"Okay, since Lord Chu, you want to ......" "

Come on, bring a strong crossbow!"

Cheng Chumo gritted his teeth and ordered loudly.


a soldier handed over a

powerful crossbow made of an eight-stone bow.

Cheng Chumo loaded the arrow with his hands and feet, and then handed it to Chu Jie.

Chu Jie didn't say a word, and took the loaded crossbow and got on the roof of the car.

About a hundred meters away from the site, it is clearly visible.

He looked at the crossbow in his hand, there was only a cover door, no crosshairs.

He turned and pulled the trigger on the river behind him.


was a bang.

The arrows of this Bingjun crossbow first passed through a 30-meter-long upward trajectory, and then began to fall slightly, easily flying out of 200 meters and shooting into the water.

"Fortunately, with the ascent of flying out as compensation, the trajectory of more than 100 meters is almost equal to straight. "

The performance is not bad!" Except

for the muzzle velocity, the trajectory of this crossbow is similar to that of a pistol bullet.

A confident smile suddenly appeared on his child's face.

With his shooting skills in his previous life, coupled with the powerful crossbow in his hand, he is fully capable of this sniper action!"

"My lord, why did you turn around and shoot at the river?"

Zhan Zhao asked suspiciously.

"My lord, this is familiar with the trajectory of the arrow's flight

!" "My lord, the last general will load you!"


Chumo understood Chu Jie's behavior, and stretched out his hand and said.


!" "Keep one of the feathers facing upwards!"


Jie threw the strong crossbow to Cheng Chumo on the roof of the car, and commanded in a deep voice.

Since there is no crosshair, it is good to use the feather at the tail of the arrow as a crosshair.

"Okay, no problem, sir!"

Cheng Chumo responded, put the crossbow on the ground, stepped on it and pulled it hard, and it was loaded with a click.

Then according to Chu Jie's request, after putting the arrow on it and fixing it, he handed it over.

Chu Jie took the crossbow, lay on the roof of the car, and put on a standard lying position for shooting.

On the opposite side, there is still a stalemate.

"Don't come

here!" "Come here, I'll kill him!" Under

the light of countless torches, five men in black, one of the most sturdy leaders,

were strangling Princess Gaoyang's neck with one hand and holding a poisonous dagger against her neck with the other.

Princess Gaoyang, who was not very old, was already pale with fright at this time, and her face was pale.

The whole person hung on the arm of the man in black as if he had lost his strength.

Chu Jie looked at the scene and judged that after the man in black was shot down, the other men in black might still hurt Princess Gaoyang, after all, their standing position was very dense, and then remembered the speed that Zhanzhao showed when he sprinted to Princess Changle's carriage at full speed that day, and suddenly felt a little confident.

Zhanzhao's speed can completely rush out of the crowd thirty meters away and protect Gao Yang.

"Zhan Zhao, you took the officer's token and went over and mixed in with those soldiers, after the officer took down the hostage-taking guy with one arrow. "

You're going to rush over and protect Princess Gaoyang right away, understand?"

he ordered in a deep voice.

"Understood, go over immediately!" Zhan

Zhao nodded.

"Wait, the others don't know the Zhan guards, and they're afraid of getting in the way. "

The last general will take Zhan's guards over!" Cheng

Chumo said.

"Okay, you guys move quickly!" Chu

Jie nodded.


the two immediately ran towards the


And Chu Jie, with a thumbs up, glanced at the distance of the leader of the man in black who was facing him sideways.

The result was calculated to be more than eighty-five meters.

"I hope you don't keep blowing the wind......"

he muttered as he moistened his thumb with his spit, then felt the air currents with his thumb.

Although the range of the strong crossbow is sufficient, after all, the muzzle velocity is low.

Will be very sensitive to wind direction.

At this time, Zhanzhao and the two were already close, and the other soldiers recognized Cheng Chumo.

They quickly and smoothly blended into the crowd of soldiers.

"Those damn assassins, what do you want?" Li

Shimin's voice came from the city gate.

"Li Shimin, your precious daughter is in my hands!" "

In exchange for the head of the Goguryeo king Gao Jianwu, we promise to return your daughter to you, and then we will commit suicide." "

Within half an hour, if Lao Tzu can't see Gao Jianwu's head, your daughter will die, and we will kill ourselves again!" the

assassin shouted in stiff Chinese.

"You want to threaten Datang?"

Li Shimin suddenly became furious.

"Your Majesty......" "

Chang'an Ling Chu Jie has already sent someone over, intending to forcibly save Princess Gaoyang. "

Cheng Chumo said that he hoped we could buy some time.

The great eunuch Wang De walked up to Li Shimin's side and said in a low voice.

"Chu Jie is dealing with it?" Li

Shimin heard Chu Jie's name, and his eyes were instantly full of confidence.


Wang De said.

"That kid has a lot of skills, since he wants to stall for time, then procrastinate!"

"Anyway, I won't compromise on any threats.

"If something happens to Gaoyang tonight, then blame her for her bad life, and when the time comes, I will bury the entire Goguryeo with me!" Li

Shimin whispered hatefully.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured, the slave maid also thinks that Lord Chu must have a way!" Wang

De said.

"Li Shimin, if you don't reply again, Lao Tzu will chop off one of her ears!"

At this time, the man in black roared bloodthirstily again.

"You don't want to talk nonsense, half an hour is impossible!" "

I want time to think, if you have to take half an hour, then you can kill her, anyway, your task will definitely not be completed!"

Li Shimin said sharply.

"Bastard, how long are you going to think!" the

man in black shouted again.

"Opportunity!" Chu

Jie, whose eyes were sharp in the distance, suddenly couldn't feel the wind blowing through his thumb, and under the emotion of that guy, the knife left Princess Gaoyang's neck.

He didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

There was a muffled thud of impact.

The arrows whistled and flew out.

Chu Jie feels excellent at this moment.

This arrow, according to his experience, will definitely hit!

" How long will it take you, Li Shimin, ...... speak"

When the man in black was roaring, the evil wind came from behind.

His pupils shrank suddenly.


A hideous arrow pierced his left chest.

Moreover, the location was very well chosen.

This is the right atrium, and if it is pierced here, the person will instantly lose control and start convulsing.


the other men in black screamed as they watched their leader twitch and fall to the



out!" Zhanzhao's figure in a fiery red samurai robe flashed out of the crowd thirty meters away like a jaguar, and in the time that the man in black couldn't react at all, he pulled up the dumbfounded Lamb Princess and protected him!

"Lord Chu is good at archery!"

Cheng Chumo looked at such an accurate arrow, and suddenly burst into a loud shout.

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