Ordinary professional world.

Nanyun began to feel that the gun in his hand suddenly felt a little less fragrant.

This sword made of plants can actually exert such strong power!

How about he also become a swordsman?

"Yae, how does it feel to use this sword?"

"That’s great, I didn’t expect you to create such a masterpiece! Yae gently stroked the sword Hajime gave her. It was far beyond her imagination. It was both light and sharp. When she swung it, she could feel that her body and the sword were integrated!...........

The world of InuYasha.

Totosai searches for materials that can be used to reforge weapons.

"blue rose...devil tree...golden osmanthus...Really amazing forging technology..."

He always thought that using the big demon's teeth was the limit.

But now I see that the weaponsmiths in the world of swords can actually make swords from trees.

It made him feel like he could take a new path!

Maybe we can forge a divine weapon that surpasses Tie Suiya, or even Cong Yun Ya!

As long as he can forge one, his knife forging career will eventually be perfect.............

Sword Art Online World


Eugeo watched the two of them being sucked out of the wall, and his face turned pale with fear!

If you fall from this height, you won't be safe!

"At this height, I can't die now!"

Kirito wiped the sweat from his forehead and pretended to be calm. He just hoped that he could grow wings, otherwise he would fall to the ground at such a speed that he would definitely turn into meat....


At this time, Alice fell from the sky and jumped in front of the two of them, very worried.

Kirito and Eugeo were delighted when they saw Alice. They didn't expect that she was here!

"Why did you two get here?"

"Don’t you know that the highest priest is sending people to look for you now?"

"Come with me!"

Ignoring the two people's reactions, Alice quickly pulled them onto the back of the flying dragon and disappeared into the sky.

This time the three of them are going to break into the Kilometer Church together!.........

【Screen continues】

【Outside the tower, the two people were hanging high...】

【Kirito inserted his sword into the wall, hung his body and pulled Alice, thus preventing the two of them from falling to their deaths....】

【"Let me go! You big sinner!"】

【Alice keeps swaying, trying to break away from Kirito's hand. Even if she dies, she doesn't want to be saved by the sinner!】

【Kirito felt nervous, grabbed the hilt of the sword, and yelled at her several times, how could she give up her life so easily!】

【Alice's cheeks turned red with anger, no one had ever said that to her before!】

【Until she was educated several times by Kirito, she gave up the idea of ​​seeking death and agreed that the two of them would work together to leave here....】........


"This Alice seems to have exactly the same attitude as Asuna towards Kirito!"

"If you don't know this, you can't escape from the hands of the swordsman in black...."

When the players looked at this scene, they felt a sense of déjà vu and felt extremely envious. This is called enjoying life.

Akiel store

"Asuna! If you have something to say, put the knife away first!"

Grandpa Tong now has a big word"danger" on his head. He is so unjust. He hasn't done anything yet!

"snort! If something happens, you know the consequences!"

Asuna stabbed the knife on the table and stared at him with an extremely kind look!

Grandpa Tong shivered in fright and yelled Kayaba, where have you been? Hurry up and release the game logout button!

This If his future self does anything outrageous, he won't be able to have any peace at night!..........

【in the screen】

【The two of them worked together and kept climbing. As long as they reached the lookout, they would be saved....】

【The sun gradually sets until evening...】

【At this time, Kirito saw a group of monsters designing people's hearts outside the tower....】

【But before he could react, those monsters were lifted from their petrified state, revealing themselves as dark evil spirits!】

【"Creatures from the dark realm! ?"】

【Alice was horrified. Why were creatures from the dark realm on the tower of the Axiom Church?】


【The gargoyle flew into the air, shocking her even more...】

【According to the rules of the Supreme Priest, flying should not be allowed here. Why can they fly!】

【Kirito drew his black sword and stood ready. These monsters were definitely not comparable to Goblins!】

【"Alice! Draw your sword quickly!"】

【Alice couldn't even stand upright due to fear and almost slipped....】


【Several gargoyles attacked the two of them, but the space was extremely limited, so Kirito could only defend passively!】

【"Hurry up!!!"】

【Kirito saw the platform above and prepared to swing her up, otherwise the two of them would fall sooner or later!】


【Kirito threw her up, and Alice was so frightened that she quickly held on to the wall, and just when she felt relieved, she felt a pull!】


【Alice hurriedly stabilized her body, and her strong arm strength directly threw Kirito up, slamming him against the wall....】

【"Damn it..."】

【Kirito was so dizzy from being hit that before he could react, the gargoyle attacked again, falling from the sky and rushing down at high speed!】


【Alice swung her sword and chopped the two gargoyles into pieces instantly!】

【The monsters were successfully defeated by the two of them, and its blood stuck to Kirito's face....】

【Just as he was about to wipe it with his hands, Alice stopped him and took out a handkerchief from his side and handed it to Kirito....】

【"Remember to wash it off!"】

【Alice turned around proudly and stopped looking at him...】...........

"This is my familiar from the Dark Empire!"

"Why in the Axiom Church in the human world!"

"Is it possible..."

The people of the Dark Empire looked at this scene in disbelief, as their familiar became the opponent's guardian familiar.

The Dark Knights also found it incredible. Could it be that the highest priest's hand has reached into the dark realm?

"This should be the familiar created by the highest priest himself!"

"This may also be set up by outsiders to help her..."

The Dark Knight Commander has now accepted his identity.

Although they are created worlds, they all have souls and there is no difference between them and living beings.

Even if I tell him now that he is from the human world, he will still believe it............

【in the screen】

【At night, Kirito told everything he knew....】

【Alice believed what he said. After all, she had always had doubts about the Supreme Priest, and the dreams she usually had were no coincidence!】

【Alice stood on a high platform, overlooking the entire central capital. She swore to protect the creatures in the human world and gave up her mission as an integrity knight!】

【In an instant, her right eye turned into a bloody red code...】

【The whole eye feels like burning pain, and the eyeball keeps bulging outward....】

【"I also have my own will! I want to protect the inhabitants of this world! Protect everything in this world!"】

【This will to resist, this restraint of fighting the system can no longer suppress her!】

【The severe pain caused Alice to throw herself into Kirito's arms....】

【"Kirito...Please hold me down..."】

【Kirito stared at the girl solemnly and hugged her tightly with his arms!】

【As she shouted, her right eye exploded and blood splattered everywhere!】........

"Just some clever tricks!"

"Even if the shackles are broken, so what, you are definitely no match for me!"

The highest priest looked at Alice with disdain. Even if she resisted, it would be to no avail!

Sooner or later, the world would be completely controlled by her. When she went out, the real world would surrender to her feet!

Likewise, on a plain.

Alice is also determined to endure the pain no matter how painful it is!

The same goes for those who want to resist the highest priest!

"well...I don’t know how things will turn out..."

The strongest integrity knight sighed deeply. He did not resist the highest priest.....

On the turtle.

Jugang and everyone were pleasantly surprised. This was Alice, the final subject of their experiment.

"This Eugeo seems pretty good too..."

I thought that Alice would become a perfect bottom-up AI, but it seems that the same is true for Eugeo now!

"Higa, have those restrictions been removed?"

"No...Not found yet..."

Higa shook his head. The traitor was too hidden. It would take at least a day to find him.

What they didn't know was that a submarine that was not an island nation appeared under this sea area..............

【in the screen】

【Kirito carries the unconscious Alice on his back and continues to climb up...】

【The two finally arrived at the observation deck. Kirito put down Alice and went to find Eugeo....】

【But what I saw in the room was Becoulier who was turned into stone by Blue Rose....】

【And this sacred technique of turning people into stone is the move used by the elder!】.........

"Was I defeated by that young man?"

Becoulier was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would be trapped by Blue Rose. The child's growth rate was simply astonishing. The scale of this freeze has surpassed the time when Fanatio was locked!

And this has just passed. What a genius, maybe even better than Alice!

"Lord Becoulier was defeated! ?"

Fanatio couldn't believe it. The strongest integrity knight was defeated and turned into stone by the elder!

At this moment, her inner anger could not be suppressed. She wished she could burn the clown into nothingness with the brilliance of the sun!........

【in the screen】

【Kirito saw the frozen blue rose, broke the ice, took it out and held it in his hand...】

【At this moment, he once again held two swords, as if the two-sword swordsman had returned again!】

【"Drunk maniac with two swords..."】

【Alice looked at Kirito like this and felt inexplicably powerful, as if he had been suppressing himself before....】

【The two of them walked deeper and saw countless sealed experimental devices in a space filled with white-faced people appearing in the sky....】

【These are all elders who were captured from various places by the highest priest and are good at using sacred arts and transformed into them!】...........

"demon! The highest priest is a devil!"

"My child was taken away by her. I thought I was getting an honor, but I didn't expect it to turn out like this!"

The residents of the human world stared at this scene in horror. They didn't expect that the highest priest was actually doing human body modification!

And there were so many of them, restricting their freedom, and working like machines every day!

Dr. Gallo:"In human beings In terms of transformation, I think no one among the highest priests can surpass her!"

Vegapunk:"Hey!...Crazier than me! This is like treating them like livestock!"

Dr. Senbei:"Human beings are not machines, but to actually transform them into this appearance, Arale is going to blow up the world with one punch!

Genos:"This kind of demon needs heroes like me to go and defeat it!" Xiao

Di:"I have never restricted their freedom. I didn't expect that the highest priest's methods are better than mine. It's really good. You can serve Lord Ainz!" Xiaodi admires the Supreme Priest very much. This kind of talent is even rarer than the Golden Princess. He really wants to bring her to Lord Ainz!

Old Bones:"Damn it, I'm not that crazy!"".........

【in the screen】

【Desperate screams in the distance attracted their attention...】

【I met the patriarch Chudelkin at the end of the room....】

【The elder asked Alice why she hadn't killed the great sinner yet. How dare they, mere puppets, resist!】

【Alice rewarded it with a heart-piercing set with an expressionless face....】

【But the imagined blood did not flow out. Instead, its body continued to expand and exploded like a balloon!】


【Red smoke filled the whole room, and the elders quickly escaped from here....】

【They hurriedly chased after...】

【And waiting in front of them is Integrity Knight Eugeo, who has been integrated by the Supreme Priest! 】

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