Technological breakthrough: everyone is a creator

Chapter 207 Upgrading the Kyushu Empire

Is the language translator made by human civilization not accurate enough?

Is the word "exercise" different from the concept of this civilization?

Lead to misunderstanding?

However, the human race added the word "actual combat". This seems to be actual combat, right?

It's just that the human race regards this kind of "actual combat" as just an "exercise", as if it's not worthy of their attention...

As the mecha warriors landed on the base star, the human spacecraft staying in the high altitude also approached the ground of the base star.

Representatives of various civilizations could clearly see the human race's mecha warriors through the portholes of the spaceship, running rampant in the battle formation composed of the zodiac warriors, as if they were in an uninhabited land.

Some mecha warriors wield huge light blades with both arms and are invincible...

Some mecha warriors continuously launch various powerful bombs, leaving limbs and arms broken and the ground wailing...

Some mecha warriors form groups of several to form a crossfire, pushing all the way...

On the other hand, whether it is the spiritual cannon beams fired by the base fortress or the various spiritual arts cast by the soldiers, they have almost no effect on the human mecha warriors.

Even if there are continuous and intensive hits, the mecha warrior will shake a few times at most, but it will not affect the actions of the human mecha warrior at all...

With an average height of three to four meters, the rooster tribe has super resilience, extremely fast jumping speed, excellent physical attack and physical defense, and its spiritual attack and spiritual defense capabilities are not weak. It combines a variety of talents with comprehensive warfare. Its power is quite abnormal, and it can basically fight across levels. It is a lingering nightmare for all racial civilizations that have fought with it.

But at this moment, whether it was the small-scale battlefield seen through the porthole, or the overall battlefield of nine planets displayed on the screen, human mecha warriors about 20 meters high were all slaughtering the soldiers of the zodiac tribe. It was completely one-sided. The battle situation...

Representatives of the Huo Jing Civilization and Ling Gan Civilization who were at war with the Zhanzhan Tribe were all dumbfounded. Qian Qing himself had always believed that the human race mainly relied on wisdom and strategy to win battles, and that the average individual combat power of the race might not be very high. This was completely wrong.

If our own race had such a team, we could easily repel the rooster clan...

The human race has such a powerful army and superb war strategies. It is simply an invincible opponent!

No wonder it was able to contend with the Zhanzhan tribe for more than three thousand years, and finally turned the tables and drove them completely out of the world of Kyushu...

Those races that have been occupied by the Roar Clan, seeing how powerful the human mecha warriors are, are still overwhelmed by the Roar Clan soldiers who are obviously one or two levels stronger than when they invaded their own race. Massacre, the mood is extremely complicated.

The devil race that destroyed its own civilization is so vulnerable to the human race...

Even though many soldiers of the Zhanzu clan frantically launched the "self-destruction technique" that frightened them the most, it did not cause any effective damage to the human mecha warriors.

It's really like an "exercise" for "adults bullying children"!

Two hours later, all nine planets, from the surface to the interior, were occupied by human mecha warriors.

Hundreds of billions of soldiers from the Zhanzu tribe were simply wiped out?

All the representatives of different civilizations felt like they were dreaming. In such a short time, two hours, if they were fighting with the Roar Clan, they would still be casting spiritual spells back and forth to consume each other's spiritual energy. …

"The actual combat power test of the third generation mecha warrior is completed!"

"The next 'actual military exercise' is the 'conventional street fighting ability test of soldiers.'"

“Representatives from all civilizations will be invited to participate in this project.”

"According to the information fed back by our human race special operations team members, there are still about 20 billion Roaner tribe soldiers distributed on some small base stars and life stars transformed by the Centaur civilization."

"We will send representatives of each civilization to different planets to fight against a small number of the roosters to experience first-hand the fighting methods of the roosters."

"Representatives, please rest assured that we, the human mecha warriors, have destroyed all the powerful defense facilities of the Roar Clan."

"This military exercise is equivalent to a small-scale cross-civilization joint operation. Our regular human soldiers will accompany you to land together. They will protect your lives. You can fight with confidence..."

"Representatives, please prepare for battle. If you are short of weapons or spiritual materials, you can apply for them at the spaceship logistics center. In half an hour, the spaceships will arrive at the target planet. After all representatives are ready, they will transfer to regular human soldiers. A small spacecraft was launched to land..."

Representatives of various civilizations were stunned, huh? And what projects are we involved in? This is too sudden!

After struggling for a few seconds, the leaders of various ethnic civilizations chose to cooperate and experience the fighting power of the wolf tribe in person.

What's more, we are fighting for each other, even if we want to resist, we can't!

Under the instructions of the leaders of each civilization, 10,000 representatives of each civilization or race went to the spacecraft logistics center to receive relevant supplies.

Half an hour later, representatives of each civilization were fully armed, followed by the regular soldiers of the human race, and took small spaceships to land on various planets where a small number of rooster tribes remained.

There are three races that are slightly larger in height and volume, and they still land in medium-sized aircraft. For example, the average height of the fire elf tribe robots is about 5 meters.

After the representatives of various civilizations fought hand-to-hand with the soldiers of the Zilhan tribe, they truly felt that the strength of the Zilhan tribe soldiers was much stronger than they had expected.

The South Gate World has not been conquered for a long time. The soldiers of the Roar Clan who stayed here to suppress the Centaurs are basically the elites who have been fighting here for many years.

Even the representatives of the Huo Jing Civilization and Linggan Civilization who were at war with the Roar Clan felt that the average strength of the soldiers here was obviously much stronger than the recruits of the Roar Clan they faced.

Those races that had been destroyed by the deer tribe many years ago felt a huge gap when facing the soldiers of the deer tribe here.

In order to allow the representatives of each civilization to fully experience the actual combat capabilities of the deer tribe, the human soldiers will allocate different numbers of deer deer soldiers according to the corresponding levels to fight against them.

When a representative of a certain alien civilization has eliminated the opponent in front of him, the human soldiers will let go of some of the Zhanzhan soldiers and replenish them in time.

If any representative of a different civilization is found to be in danger of life, he will be rescued in time.

Even if occasionally a soldier of the zodiac tribe self-destructs, the human soldier can instantly cast a special spiritual shield to protect him.

The light of swords, the hail of bullets, the sky is dark, the ground is dark, rivers of blood flow, you meet your opponent in chess, corpses are everywhere, like fire...

This actual military exercise was really "extremely intense" and lasted for a full five hours.

All representatives of different civilizations felt "hearty" and "extremely happy"!

In the past five hours, even the leaders and high-end combat forces of each civilization have been faced with the siege of multiple senior generals of the Roar Clan, which has made them addicted to "fighting with all their strength".

While fighting, these representatives of alien civilizations also saw the actual combat capabilities of regular human soldiers, and each of them wiped out more than ten times the number of soldiers from the zodiac tribe.

By the time they, the representatives of the alien civilization, had almost exhausted their spiritual energy and barely eliminated the last batch of "exercise" targets "assigned" to them by the human soldiers, the human soldiers had long since wiped out all the rooster tribes on the planet and watched them fight hard. For a long time...

Two days later, representatives of various civilizations who had never experienced such an "extreme battle" and were "exhausted physically and mentally" returned to the Kyushu Star station, but they had not yet fully recovered.

The human race did not let the representatives of the Centaur clan stay to deal with the aftermath, but directly arranged for the human race officials to take over various affairs of the entire South Gate World.

The diplomats informed the representatives of various civilizations that the last "meeting agenda" of the "exchange meeting" will be held three days later - the "Establishment Ceremony of the Anti-Monster Common Front" and the "Ceremony of the Submission of All Major Race Civilizations to Human Civilization."

During these three days, representatives of various civilizations can move freely, whether they visit each other to communicate with each other, or go to Jiuzhou Star for fun, as long as they do not violate the laws of the Zhongxia Empire.

Representatives of each civilization can also feedback their civilization's decision to the top management of the human race through diplomats at any time during these three days. "Joining" or "joining" is completely voluntary.

Of course, if you don't choose either, the human race won't force it.

However, in the short term, the human race will no longer open up opportunities to “join” or “join”.

From now on, if civilizations that have nothing to do with the human race encounter any attacks that they cannot resist, the human race will be helpless...

Three days later, it was the morning of April 10, 4094 in the Jiuzhou world lunar calendar.

In front of the Jiuzhou Star Government Office, there is the huge Jiuzhou Grand Square, solemn and solemn.

Dozens of sovereign alien civilized races, and some civilized races that have lost their sovereignty, adding up to hundreds of civilized races and hundreds of thousands of representatives, were divided into square formations, facing the direction of the rostrum, sitting at attention.

Surrounding the representatives of the alien civilization, there were millions of regular soldiers and mecha warriors of the human race, also divided into phalanxes of ten thousand people, filling the entire Kyushu square.

At eight o'clock in Zhongzhou, Zhongxia Empire time, the human race and all the race leaders participating in this exchange meeting have all taken their seats on the rostrum.

Xia Yu, the First Emperor of Xia, stood at the speaker's seat, with a huge "spiritual microphone" in front of him. There is no transliteration of "microphone" in the world of Kyushu, which comes from English.

The main podium microphone and many cameras are connected to tens of thousands of giant screens distributed in the square, and the live audio and video will be broadcast live to both Kyushu and Kyushu.

Fifteen different civilizations are connected through the spirit world, and many people with permission will enter the Jiuzhou spirit world to watch today's live broadcast in spirit form.

"Hello everyone! I am Xia Yu, the first emperor of the Zhongxia Empire, and I will preside over today's 'meeting agenda'."

"I announce that the sixth 'meeting agenda' of the 'First Galactic World Orion Star Territory Cosmic Civilization Exchange Conference' - 'Affiliated Civilization Submission Ceremony and the Establishment Ceremony of the Kyushu Empire' has officially begun!"

"Today, there are a hundred races that have signed "submission agreements" with human civilization."

"These one hundred races are all races that have had the 'original core of civilization'. After countless years of convergence and integration, they now belong to forty main civilizations."

"Fourteen of these forty main civilizations are civilizations from other worlds that are connected to our human race through the 'spiritual world channel'."

"Sixteen of the twenty-six civilizations from the Orion Star Territory in the true world have lost their main world."

"Of the sixteen civilizations that have lost their main world, ten have lost the 'original core of civilization'."

"Therefore, there are only thirty civilizations that can complete the 'submission ceremony' with the human race this time, including eighty races."

"The other ten civilizations that have lost their original core, including twenty races, can only sign a 'temporary memorandum of attachment' with the human race. The formal attachment ceremony will not be held until the 'original core of civilization' is recovered."

"Today, the first person to sign the "Submission Agreement" with the human race is the Fire Elf Civilization."

"The Fire Spirit Civilization is the second affiliated civilization to join the human civilization. It has already signed a "Temporary Attachment Memorandum" with the human race. Today, it is just a supplementary attachment ceremony witnessed by Tiandao."

"We invite Emperor Ba Qingwei, the 'Leader of Mechanical Fire Race Civilization', to ascend the 'Tiantian Sacrifice' for the first time, representing the major races under the entire 'Fire Spirit Civilization', to meet with the 'Leader of Human Race Civilization', Imperial Master Tushan Yanpu, in the Heavenly Way. Sign a surrender contract under witness."

A "Tian Sacrifice Platform" with a diameter of about 30 meters has been built in the center of the rostrum. All preparations for the "Heaven Sacrifice Ceremony" have been made. Tushan Yanpu, the leader of human civilization, has also taken his place in the center of the "Tiantai Sacrifice". .

The eight-meter-tall Ba Qingwei Emperor flew to the rooftop for the first time and walked to Tushan Yanpu.

Tushan Yanpu looked up and saw that it was too difficult to operate at such a height. The leader of the fire spirit civilization is a first-level creator, but he can't shrink his body. It seems that the living body constructed from foreign objects is always different from the body of a pure biological body. Alas! I can only accommodate myself by enlarging my figure!

Dharma appears in heaven and earth!

The figure of Tu Shan Yanpu, the leader of human civilization, kept enlarging until the whole body was enlarged several times and was slightly taller than Ba ​​Qingwei.

Tushan Tianhao, who was also sitting on the rostrum, secretly complained in his mind that he had to "borrow" the name of his fictitious move in the novel "Faxiang Heaven and Earth" even though it was "physical expansion". What kind of "faxiang" was this?

Fortunately, everything worn by the Imperial Master is a high-grade spiritual weapon refined from spiritual materials and can be stretched many times. Otherwise, if the clothes are made of ordinary fabric, they may be broken into pieces.

Every time a civilization concludes a "Contract of Submission" with the human race, it takes about an hour to go through a cumbersome process of certification of heavenly law.

For a whole day and night, all forty alien civilizations finally completed the ceremony of joining the human civilization.

Since then, including the "Yongrong Civilization" that has been attached to the human race, the human civilization has 41 affiliated civilizations, including 107 races.

After returning from the "military exercise" in the South Gate World, representatives of different civilizations first studied behind closed doors for a day, visited each other for a half day, and collectively went to inspect the "Yongrong Civilization" for a half day, and also visited various parts of Jiuzhou Planet for a half day. In the end, each of them studied behind closed doors for a long time.

Last night, the leaders of various civilizations made requests through diplomats to meet with the top leaders of the human race.

The top leaders of the human race were also divided into dozens of groups. They met with them overnight, communicated with them for several hours respectively, and reached some consensus.

Then, the sixth 'meeting agenda' of the 'First Galactic Universal World Orion Star Territory Universe Civilization Exchange Conference' originally planned to be held today - the "Establishment Ceremony of the Anti-Galaxy Common Front" and the "Ceremony of the Submission of the Major Race Civilizations to the Human Race Civilization" ", it was changed to "Affiliated Civilization's Submission Ceremony and the Founding Ceremony of the Kyushu Empire"!

All the alien civilizations invited by the human race this time have all chosen to join the human civilization.

Last night, after various civilizations reached an agreement with the human race, the top leaders of the human race gathered the top leaders of all civilizations and races and held an impromptu "meeting meeting". After everyone's discussion, they decided to establish the "Kyushu Empire"!

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