Synthesis of everything starting from models

Chapter 142 Wasp and Blue Whale

As for the ground attack aircraft type, the Kyushu Air Force military does not actually pay too much attention to it.

In the history of the Kyushu Army, apart from the Qiang Five, there has never been any other specialized ground attack aircraft. If we were to rely on this force, the J-H-7 could also be considered one.

But now what Li Ao has built has developed into a professional model. It cannot be said that there were no ground attack drones before, but there are not too many in the world.

Although the current ground attack drone is not very big, it is only two meters in size, has a load capacity of only more than 100 kilograms, and its firepower is only a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, not even a cannon.

But this kind of firepower is enough for border patrols.

Moreover, Li Ao also specially developed a pod weapon similar to a net gun for the border patrol mission of the armed police, which looks like an RPG.

But in Li Anchor's view, this kind of net gun pod is the most suitable thing for armed police border defense.

Although the caravan transporting fans are all worthy of death, if they were to use this heavy machine gun to attack them, it would be a crime that was not serious enough and would be somewhat cruel.

And for Jiuzhou, it would be too cheap for these beasts to directly eliminate them on the battlefield. What they should really face should first be legal sanctions and people's judgment.

The net gun pods, each weighing five kilograms, are hung under the wings of the aircraft.

When using it to attack, a large circular net with a radius of three meters can drop from the sky and directly cover people inside.

Moreover, the number of people covered by the net is also large, and the net plays a huge role. Especially when animals are caught in the net, none of the people caught by the net will escape.

Li Ao's specially improved ground attack firepower, coupled with non-lethal net gun weapons, combined, can definitely bring new changes to border defense missions.

Li Ao looked at the Queen Bee modified model specially provided for the armed police, but a line specially attributed to Chen Guotao came to his mind, 'Where are you fishing? ’.

Unknowingly, Li Ao already had a picture in his mind, but he didn't waste too much time on it, and then turned his attention to another rendering.

This rendering, carefully designed by Li Anchor and Harrow and rendered by Harrow, was specially designed for the Navy and Coast Guard.

To talk about this drone, the first thing is that it has a big difference in appearance.

Although this drone is also improved and optimized based on the Queen Bee, its appearance is completely different.

The first is the appearance of the drone's fuselage. It looks as uncoordinated as possible at first glance. If you remove the wings and only look at the fuselage, people who have just seen this drone will immediately recognize it. It reminds me of the blue whale.

That kind of sea creature with a huge belly. Now the belly of this drone is the same as the blue whale, with a very bloated belly.

As for such a big-bellied belly, it was Li Ao and Haruo who came up with a design that can directly touch the belly of the aircraft. The principle is the same as that of the hu-16 Albatross, which is an amphibious seaplane.

The wings on both sides of this drone were folded by Li Anchor, making it easier for the drone to board the ship.

In addition to these changes, the command module in the Queen Bee drone was also deleted by Li Anchor. Coupled with the larger belly, the drone has a larger cargo space.

Of course, this also causes the drone's flight altitude and flight speed to drop slightly, but it is actually sufficient for performing tasks.

After all, even if this thing is equipped to the Coast Guard and Navy, it is only used for forward reconnaissance, and it may not be used even for anti-submarine.

Sometimes being too small is an advantage, but it is also a disadvantage.

However, Li Ao had already figured it out at this time. As for whether the Coast Guard and Navy would be satisfied, whether they would use it, and whether they would place an order, this was not something Li Ao could decide.

Li Anchor sat in his seat, thinking about these things in his mind, and he did not answer the question that Harrow just asked.

"Master, master..."

Harrow, who was on the table, looked at Li Anchor, who had not replied for a long time, and then reminded him.

Hearing Harrow's call, Li Ao came back to his senses and immediately issued an order to Harrow.

"Hello, now we are starting to trial-produce these two improved models of drones, and the models specially designed for the armed police will be our priority.

Let us also calculate how long it will take to complete the trial production of this drone based on our existing equipment and technology! "

Harrow listened to Li Anchor's words, and then his two round ears, like small fans, flickered quickly.

At the same time that Haro's ears flickered, the 550 host also made a slight running sound. It was obvious that Haro was already using its computing power to calculate.

As soon as the frequency of Harrow's two round ears flickering dropped, he replied to Li Anchor.

"Returning to the master, regarding our manufacturing time, after my careful calculation, if no accidents occur, we can probably print all police drones within three days.

Of course, if you want to use the company's equipment and ask the company to provide us with some parts, I think one day is enough.

The parts provided include engines, body shells, propellers..."

Li Ao listened to Harrow's joking answer, stretched out his hand and slapped Harrow on the top of his head. ‘What a girlish heart I have! ’

"Hello, there is no need to repeat to me the specific parts, I know exactly what they are!

But we don’t have to ask the company to provide these things. Now the company’s production pressure is still very high, so we will cause chaos to the company.

Except for some things that must be OEM, we print everything else ourselves. Anyway, this is just a prototype and test machine!

And I'm not in a hurry at all, let's just take our time.

Are there any other questions? If there are no other questions, start printing! "

"Hello understands, Harrow immediately starts the printing task."

As soon as Haro finished speaking, all the printers in the factory production area started printing at the same time.

After the printing task began, Li Ao himself began to think about the names of these two improved drones.

The first is the naming of the drone specially designed for the armed police, because the usage scenario is basically border patrol, and it is also used alone, and it also has ground attack capabilities.

After much deliberation, Li Ao simply named it the Hornet drone.

Wasps usually move alone and are very aggressive. Anyway, Li Ao felt that his name was reasonable.

As for the improved drones of the Navy and Coast Guard, Li Anchor named them Blue Whale drones, which are very similar in appearance.

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