The Eyed Serpent is a spooky existence that hides in ancient and vast ruins waiting for humans who dare to enter its territory.

Once the person who enters this territory is discovered by the "eyed snake", he will be entangled in its eyes, leaving it to die and struggle, and there is no chance of survival.

According to legend, the Serpent is a group of lost creatures that once existed on this planet, mixed with ancient magical powers and human technology, and has evolved into a destructive evil.

In this territory, there is a terrible "buzzing sound" every day, attracting many lonely, curious or lost people to the abyss of death without knowing it.

Once you are stared at by the "eyed snake", you will be bound by its great will, lost in endless darkness, and will never be able to escape.

Even those with rich imagination cannot imagine the complete form of the "eyed snake", because he is too large, constantly fusing different lives, gathering infinite spiritual energy.

Its eyes can perceive everything and feel the breath of anything.

When its eyes widened, its gaze went straight to the depths of the soul, making people's hearts full of timidity.

For all those explorers, scientists, and cultists who dare to approach the Serpent.

These creatures are all real horrors, twisted into unimaginable shapes under terror.

It never stops, and its way of existence is destruction, endless, cruel, and has become a terrifying and weird legend.

Almost at the same time, there was a movement on the other side.

It is the fourth favorite.

It is rumored that in the depths of the vast universe, there is a powerful being known as the "God of Black Touch".

It is said that he was born on a secret dark star, with endless tentacles and a hard carapace, exuding an endless evil aura.

When he appeared, the sky turned pitch black and the whole earth began to tremble.

His tentacles are like a pitch-black canopy, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

The surface of his carapace is covered with many mysterious symbols and strange depressions, as if hiding some unimaginable power.

Anyone who can witness this nightmarish sight will involuntarily feel a trace of cold fear welling up from the bottom of their hearts.

According to rumors, the God of Black Touch has long been the leader of otherworldly creatures in the primeval period, and he tried to conquer the entire universe.

His tentacles can travel across many galaxies, allowing him to hunt for supplies and dominate planets.

And let his faithful, those who willingly pledge allegiance to him in order to receive the protection of the god of the black touch, become his faithful servants.

But after a grand war, he is defeated by another powerful being and isolated in a dark dimension.

He lay dormant there for a long time, countless years passed, waiting for the opportunity to regain his position and power, holding his breath, waving his tentacles and venting his evil desires to the fullest.

No one knows if the Black Touch will return to the real world.

But all legends agree that he is a perfect evil creature capable of destroying the entire world and all living beings.

People have lost faith and fear that they will not be able to rest for a moment in a volatile world.

No one knows the truth about this evil being—and if it exists, it must be more terrifying than humans can imagine.

And now, the God of Black Touch has apparently reappeared, and the reason for his appearance is obvious.

That is to join the group that believes in Naiara, a million favored people!

He became one of many favored people.

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