Originally, Gu Qing did not care about these natives.

Even because of the extraction of JH-1 type minerals, it will have a very large impact on the planet.

As a result, the balance of the ecological environment has been destroyed, and the geographical environment has undergone large-scale changes.

This led to the destruction of the creatures produced above.

For him, it didn't interest him at all.

Before he knew it, his mentality had changed.

Seeing these lower creatures is like seeing ants.

An ordinary person, if he wants to take something from the ant nest, may cause the ant nest to collapse.

The ants inside suffered a catastrophe.

Will the person sympathize?

He didn't even think about what would cause it, how could he sympathize.

Or rather, no matter what the impact is, it doesn't matter to him at all.

Don't care, don't pay.

Not to mention sympathy or not, this kind of disregard is more in line with Gu Qing's state of mind at this time.

It's just that he didn't expect that these natives actually brought him some surprises.

They gathered together and seemed to perform a sacrificial ritual.

As the ceremony progressed, there seemed to be a burst of singing throughout the space.

The future lord appeared beside Gu Qing.

"Master, detected the breath of the old dominator."

Gu Qing was stunned, he didn't expect this indigenous civilization that didn't even break out of the planet blockade.

He even believes in an old dominator.

Just then, the sky became gloomy.

It is flushed with patches of rose-red.

There are inexplicable things floating in the void.

The dots are like the light refracted by crystals, blooming irregularly.

Gu Qing's brows furrowed slightly, "Can you detect what kind of old dominator this is?" "

Lord of the Future:" has scanned all the texts of the civilization below and is deducing. "

At this point, the situation outside changed again.

Large expanses of gelatinous substances, shadows emerged.

Like a wall of soft mud, countless pairs of fierce eyes exuded a gloomy light.

- Tick! - Tick! - Tick!

The world seemed to fall into emptiness.

Only the inexplicable 'ticking' sound kept sounding.

Although the Lord of the Future can deduce the past future, this time it involves the old ruler.

It's not easy.

Fortunately, at this time, the other party revealed part of the form.

Instead, it helps the future lord to calculate the identity of the other party.

"Master, the other party is from the dark abyss at the edge of the universe.

The name is Bagh Shas.

Also known as "addict", "blackbody" and "space filler"! "

The ticking sound doesn't end and is getting denser.

Mouths of different shapes appeared in the void.

Those ticking sounds are unknown mucus dripping from the mouth.

It fell into the void and rippled a little.

"Master, when Bagh Shas appears, it will be accompanied by a crazy exotic song - 'Song of Bagh Shas'!

At the same time, He will also use the 'Kiss of Bagh Shas's to resurrect the dead.

Summoning Him comes at a great cost, and if it doesn't pay enough, He will take it with the summoner.

He is an old ruler who is not well known and has no religious beliefs.

There are very few beings who choose to summon Bagh Shas.

But not for nothing.

Before the rise of this civilization, another civilization existed on the planet.

That civilization believed in Bagh Shas.

And this civilization, while conducting archaeology, discovered a way to summon Bagh Shas.

Although they did not believe in Bagh Shas, they did not refuse to accept this summoning ritual.

Gu Qing: "Can this thing come completely, is there any weakness." "

Lord of the Future: "Bagh Shas, like the Shadowhunters, is sensitive to light sources.

Their weakness is the same, the intense light.

In addition, based on the fluctuations now detected, it is inferred that Bagh Shas's body is still at the edge of the distant universe, in the endless dark abyss.

The appearance here is merely a projection in response to the sacrifice.

Gu Qing nodded slightly.

He is not yet able to deal with the old dominators.

But if it's just a projection, it should be fine with your own strength.

Especially after knowing the weaknesses of the other party.

Twenty-one golden mirrors are not vegetarian.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Along with the bodies of those corpses, kiss marks appeared.

They were all resurrected.

And the rose red in the sky gradually faded.

Those twisted colloidal things, and the eyes that constantly slide inside the jelly-like body.

It has all retreated.

The sky has also returned to its original color.

It seems that Bagh Shass only appeared in response to the sacrifice and calling.

Didn't do anything superfluous.

The corpses that showed kiss marks should have been given the 'Bagh Shas Kiss' by Him.

These people did not really rise to life, but became the living dead.

It is worth mentioning that after these guys became living dead, their strength was greatly enhanced.

Driven by those natives, they constantly began to charge the battleship.

Gu Qing's brows frowned slightly, "Three Palace Demon, you go and solve these troubles." "

The Three Palaces Demon can be regarded as the first junior brother recruited by Gu Qing.

Little Liuzi, Little Red and Dudu are all just pets.

Not a thug brother.

Since there is a younger brother to do it for him, then as the boss, he naturally does not need to do everything himself.

Although these natives became much stronger with the help of Bagh Shas.

Those living dead all possessed strength that was not weaker than the peak of the Hui Yue Order.

There are even a few who have already touched the level of the Flame Sun Order.

But in front of the Three Palace Devils, it was still just a group of ants.

The Sannomiya demon not only completely killed the living dead, but also killed the natives who performed the sacrificial ritual.

Even rush into the indigenous city and kill it!

In just a few breaths, millions of people had died at his hands.

This is still because the Sangong Demon is more inclined to hand-to-hand combat.

I don't like range attacks very much.


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