The entire county government was quiet, and only the sound of Chu Jie tasting tea kept ringing.

Chen Xiu, who had sent Li De out, walked back.

According to the usual practice, he should stay where he could hear Chu Jie's orders and wait for instructions.

However, he walked straight over at this point.

This made Chu Jie a little surprised.

"Lord Chu, there is another good thing to tell you. "

A set of windmill weaving machines has been built according to your requirements.

Chen Xiu said.

"Just yesterday, so fast?"

Chu Jie was stunned.

"Yes, sir.

"The people I recruited yesterday were all carpenters, and they put together ten production lines.

"Master Liu Mu also improved the drawings overnight to make all the parts as consistent as possible, and then arranged the manpower.

"The main thing is that Lord Chu's method is too easy to use, disassemble all the parts, and then you can let more than three hundred people participate in the manufacture of a textile machine at the same time.

"It's not a difficult thing to do, but once it's assembled, it's time to install the windmill.

Chen Xiu said.

"Okay, let them run it for a trial run, and then, speed up production!" Chu

Jie nodded and said.

"But my lord, there are only 300 people in a production line, and after assembling a textile machine, there are many more parts.

"This time, more than 30,000 people were recruited. "

We can use so many production lines there?" Chen

Xiu said with some concern.

"Hahaha, a lot of carpentry, it won't be a bad thing.

"There are many such textile factories in the whole world, and it is not necessarily bad for the machinery factory to have more people.

"What's more, textile machinery is already going to be tossed anyway, and shipbuilding is also man-made."

"Well, let's build a wagon factory.

Chu Jie said.

"The carriage

?" "This is how you take it apart?"


Xiu was stunned.

"That's right, but this time, the official wants to recruit some more blacksmiths.

"There is no rush for the carriage order, as long as the first demand of the textile mill is completed, then the carriage will be tossed."

Chu Jie said with a smile.

"My lord, Your Majesty is asking you to buy thirty carriages, you are directly making carriages, this is ......"

Chen Xiu was suddenly a little incredulous.

"What are you afraid of, now almost all carpenters have been taken away to make textile machinery, and now that the carriage in Chang'an is broken, who will repair it?"

"Just get the carriage production line out, and how many carriages in the world will be repaired by that time, they will look for us."

"Here's another one.

Chu Jie said.

"That'...... Datang really has so many horses to pull carts, so many carriages?"

Chen Xiu asked again.

"Hehe, after the destruction of the Northern Turks, the price of horses fell.

"And it won't be long before Tubo is finished, and the three hippos over there will be in our hands."

"Datang, there will be no shortage of horses.

Chu Jie said.

"My lord is really far-sighted, I don't know how many blacksmiths I need?"

asked Chen Xiu.

"Two thousand, the carriage will not move anywhere else.

"Then the axle at the bottom has to be changed.

Chu Jie said, asked Xiaoyu to bring a pen and paper, and drew a set of double wishbone hanging.

"The most important thing in this set is the spring. "

Thick iron, twisted into a spring, let the master smelt, try to increase the elasticity, the rigidity is too high.

"Then this kind of carriage can only sit people, and it must not pull goods.

"You ask Liu Mu to organize people as soon as possible, make springs, and make such a hanging sample first."

"By the way, don't send it yourself.

"We'll go on a tour of the city in a moment.

Chu Jie said.

"My lord worked so hard last night, do you still have to patrol the city?"

Chen Xiu was stunned.

"That's something you can't help but do. "

Seek his own government in his place.

Chu Jie said, handing out the rough design drawing.

Then Chen Xiu took the design and handed it to a messenger, and when he asked him to send it to the textile factory, Zhan Zhao, dressed in a red samurai robe, returned.

"Got that guy?" Chu

Jie asked.

"My lord, it's done, the guy didn't say anything, and stabbed Zhuang Xi in the arm with a lowly sword. Then

he left, saying that he could go to the Patriotic Mansion and call him at any time.

"There's really nothing to be said in between. "

That Zhuang Xi, at first stunned, then laughed.

Zhan Zhao said.

"Well, it seems that he is indeed angry with his brother Li Jing.

"If this guy hadn't been careful, Li Jing wouldn't have married his daughter by mistake.

"And put on such a big green hat.

Chu Jie immediately dispelled his suspicions, and said with a smile: "Let's go, patrol the city!"

"Obey, my lord!"

The two of them responded in unison and turned to prepare their horses.

Not long after, Chu Jie sat in a carriage, escorted by Chen Xiu and Zhanzhao, and went out to patrol the city.

"Your Excellency has patrolled the city!" "

When you see Lord Chu's carriage, you feel at ease

!" "Lord Chu!" "Meet Lord



the people saw Chu Jie's carriage, they were immediately surprised.

They all saluted towards Chu Jie's carriage from a distance.

"My lord, there seems to be a situation?"

When the carriage passed by the central street in the west of the city, Chen Xiu suddenly said.

Chu Jie was stunned for a moment and opened the curtains.

What I saw was a large group of people gathered in front of the house of the shopkeeper Liu of the ready-to-wear store in the west of the city.

It seems to be watching lively.

"Go over and have a look!" Chu

Jie commanded.

"Yes, my lord!"

Zhanzhao replied, driving the carriage in that direction.

"Lord Chu's carriage

!" "Lord Chu is here

!" "Get out of the way, get out of the way!"


exclamation suddenly sounded in the crowd.

Then, consciously get out of the way.

The carriage passed through the crowd to the door of Liu's house.

Chu Jie walked out of the carriage, and what caught his eye was a woman sitting on the ground with a cloak.

Looks like it just spilled.

And the shopkeeper Liu stood next to him with an embarrassed face.

"Meet Lord Chu!" Everyone

present immediately saluted.

"Say, what's the matter!" Chu

Jie was not polite, and after letting the people get up, he asked Shopkeeper Liu.

The owner of this ready-to-wear shop is also a well-known figure.

When he was twenty years old, he fell in love with the proprietress of a boat company, Zhang Shi.

The one who sat on the ground and sprinkled it.

This proprietress Zhang's parents died when she was a child, she was very independent, and she stayed up in the boat industry until she was thirty years old before she was moved by the shopkeeper Liu.

The two finally got married a few years ago, which was also a big news in Chang'an at that time.

After all, men and women in this era are indeed extremely rare to get married at the age of thirty.

"Adult, the child was born, and she said she was too tired. "

The temper is getting harder and harder to control, and it's ...... It's ......,"

Shopkeeper Liu said, his face flushed.

"He was still beaten, right?" Chu

Jie found the scratch marks on his face, and asked with some tears and laughter.


The onlookers suddenly burst into laughter.

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