Taoist companions help me live forever

Chapter 335 Countermeasures, reaction (75k 2200 monthly votes plus)


The true king's palace.

The contemporary Lord Yuling looked livid when he saw the news of the fall coming like snowflakes.

One city is lost in one day, ten cities are lost in three days, and a thousand cities are lost in ten days.

The speed of losing ground is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger until it is earth-shattering.

In just one month, one-third of the entire Yuling Realm was planted with the flag of the Great Harmony. The wind of Great Harmony was blowing, and the trend of swallowing up the whales was already taking shape.

Although Yuling Realm is not as large as Xuanyang Realm, by piecing together the map, it can still cover an area of ​​50,000 to 60,000 miles.

But in just one month, one-third of the Yuling Realm was lost.

Lord Yuling's body was trembling, and his voice seemed a little deformed due to his rage.

"Where did so many people from Datonghui come from? Isn't there anyone who resisted? Okay! Even if you do nothing, don't resist at all, and just sit there and get killed by them, you won't be able to lose so much territory in a month. ah!

Can even Master Jin Dan cover hundreds of millions of square kilometers in one month? "


"Can anyone tell me why this is!"

Yu Ling Zhenjun, who had practiced cultivation for thousands of years, could hardly control his state of mind and lost his composure in public.

At his level, the way forward is basically hopeless.

After all, immortality is so easy to seek.

As for the wine, sex, wealth and wealth that ordinary people seek, he can enjoy it to the point of boredom.

Only fame and fortune are two words that no one can escape in this mortal world.

All he had left was the pursuit of fame during his lifetime and after his death.

But now, True Lord Yuling suddenly discovered that he was likely to become the last sect leader of Yuling Sect, the leader of the dead sect, and would be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

If Yulingzong still has descendants, he must be the shameful figure who is mentioned repeatedly.

It was in the hands of him, the last sect leader, that the Yuling Sect, which once ruled a realm and was so powerful, collapsed and became a stepping stone for others.

Even if he dies, he won't be able to rest in peace.

He could accept that he would lead the entire sect and fight to the last man against the demon army in order to defend the territory of the human race. In the end, he would die generously and the entire sect would be wiped out.

But he could not accept the demise of Yuling Sect in his hands.

Facing True Lord Yu Ling, he almost lost his composure and roared in public.

In the True Lord's Hall, all the True Lords of the Yuling Sect were silent.

Especially the few True Lords who have just transferred from Xuanyang Sect in the past few years and have not yet established themselves have dark faces, which are a bit uglier than True Lord Yuling.

If they had known earlier, they would have run further.

It's better now, and I have to abide by the harsh and strange rules of the True Monarch of Love.

No, it's more stringent rules.

Before they left, they were still the old men of Xuanyang Sect. For the sake of True Lord Yue Yue, True Lord Da Ai’s attitude towards them was not bad. Except for the few years when he took charge of Xuanyang Sect, True Lord Da Ai Jun didn't force them to do anything.

But not having privileges means oppression and injustice to them.

This injustice made them resolutely take their disciples and relatives away from home.

As a result, after all the effort and going around in circles, my heels are still dangling here, and the Datong Club is here again.

They were about to fall into the hands of True Monarch Great Love again.

This time it was difficult to run away.

The last time they moved from Xuanyang Realm to Yuling Realm, they were exhausted.

Even if they don't mind the trouble, run again.

But there is no sense of security when they are too close. If the Datong Association suddenly comes to kill them one day, they will cry without tears.

Too far to go.

Although they are Nascent Soul True Monarchs, they are not alone after all. They are traveling with their relatives and disciples.

This is their weakness.

It is inevitable for locals to bully outsiders.

Even in the Yuling Sect, their former brothers and sisters were secretly targeting them after they arrived.

Although their arrival has enhanced the foundation and strength of the entire Yuling Sect, it has also diluted the resources of others because of their arrival, even if it is only a small part of the resources.

But it has already attracted a lot of looks.

It will take hundreds of years for them to take root and grow here, and a new round of balance will be formed between the interests of all parties, that is, after they become locals, this kind of targeting and exclusion will slowly disappear.

What's more, further away, the place is unfamiliar, and life will only be more difficult.

It's not even necessary to be surrounded and killed.

After all, they still have wealth accumulated in various peaks ranging from as little as a thousand years to as many as thousands of years in their hands. This is definitely a great temptation for True Lord Yuanying.

At this moment, they truly realized a realization that they had deliberately avoided - although the True Lord of Great Love was the same True Lord as them, they were already people of different levels.

Even though they were hundreds of thousands of miles apart, and even though the True Monarch of Great Love did not intentionally target them, just because of the ripples he caused, they were already in a dilemma, not knowing what to do.

The hall was silent for a long time.

Then the old man sitting in front said quietly:

"I remember that in the past, Datonghui followed the Taoist Army to the Yuling Realm and opened a branch. Someone once mentioned to the sect leader that this Datonghui is actually a society of evil spirits, specializing in deceiving people's hearts. It has learned from the experience of the Xuanyang Realm, and even forced Kuimu to do so. True Lord, the True Lord of Spirit Seal has taken refuge in our Yuling Sect.

Therefore, we must not allow it to easily take root in the spirit realm.

It was just that the sect master was worried that the True Monarch of Great Love would withdraw support because of this, and was also afraid of the power of Venerable Peach Blossom, so he avoided talking about it. It also opened the door to the actions of the Datong Society in the Yuling Realm, making it easier for them to do so. In just a dozen years, it spread all over Yuling territory.

Now that it has become a big mistake, why should the sect master ask us why? "

The Datong ideal promoted by the Datong Society is naturally scornful and unrealistic to them.

As long as there are people in this world, there will be classes.

Not to mention that old monsters like them, who often live for thousands of years, are not supported by hundreds of millions of people, otherwise they would not have the happy and happy life they have now.

But the more bizarre the remarks, the more curious people are and the easier it is to spread them.

In addition, the construction of Datong in Xuanyang Realm next door is in full swing. The publicity of Datong does not even need to make up stories, but only uses practical examples, and with the help of some storytellers who specialize in telling stories, the speed of spread is terrifying.

Some people see that this is not good.

Datong will make people's hearts wander in this way. Everyone begins to understand Datong, yearn for Datong, and want to become Datong.

In fact, it was to shake the foundation of Yuling Sect's rule.

But he couldn't stand the people behind the Datong Association, nor could he stand the passive compromise of his superiors.

Now Datong will find an excuse to go to war, not so much to start a war, but to take over rule.

Before the exact order of resistance was issued from above, and under the propaganda of the Datong Society for more than ten years, the upper class was unwilling to fight desperately, and the lower class was waiting to divide the land.

Many people even took the initiative to surrender their land. It is no wonder that the Datong Society is advancing at a speed that is almost like a pig.

Of course, it seems to have fallen into a lot of trouble now.

However, the foundation of the Yuling Sect's rule for thousands of years is not in vain. As long as they can repel the Datonghui's offensive, those fallen areas can return to the embrace of the Yuling Sect in the blink of an eye.

But do they dare to fight?

Venerable Peach Blossom's name is like a huge stone pressing on everyone's heart.

Before Venerable Jiuyang expressed his support, once Venerable Peach Blossom came, they had no power to resist.

But it's one thing to know these words in your heart, and it's another thing to say them out loud.

The old man's words can be said to be heart-breaking.

Lord Yu Ling's face suddenly turned pale, and his seven-foot tall body suddenly became rickety. His voice was no longer angry, and his tone was low, as if he was defending himself, and he seemed to be giving an explanation to everyone.

“It was my sect leader who allowed Datonghui to settle in the Yuling Realm in the first place. Today, it is indeed a big mistake as Elder Zhuo said.

As the sect leader, I have no shirking responsibility. Today, only if I step down as the sect leader and look for someone wise, can I stop the current decline and save Yuling Sect from the fire and water. "

"You can make your own choice, I will take over when the time comes."

The words fell.

All the True Lords who had just returned the old god's presence were anxious.

"The sect master must not do it. No one had expected what happened at the Datong Conference. How could the sect master take the responsibility on himself?"

"Yes, Elder Zhuo is just a family member. How can he represent the opinions of everyone else including me?"

"I believe that at this time, only the sect master can lead us to resist the offensive of the Datong Association. Who else has this prestige and strength other than the sect master."

"If anyone mentions changing the sect master again, he is deceiving people in public. If he is not determined to defeat our Yuling Sect, he will be the enemy of everyone!"

"Elder Zhuo, the sect master has worked hard for the sect, and everyone can see it. How can you blame the sect master like this and not apologize to the sect master quickly?"

In the main hall, a dozen Nascent Soul Lords were chattering away, as if they were buying vegetables at the vegetable market. No one dared to pick up this hot potato.

They didn't get their turn when they were enjoying the blessings in the past, but now it's impossible to choose them when it comes to death.

If they really can't resist Datonghui, everyone can surrender, except the sect leader.

They made a choice, and even if the sect leader surrendered, Datong would not believe him even if he was afraid, so he would definitely try his best to kill him, so as not to create any mountain factions in the future and think about the great cause of restoration.

If half of Yulingzong's Nascent Soul Lords were not on the front line to resist the demon army, the momentum would have been even stronger at this moment.

True Lord Yu Ling had tears in his eyes, and said with a touch of emotion on his face:

"I never thought that everyone would be so kind to my sect leader. Please rest assured that my sect leader will definitely find a way out for our sect."

He looked at the Immortal Sect envoy who had been sitting in the corner as an audience, and finally saw him.

"Immortal envoy, I wonder how the Immortal Sect responded?"

The messenger of the Immortal Sect is an old man with a goatee. He has a gaunt appearance and a thin body. There is no sparkle in his eyes. He looks like someone who is depressed in the countryside. He has only been a child student in his life. He can only educate children and earn a living. Old gentleman.

He seemed to be dozing off, and he woke up in a daze after being called several times by Lord Yu Ling.

"What just happened? I, I don't know."

True Lord Yuling must get an answer today, so he asked again.

The Immortal Sect envoy was silent for a long time, then sighed and said:

"I have reported the matter to the sect regarding your sect. However, the venerable is currently in retreat and has not responded. We do not dare to deal with it casually."

True Lord Yuling gritted his teeth and said: "Today we push tomorrow, and tomorrow comes tomorrow. If we wait any longer, the Datong Association will advance to the mountain gate of our Yuling Sect. Immortal envoy, you must not forget that our Yuling Sect is now Resist the demon clan for the entire Jiuyang Domain.

Now our sect is fighting to the death at the front, but allies are attacking us from behind.

If the Immortal Sect does not care about this matter, we are no match for Datonghui and Venerable Peach Blossom, so we will have no choice but to move our sect to avoid fighting and flee. "

The Immortal Sect envoy was stunned for a moment, and then said quietly:

"Back then, the first generation of the Yuling Sect, the True Lord Yuling, intended to establish a sect here. He made a promise to the envoys from the Jiuyang Immortal Sect that he would protect the Immortal Sect from enemies and those outside the realm of Yuling for generations. If he violated this promise, he would be called Yuling. The entire Ling sect was wiped out, leaving no chickens or dogs behind.

Today, is the sect leader planning to disobey the ancestral order? "

Although the Jiuyang Immortal Sect does not restrict these sects and aristocratic families built on the border and does not require them to offer anything, there is one thing they must abide by - to protect the land of the Immortal Sect.

Otherwise, why would you give them a great piece of land for free and not accept any filial piety from them?

Lord Yuling listened to the threat hidden in the words of the Immortal Sect envoy, but at this moment he withstood the pressure.

"Even if the entire Yuling Sect is wiped out, that will happen in the future, but now the threat from the Datong Association is imminent. If the Immortal Envoy doesn't give us an answer, we can only live day by day."

At the same time, all eyes in the True Lord's Hall were fixed on the Immortal Sect envoy.

This is also a threat.

At this time, their fate is one.

Surrendering after defeat is something that happens after defeat. Now that there is a chance to make a comeback, it is natural to take a gamble.

Why rush to be a grandson when you can be an uncle?

The weird rules of the Datong Association had already spread to their ears along with the publicity, so most of the vested interests were forced back.

The Immortal Sect envoy felt the faint murderous intent in the air. He didn't want to bet on whether these guys were serious or trying to scare him.

He is just here to supervise the battle and earn some benefits along the way, not to risk his life.

"Since you must know, I will tell you my guess."

"First of all, regarding your situation, I have indeed reported the truth to the sect, and I learned from my acquaintances that this matter was reported to the Venerable immediately. However, the Venerable did not say anything about it in the end. , and announced the retreat today.”

"So do you understand?"

The Immortal Sect envoy stood up, scanned all the True Lords present, and said slowly:

"This is the secret of our sect, and it is related to the reputation of the venerable. If I hear the news one day outside...you must not make mistakes."

Having said that, he turned around and left the True Lord's Hall, having settled the Hongmen Banquet prepared for him.

This time, no one came to stop him.

Everyone's face was gloomy, and they felt like their dreams were shattered.

The Lord Nine Suns whom they regarded as their hope had already given up on them.

The words of the Immortal Sect envoy just now are clear enough. It’s not that Lord Jiuyang doesn’t want to take care of it, but that he can’t.

In other words, Venerable Peach Blossom is so powerful that even Venerable Jiuyang is afraid of him.

No wonder the Immortal Sect envoy refused to say anything before. Once this matter is publicized, it will have a huge impact on the reputation of the Nine Suns Venerable and even the entire Jiuyang Immortal Sect.

After all, from the day they entered the practice, they knew that the Yuling Sect was the heaven of the Yuling Realm.

The Jiuyang Immortal Sect is beyond the sky.

Now, not even the sky can protect them.

Silence lingers in the air.

a long time.

Only then did Lord Yuling speak weakly:

"Whether it's a fight to the death or a surrender, please give me some rules. Although I am the sect leader, I can't take one's life and do whatever I want."

Everyone looked around in surprise when they heard the sound, only to see that Lord Yuling's face was pale and there was blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, he was hurt by love and his heart was hurt.

For a Nascent Soul Lord, his physical body is comparable to a magic weapon and is invulnerable to water and fire. This situation is simply incredible.

But it happened anyway.

For a moment, no matter what opinions I had about this sect leader before, I felt a little sad at this moment.

The sect leader, after all, cares about the sect.

At this moment, a weak voice said.

"Can't you escape?"

"Where to escape?"

Someone responded and asked: "Didn't you hear what the Immortal Sect envoy said just now? Our ancestors have already promised that if we dare to escape, even if the Datong Association does not deal with us, the Jiuyang Immortal Sect will kill us as a warning to others.

We can't beat Datonghui, how can we beat Jiuyang Immortal Sect? "

"If they are broken into pieces, carrying the seeds of the sect, and dispersed to various realms, or even other areas, as long as there is still one lineage alive, the inheritance of the Yuling Sect will not be cut off. Even if the Immortal Sect takes action, they may not be able to kill them all."

Someone proposed again.

"But was the Yuling Sect still the Yuling Sect at that time? Are you willing to remain anonymous for the rest of your life, hiding like rats in the ditch?"

A true king sneered:

"I heard that the True Monarch of Datonghui has very little fighting power and relies entirely on the Taoist army to support the situation. Why don't we kill him first? Even if Venerable Peach Blossom is called upon to take action, it would be an honor for us to be able to fight with him and die. We will die well. "

"Elder Dou's words are wrong. It has been very difficult for us to practice so far. How can we die for the sake of our will. On the contrary, I heard that the Datong Association always treats people with courtesy and will not kill them all. We lowered our posture and confused their minds. Let Datong take away this spiritual realm.

Then the matter of resisting the demon army from now on will be the matter of Datonghui.

We seem to have lost a lot, but without the drag of the demon clan, we can start anew and maybe develop faster in the future. Then the Immortal Sect will have no reason to chase us with the teachings of our ancestors.

After all, the Spirit Control Realm has been lost, how can we resist the demon army? "

As soon as these words came out, there was a roar of approval in the audience.

"This is a great thing to say!"

They have not objected to the non-resistance order issued by the sect leader, because if they really fight, it will officially start a war.

When the blood feud ends, even if Datonghui wants to let them go, it will be hard to find a reason.

"But how can we ensure that Datong will not kill us all?"

Someone looked at the silent Lord Kuimu and Lord Lingyin and said:

"I remember that both True Lord Kuimu and True Lord Lingyin came from the Xuanyang Sect, and they have some relationship with True Lord Great Love. It would be better to go and meet True Lord Great Love as envoys of our sect. A promise.

As long as Datonghui can let me and others live, it doesn't matter if the Yuling Realm is given to them.

They are all things that cannot be defended anyway. "

"Yes, the two True Lords are here to hold back the Datonghui. Even if the Great Love True Lord doesn't respond, it can still be considered as giving us time to retreat calmly."

More than a dozen True Lords made a decision with just a few words from each other, leaving no time for True Lord Kuimu and True Lord Lingyin to object.

Finally, Lord Yuling made a conclusion.

"Now that everyone has decided, this matter will trouble the two true monarchs. Please rest assured, after you leave, we will definitely make arrangements for your disciples and relatives and we will not treat them badly.

When the two true kings return successfully, they will be the real elders of our Yuling Sect, and they will no longer be able to distinguish each other. "

"I will definitely live up to your expectations."

True Lord Kuimu and True Lord Lingyin looked aggrieved, but they still nodded in agreement.

Mud, if I had known earlier, I might as well not have run away.

But at this moment, facing the will of the group, they really have no possibility of resistance, unless they are willing to be alone and lose their bloodline.

"Without further ado, please leave the two True Lords as soon as possible."

Lord Yu Ling's face recovered a lot and became a bit rosy.

Although it sounds shameful to abandon the sect and run away, Yuling Sect did not perish in his hands.

If the Yuling Sect has a chance to rise again in the future, and even a figure like Lord Jiuyang appears, then he will be a tragic sect leader who is willing to endure hardships, protect the sect's inheritance, and bear infamy.

As True Lord Kuimu and True Lord Lingyin left the sect, the entire Yuling Sect took action and began to pack their luggage and search for all available resources in the shortest possible time.

Everyone wants to save some private money for themselves before leaving.

Shortly after.

The frontline monk army was taken over by the Datong Association, and the true kings of the sects were either dead or captured. The news came that the demon army on the opposite side was scattered under the decree of Lord Peach Blossom, and everyone felt that their decision was wiser.

The demon clan has to give face to Venerable Peach Blossom, and Venerable Jiuyang retreats for him. Who are they to dare to go against Venerable Peach Blossom?

I just want to be in the Spirit Control Realm, and I don’t want my own life, just give it to me.

If you can't beat him, there is no shame.

Xuanyang Sect.

He was spending his spare time studying the magical power to kill the Demon Emperor's bloodline.

He didn't pay too much attention to the situation in the Spirit Control Realm.

In his eyes, without the constraints of Lord Jiuyang and Jiuzunhui, the Yuling Realm is just easy to obtain, and the same is true for the Xuanyin Realm next door.

His only concern is that the Datong Society has only been established for more than a hundred years, and it has only really developed in the past few decades. It is not enough to support large-scale two-front operations.

It happened that Yulingjing took the initiative to hand over the sword, even if it was just a very weak reason, but if it was used as an excuse, the reason would be as big as the sky.

So let’s take action on them first.

In the Yuling Realm, there are Da Ri Zhenjun and Shi Dao, the Taoist monks, as the top combat forces, and there are nearly four-digit Taoist soldiers, plus tens of thousands of fake elixir monks, as well as new people trained by the Datong Association. The monks of the era, such as Sun Fuhu and others.

Taking over the Yuling Realm this time is not so much a battle as a large-scale military training.

Since it was military training, he naturally couldn't interfere too much and had to give his men a chance to practice.

Even if it causes some casualties, it is still within the acceptable range.

Therefore, he would only take action unless the opponent showed a venerable level of combat power, or was really powerful and caused more than 50% of the Datong Association's casualties.

But that also proves that the Datong Association is still immature and cannot defeat the weak with the strong even if it has sufficient advantages.

Even if he takes more territory by force, he can't digest it at all.

However, if the Yuling Realm can be successfully won this time, it will mean that Datong Club will be a mature and usable tool.

It is natural to take over the surrounding environment.

As for an ex-girlfriend in the Xuanyin Realm, there is no reason for him to stop. How can he be disturbed by women on the way to his career.

And they are both ex-girlfriends.


Yu Xian's expression changed, and he put down the spirit of the demon emperor who had been beaten to death by him and had only a few breaths left. His body had transformed into a handsome and evil young man. The deception spell was activated, and his body was filled with a strong twilight energy.

He took one step forward.

In the center of the formation, there was already a scene of flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses emerging from the ground.

This is someone from Jiuyang Immortal Sect.

The formation condensed, and a figure slowly appeared.

When he saw Yu Xian waiting in front of the formation, he was startled, and he quickly bowed and said:

"The junior Huangfu Lingyun is now one of the Taoist disciples of the Nine Yang Immortal Sect. He has met the senior Taohua Venerable."

Yu Xianxu helped him and said with a smile:

"I originally thought that your sect would send someone here randomly, but Brother Xu actually sent a Taoist here. It seems that he is very considerate to me, a dying person,"

Huangfu Lingyun laughed dryly and said nothing.

"Let me guess, are you here for the Yuling Sect?"

Huangfu Lingyun nodded: "Senior is wise. Your Majesty sent this junior here to ask why. If he attacks the Yuling Sect without any reason, it will be difficult for our sect, as its superior sect, to explain to others."

The implication is that as long as Yu Xian gives a decent reason, the Jiuyang Immortal Sect can ignore the affairs of the Yuling Sect.

Yu Xian was very proud and sighed after hearing this: "The Yuling Sect actually executed people from Datonghui without authorization and assassinated the provincial governor in public. My disciple wants to avenge him, and I, the master, will naturally support him.

I don't have much time left, and I don't have much time for him to be arrogant.

How could he be allowed to suffer at this time? "

This is the advantage of having a famous teacher. When everyone knows it and there is a fair and upright reason, there is room for maneuver, and the other party does not have to tear themselves apart in order to maintain dignity and face, and be forced to take action by reputation. .

Of course, this presupposes that the strengths are equal or have an advantage.

Otherwise, no matter how upright the reason is, it is not a reason to undermine harmony and stability, and must be punished by justice.

Anyway, I can't beat them, whatever I say is wrong.

Huangfu Lingyun already knew that this time was just a formality. No matter how outrageous the reason given by Venerable Peach Blossom was, he would have to hold his nose and admit it.

What's more, people are giving face like this now, which is reasonable and convincing.

The Yuling Sect dared to take the initiative to provoke Venerable Peach Blossom. Being destroyed was really asking for death.

And compared to the Yuling Sect and the Yuling Realm, another thing that the Venerable told him was more important, which was to use his Taoist talent to observe Venerable Peach Blossom's current state.

His Taoist body is called Huangquan Taoist body, which is also called Yama Taoist body in the demonic world. He has the innate ability to control the energy of death. He is a natural ghost master. He is the most sensitive to the energy of death and can clearly judge a person's limit. It is said that he will die at the third watch, but he will never leave anyone until the fifth watch.

He could clearly feel the accumulation of death energy on Venerable Peach Blossom at this moment, just like the abyss of the sea. He was surprised that he was not dead yet.

But after all, the other party is the Reverend God Transformation, so it’s normal for him not to be able to see through it.

But there is no doubt that the end of this Peach Blossom Master's life is definitely not far away.

Taking into account the methods of the Supreme Transformation God, if the opponent does not use those cruel means of the devil to extend his life, the deadline will be within a hundred years at most.

"So that's it. Since it's the senior who stands up for his beloved disciple, it's not easy for our sect to interfere. I just hope that the senior can pay attention to the situation and don't let the demon clan take advantage of the situation and cause disaster to all living beings. That would be the wrong thing for me to wait for."

Yu Xian slightly nodded his head: "I have my own sense of propriety. Since Brother Xu's words have been brought to you, I won't keep you here, go back now."

As soon as he thought about it, the teleportation array that had not completely disappeared lit up again.

Only then did Huangfu Lingyun understand the reason why Venerable Peach Blossom greeted him in person, and his feelings did not intend to let him out at all.

But something suddenly occurred to him. Perhaps the reason why Venerable Peach Blossom was so eager to send him away was because he didn't want him to discover too many clues. Maybe he had made optimistic predictions for a hundred years.

He didn't show any emotion, just smiled bitterly, bowed his hands and bowed respectfully.

"I wish you good health, senior. I take my leave now, junior."

The teleportation array flashed with light.

Huangfu Lingyun was sent back again before he could stay even for a stick of incense.

Seeing this, Yu Xian's lips curled up, feeling quite good.

If you want to test his true and false, let's take a good look at the power of deceiving the sky.

No one would dare to provoke a madman who had only a few years to live and was very powerful. Even if his behavior were more outrageous, no one would dare to provoke him.

After all, he didn't sacrifice blood to the common people in the area, he just cared a little more for his apprentice.

But when they found out that this old immortal could not die by repeatedly jumping across the limit, they wanted to test him again.

By that time, he was already invincible in this world. (End of chapter)

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