Technological breakthrough: everyone is a creator

Chapter 162 Spectacular: One hundred thousand atomic bombs detonated simultaneously

Tushan Tianhao contacted Xia Shidi and spoke out his thoughts.

"Tianhao, will this plan you mentioned really be effective? Can the shock wave caused by the explosion of explosives really destroy the stability of the modified star?"

Emperor Xia Shi was skeptical about the power of explosives. For such a large planet, even if a hundred thousand huge craters were exploded, the impact would not be too great!

"His Majesty the First Emperor, you have also studied physics at the Academy of Natural Sciences. You should know that resonance superposition can produce infinite changes. Whether it is the shock wave of an explosion or the sound wave, it will repeatedly oscillate and superimpose inside the Zhanzhan Clan's modified star."

"Because they build a honeycomb-shaped channel and chamber structure, these shock waves and sound waves will be trapped inside and transmitted quickly instead of dissipating in the void..."

"This huge reformed star cannot be entirely made of solid matter..."

"Tianhao, I think we should just use atomic bombs! Now that the attacks in various theaters are blocked, we need a successful conquering battle to set an example and inspire everyone's confidence."

"His Majesty the First Emperor, we don't have many atomic bombs in stock. We only consume one-tenth of them on this planet. Then..."

"Don't be afraid, we still have hydrogen bombs. As the first example of attacking the enemy, we must not let go of the chain. Other hive bases can use the method you mentioned to fill them with explosives for blasting. If we really can't use atomic bombs anymore."

"According to your estimate, the power of a hundred thousand atomic bombs exploding at the same time can trigger various natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, hurricanes, etc. even in the real natural world."

"And it is impossible for the Roarling Clan to build the entire 50,000-mile space of the modified star into a solid state. Even if one hundred thousand atomic bombs explode, even if the entire modified star cannot collapse, the nuclear radiation and shock waves will cause great damage to many of the Roaring Roaring Tribe. s damage."

"Under the multiple effects of high temperature, radiation, shock waves, and loud sound waves, I don't believe they can stay hidden inside forever."

"His Majesty the First Emperor, if we are going to implement the atomic bomb blasting plan, then we need to make more careful plans."

"First of all, we have to send out several batches of Gundam robots to dig deeper holes at the entrances of each hive, so that the shock wave generated by the explosion will have a greater impact on the structure of the entire modified star."

"Second, we need to prepare 100,000 space storage equipment. We cannot let the Gundam mecha directly carry the atomic bomb to place it, nor can we directly launch and drop the bomb from a distance, because the dense cannon beam attack of the Roar Clan fortress will destroy or detonate it in advance. Atomic bomb.”

"Third, after the nuclear bomb is placed, a temporary protective cover must be constructed and a unified detonation time must be set to prevent the Gundam Mecha from being destroyed by the Spirit Cannon beam of the Bulldog Clan after it exits."

"Fourth, after having the Gundam mecha plant the atomic bomb, retreat to a safe distance in time and be prepared to protect against radiation and shock waves."

"Fifth, set up a defensive circle around the transformation star in advance to deal with the roe deer spacecraft that may escape."

"Sixth, all humans in the real world, including us, must wear radiation protection equipment. The nuclear radiation caused by the explosion of 100,000 atomic bombs will definitely not be low."

Tushan Tianhao, Emperor Xia Shi, and a group of military commanders and think tanks discussed and perfected every detail of the implementation of the "atomic bomb blasting plan."

How deep to dig, how far to place one, how to cover, how to place it, how to build a protective cover, how to time and synchronize the detonation, how to evacuate, how to encircle and suppress the escaping deer tribe...

After quickly reaching a consensus, we started to act separately.

One hundred thousand storage rings or bracelets is not very difficult. The human race has upgraded to the fourth level of civilization, and many new holy ranks have been added. The original holy ranks have also been upgraded a lot, and the number of "constant-level storage equipment" produced in recent years has also increased a lot.

The million-yield atomic bomb was among the first batch of nuclear bombs manufactured in the Kyushu world. The technology at that time was not that mature, and the nuclear bombs manufactured were relatively large, almost five meters long and one meter in diameter.

Ordinary storage equipment cannot accommodate such large items, mainly because the length is too long. Ordinary storage equipment only has a space of one meter square.

Perhaps the world of Kyushu has not found the kind of materials described in previous novels that can be used to make space equipment once and for all. Different levels of storage space have different sizes and service lifes, all of which require the consumption of spiritual crystals to maintain.

Even if a large-scale storage space of the permanent storage level is built and a spiritual array that can transform the original spiritual energy on its own to maintain the stability of the space is built, some spiritual crystals need to be replenished regularly to maintain the operation of the transformed spiritual array.

Those large subspaces and subworlds require the construction of countless spiritual arrays that transform the original spiritual energy to maintain the stability of the space wall.

I had never imagined that such a situation would arise, where 100,000 atomic bombs would be deployed at the same time for targeted blasting. It seems that all future nuclear bombs will need to prepare a storage space for flexible use.

The high-level saints each emptied their storage spaces, and soon they had enough storage equipment to hold 100,000 atomic bombs.

Xia Shidi and his team were the main vanguard in this battle zone, equipped with 10 million Gundam mechas. They were divided into ten groups and took turns to rush into the Zhanzhan Clan's transformation star for excavation.

An hour later, all preparations were in place, and the 100,000 detonation holes evenly distributed on the reformed star were dug to a depth of more than 20 meters.

In order to avoid long nights and long dreams, in case something happens to the Roar Clan again, or any other incident occurs that disrupts the human race's combat plan, the Gundam Mecha will no longer continue to dig deeper.

Next, the Gundam Mecha dispatched three groups at once. One group was responsible for successfully transporting the atomic bomb to each explosion point, and the other group was responsible for installing a temporary protective cover that could withstand the intensive attack of the spirit cannon beam for several minutes, so that the Gundam Mecha could fly. To a safe enough height not to be hurt by the shock wave of the atomic bomb explosion.

The third group is responsible for blocking the spiritual cannon beams emitted by those forts, and trying to destroy some spiritual cannons by attacking with laser guns along the firing holes, and delaying the firing frequency of the spiritual cannon beams.

It always takes some time to change equipment when operating the Spirit Crystal Cannon. The shock wave speed of a nuclear bomb explosion exceeds the speed of sound, as well as strong light and thermal radiation, which may cause great damage to the Gundam Mecha. Therefore, you must try to stay away from the explosion point. .

It was 12 hours, 12 minutes and 12 seconds on December 12, 4090 in the lunar calendar. This was the time set by Emperor Xia Shi and his military commander to make it easier to remember for the unified detonation of 100,000 atomic bombs.

At 12:08, all the atomic bombs were installed.

Three million Gundam mechas rose from the ground and rushed high into the sky.

The spirit cannon beams of the Roar Clan fortress chased and fired Gundam mechas into the sky. I don’t know how their technology of changing the direction of the launch hole at will in the thick fortress wall was achieved. Perhaps it was a combination of the technologies of several civilizations. Made together.

At 12:09, the Gundam mecha lifted off six thousand meters and was out of the effective attack range of the spirit cannon beam of the Zilhan Clan fortress. The power of the spirit cannon beam that hit the mecha was greatly reduced and could only stir up faint ripples.

At 12:10, the Gundam Mecha lifted off fifteen kilometers, and the spirit cannon beam no longer chased the Gundam Mecha and bombarded it.

At this time, through some observation method, the Roar Clan discovered the atomic bomb left by the Gundam Mecha in the deep pit.

Soon, dense cannon beams began to bombard the atomic bombs in the pit.

Intuition tells them that this thing must be greatly detrimental to them.

"Ouch! Mr. Yamamoto, what exactly is the thing left by the puppet warriors of the human race in the protective wall of our passage?"

"Takeda-kun, I don't think that is a good thing. It must be their kind of explosive spiritual equipment."

"Could that thing be able to blow up our protective wall? They have only dug half of the thickness of the protective wall, and they want to use this thing to destroy our protective wall all at once?"

"The human race is good at conspiracy and conspiracy. Maybe it is filled with poison that is harmful to our Gouhe tribe warriors."

"Sir Inoue, their puppet warriors were blasted into the air by our spiritual cannon beams. Should we take the opportunity to snatch those black things back?"

"Retract the protective wall to the inner wall? Will the puppet warriors of the human race take the opportunity to rush in? Maybe they just want to trick us into opening the protective wall so that we can rush in."

"Sir Inoue, we don't open the protective wall. We only need to open the small passage of the fortress and send a few Gouhe tribe warriors out to move that thing back."

"Maybe we can crack the secret of their explosive spiritual weapon, and we can also make it. In the past thirty years, our frontline warriors have been harmed by their explosive spiritual weapons."

"Hmph! The guys in the intelligence department are all trash. They haven't collected any information about the human race for decades. They still say that everything is normal and that the human race is the same as before."

"How did it become so powerful all of a sudden? In two months, it captured all the small and medium-sized bases in our star field."

"Panasonic, you immediately arrange for the warriors to go out and quickly snatch back some of those explosive spiritual weapons."

"Hey! Follow your orders!"

At 12:11, after being bombarded by a dense burst of spiritual cannon beams, the Roar Clan discovered that the atomic bomb actually had a protective cover, and their spiritual cannon beams did not cause any damage to the dark cylinder.

The forts stopped firing instantly.

A small passage suddenly appeared in each fort near the pit.

Several roe deer, about three meters tall, quickly rushed out of each passage.

The atomic bomb roared towards the center of the pit...

The Gundam mecha warriors who had risen to an altitude of 30,000 meters were stunned. What are they doing?

The soldiers on the spacecraft who were on standby at a higher place were also stunned. What was going on?

Tushan Tianhao and Xia Shidi, who were watching through the spaceship telescope further away, were also stunned. This, this, do these zoantrates want to take back these atomic bombs?

If we had known this, we would have put the atomic bomb on the ground and let them snatch it back, and then...

well! It's a pity that in order to ensure a unified explosion, it is set to a timed detonation, and there is no way to adjust the time.

Could you try it next time and put a hydrogen bomb on the ground and ask them to move it back and present it to the top commander of the base...

At 12:12, one hundred thousand atomic bombs were surrounded by several soldiers of the Zhanzhan tribe.

The atomic bomb timed detonation device has entered the countdown.

Beep, beep, beep...

10, 9, 8…

"Ouch! Sato, look, this thing actually has human digital changes."

5, 4…

"Tanaka, don't make a fuss. Hug us together and lift it hard. This thing is so heavy..."




There seemed to be one roar, and then there seemed to be countless roars, which instantly resounded throughout the entire base star!

All the human soldiers observing from space, even if they were wearing thick goggles and sunglasses, were pierced by countless dazzling white lights and felt temporarily blinded.

Although there was no sound audible in space, everyone naturally imagined a huge explosion in their minds.


The air on the modified star was thin, and no mushroom cloud was formed. Only a hundred thousand huge explosive fireballs rose into the sky.

The Gundam Mecha, which had already risen to an altitude of 50 kilometers, felt a wave of fear when looking at the explosion core below and the large fireball rushing towards the sky. It had to run slower, for fear of being turned into molten iron. !

There is also the invisible "electromagnetic pulse wave" caused by the nuclear explosion that the young master mentioned, which will cause various malfunctions in our Gundam robots and make them unable to control!

Um! Why do you feel that this distance is still a bit unsafe? Fly a little further...

In the center of one hundred thousand nuclear explosions, everything within a few hundred meters of space was turned into nothingness. The high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius turned all surrounding metallic materials into liquid.

Metallic material fragments of different sizes were propelled by the shock wave and shot around quickly.

Seen from space, this huge transformed star has 100,000 huge, unfathomable holes.

The dozens of meters thick honeycomb baffles all disappeared without a trace.

Countless nuclear explosion shock waves are constantly surging within the transformed star.

The huge explosion sound is also constantly resonating and oscillating in the space inside the transformed star.

In the eyes of all human soldiers in space, the entire transformed planet is constantly trembling.

Everyone prayed silently in their hearts for the base star of the Zealot Clan to disintegrate! Disintegrate! Let's disintegrate happily...

This medium-sized base of the Roar Clan named "Inoue Base" is the core of more than thirty surrounding medium-sized bases. When the human race is destroying the micro and small bases on the front line, they will 100% attack the more than thirty surrounding medium-sized bases. Ninety soldiers gathered here.

After trying to consume almost the spiritual energy of the human soldiers through this hive base, they then opened the baffle, attracted the human spacecraft to land, and let the humans rush into the passage to consume some of their spiritual energy. Then, 30 million Gouhe warriors descended on the hive base. Go out and destroy this wave of human attacking troops.

The plan is still very good, but I didn’t expect...

One hundred thousand nuclear explosion points are all over the entire transformed star. With such a huge shock, the "planet transformation spiritual array" that maintains the entire transformed star, no matter how hidden it is placed, the entire planet is shaking violently. How can it maintain its spiritual power? The stability of the array.

Many of the spiritual crystals on the "Planet Transformation Spiritual Array" points were shaken out of their slots, and some that were not shaken out of their slots also became tilted or loose.

For such a large transformation star, there are at least 100,000 "Planet Transformation Spiritual Arrays", and at least half of the spiritual arrays have lost most of their effect due to the shock caused by the simultaneous explosion of 100,000 atomic bombs.

There is also a small part of the core that is less affected, barely maintaining the overall structure of the transformed star.

However, because the performance of many transformation spiritual arrays has been greatly reduced, the strength of the metallic materials in many locations on the transformation star has been greatly reduced, and many channels have begun to collapse under the oscillations of various shock waves and sound waves...

The domino effect has begun!



It’s so spectacular!

One hundred thousand super fireworks bloom at the same time!

A huge planet suddenly trembled and ejected hundreds of thousands of super huge fireballs...

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