.

The wind spirit is heading to the lord’s castle.

Rei sighed and jumped over the iron fence surrounding the lord’s castle.

Rei, who was chasing the spirit, soon found Floria drinking tea in the garden.

Floria stroked the wind spirit that approached her and smiled gracefully.

“This child is my spirit.”

Alessia, who was sitting opposite her, opened her mouth wide and admired it.

“It’s amazing!”

“Is not it cute?”

Alesia nodded her head one after another, and her face was droopy.

“I want a spirit too…”

“It’s going to be hard? Alesia is ‘Monnacle’.”

Monkle refers to the person who created the circle artificially, not the person who was born with the circle.

And most of the spirits were reluctant to sign a contract with Monnacle.

Alesia also knew this, so she endured her disappointment and waved to the spirit of Floria.

Rey watched the scene and turned to the other side.


As Rey’s popularity disappeared, Floria stopped stroking the spirit.

Floria took a deep breath and made up her mind.

‘It’s mine, it’s not.’

Floria received the spirit’s feelings ‘one-way’ and ‘without filtration’ because of the wrong contract she made when she was young.

This caused serious problems.

If the spirit’s emotions penetrate into the head without being filtered, the spirit magician cannot determine whether the spirit is the subject of the emotions or not.

For this reason, Floria has been living in confusion since the moment she signed a contract with the spirit, unable to properly distinguish between ‘spirit’s feelings’ and ‘his feelings’.

Even now, Floria was feeling something close to a certain murderous impulse towards Alesia.

I wasn’t sure if this impulse came from the spirits or if I was born with an evil nature.

‘No, this is not mine.’

He convinces himself by chewing his tongue secretly.

It was only relatively recently that Floria was able to suppress all impulses and sharpen her reason to control her sudden actions.

Even if I was distracted for a moment, I had to play as a puppet to resonate with the spirits’ desires.

“The tea smells good.”

Floria smiled broadly at Alesia, feeling the unknown emotions constantly running through her head.

It was a fun and scary day.


Ray opened her mouth.

“Floria, can I kill you?”


The Count, who was drinking tea, was silent for a moment, then pulled out a handkerchief and wiped his mouth.


Over the years, the Count has become quite familiar with Rey’s way of speaking.

The previous question must also mean that Floria has some flaws and that I can remove Floria when it becomes difficult to handle it.

However, even considering Ray’s intentions, it was difficult to give permission.

“Floria is loved as the only daughter of Count Osiris. If there is a problem with her life, she will not be able to simply cover it up.”

The Count set the teacup aside and tilted his back slightly.

“What is the problem?”

Ray explained the situation that he and Jimmy went through without adding or subtracting.

“There was an incident called …, and if the ‘mischievous’ continues beyond the Count of Phillips or gets worse, I think we should take action if Alesia is the target of the prank.”


The Count, who sighed infrequently, thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

“I was wondering if I should tell you this story, but you should also know. Be careful not to let the conversation from now on.”

“All right.”

“Floria is ‘natural’.”

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Natural refers to those who are born with the blessings of circles.

It was the opposite concept to the Monnacle.

“The Luna you are protecting is like a child. It’s talent, but Floria’s side will fall.”

“Well, I guess.”

“But in the past, there have been rumors about Floria having trouble. It’s not officially confirmed, but it’s probably true.”

Floria was very late in her outdoor activities compared to her natural talent.

In addition, the Osiris family tried to hide as much as possible, but rumors of Floria’s travels were intermittently heard in the surrounding estates until recently.

Ray asked cautiously.

“What if…?”

“It is said that he made a contract with the spirits at a young age. It must not have been a proper contract. It is speculation, but Floria is bound to a contract with the spirits, and there is a high probability that she is being swayed by the spirits.”


Rey leaned back on the chair.

After the Locust subjugation, Rey looked for a lot of information about spirits and spirits.

Rey slowly recalled the information in her head.

Wizards have circles.

In the heart of the circle, there is a section closely connected with the soul, which is called ‘Celomere’.

The ‘contract engraving’ can be engraved on Celomere through mutual agreement.

Although contract engravings are often used to achieve significant agreements between circle owners.

It is usually used to make a pact with a spirit or demon.

If the contract engraving is canceled without agreement, the engraved celomere will evaporate as a whole, and you will have to pay a higher price according to the contract details.

Although there are individual differences, the capacity of celomere is limited.

When making a contract with a spirit, the stronger the spirit, and the more complex and powerful the contract, the more celomere capacity is required.

When the celomere is full, the contract engraving can no longer be engraved.

In the case of Locust, he was born with a very large capacity of celomere, and because of that, he was able to become such a powerful Dark Spirit.

‘The contract with the spirit was wrong…’

Contract engraving is made by mutual agreement.

Moreover, neither party could unilaterally demand a payment.

However, through a slight detour, any number of unfair contracts could be concluded, and there were many examples of this.

Therefore, when a ‘Natural’ is born in a noble family, the spirits are careful not to approach it. Despite the efforts of the Osiris family, Floria seems to have had an accident.

“If that’s true, then I…”

“Yeah, maybe you can solve Floria’s problem.”

The Count continued.

“But don’t go out.”

“All right.”

I don’t know if Count Osiris had asked for help first.

If things go wrong by going out for nothing, there is no way to fix it, and even if things go well, there is a good chance that Floria will come out as a red flag.

It goes without saying that information about Ray was leaked.

The Count’s forehead narrowed slightly.



“If you don’t want to, take ‘action’ with Floria.”

The Count created an opportunity for Alesia and Rei to study abroad in the Imperial Palace.

The problem is that Alesia and Rey came to accompany Floria during their study abroad period.

Although it was a condition for studying abroad, the count was also wary of Floria, who was in an unstable state.

“To solve Floria’s problem, is it possible?”

“I’ve never tried it, so I can’t give you a definitive answer. You’ll know when you try it.”

“I trust you will act wisely. If there is a problem, I will defend you as much as possible, so if you are going to take action, make sure to ‘finish’ it.”


Ray scratched his chin.

“You know, we need Alesia’s help to finish it.”

“I’ll allow it.”

“All right.”

The corners of Ray’s lips rose slowly.

Rey had a few things she wanted to experiment with in relation to the contract with the spirit, but things were not going well, so she put it on hold.

‘Contracts with spirits are known to be very difficult by nature.’

First of all, you have to have a circle, and it has to be natural.

It was possible to engrave the contract with the Monnacle, but most of the spirits rejected the Monnacle.

Even if you were lucky enough to be born as a natural, it usually required a very difficult process to contact the spirit, adjust the terms of the contract, and sign the contract.


In Rey’s previous life, there was a joke like this.

Did you negotiate with a gun?

It was a phrase often used by sports fans when professional sports teams signed expensive players at very low prices.

‘Oh, I think it would be fun.’

When a wizard and a spirit enter into a contract, there is no means to physically harm each other.

Therefore, unless it was a case where the spirits devour unfamiliar humans, wizards and spirits wandered in search of suitable partners or negotiated contracts over a long period of time.

But if you can negotiate a contract with a gun or a sword.

“Uh-huh, great!”

Rei didn’t break the thread, but looked at the count’s eyes and coughed in vain.

Floria was an appropriate target for Rey to ‘experiment’ on the spirits in many ways, but Rey also had no intention of doing anything in vain.

Ray doesn’t take ‘unnecessary’ risks.

As long as Floria doesn’t cross the line first, Ray won’t even point a knife at her.

Because of this, neither the Earl nor Rey expected it.

It’s only been a few days since I left for the tower.

Rey would slap Floria upside down after tying her up.


After finishing the conversation with the Count, Rey stretched out and left the lord’s castle.

Three days later, he had to leave the Count of Phillips.

Ray patted her chin and pondered if there was anything else she had to solve before leaving for a short-term study abroad trip.

‘…Have you solved all the big things?’

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Now, after one last look around the Viscount.

I thought I’d tell the nursery school kids that they’re going to have to go on a trip for a few months.

The reason I didn’t inform the children of the orphanage about short-term study abroad was because I was worried that the children would insist on taking them with me.


Running an orphanage, I had a hard time with the kids, so I had a hard time predicting how the kids would behave.

It was enough for a day or two to see them whining as a group.

As Rey was about to move, kicking her tongue, someone grabbed her collar.

Looking back, it was Johana.


Ray was confused.

Yohana had been crying for a long time and her eyes were swollen.

Rey hurriedly grabbed Yohana by the shoulder and was about to ask what had happened, but Johana hit the player.

“…I did.”




Rey blinked in embarrassment and Yohana finally burst into tears.

“I was wrong. Hehe… So don’t leave. Ugh!”


Rey frowned at the sudden change in Johana’s attitude, and then barely understood the situation.

‘Who told me? He’s been away for a few months.’

It was very odd.

The kid who was usually very tik tok said that he had been away for four or five months at the most, so his attitude changed so much?

‘It’s really, really hard to deal with teenagers.’

While Rei shook her head, what Yohana was doing was cute and she smiled and asked.

“Aren’t you going to leave?”

“Ugh! It’s a mistake, so don’t leave. I’ll listen to you from now on. Huh…”


Ray sighed inwardly.

If you’re going to be sarcastic like this, wouldn’t you normally listen to what you’re saying?

Rei pondered whether to comfort Yohana, remembering the humiliation she had been through so far, then changed her mind and crossed her legs.



Yohana started hiccuping at Rei’s cold voice.

However, Ray, who was already excited, rode the twisted line to the end, just like Yohana had been.

“I’m leaving. Yohana won’t listen and run away.”


Yohana groaned and grabbed Rei’s crotch and stretched .

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