"Is our company's Xiaolong 805 processor chip powerful?"


An Meng from Gaotong Company asked and answered questions with the audience.

"Xiaolong 805 processor chip is the latest and strongest high-end flagship mobile phone processor chip in the world."

An Meng held a small black square the size of a fingernail.

Immediately, the audience cheered and jumped for joy, constantly praising the strong strength of Gaotong Company.

Hey, Gaotong Company ended up living a life that he hated.

With the end of the five mobile phone running scores, the release conference of Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Gaotong Company has come to an end.

Then news about the Xiaolong 805 processor chip appeared on the Internet.

Xiaolong 805 processor chip is still needed by Kunpeng Technology Company.

If Shen Fangnan feels that buying the Xiaolong 805 processor chip will come back.

"Old Lu, since the latest Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Zhitong Company has been mass-produced, our Tianheng 801 processor chip cannot be too far behind."

It is not enough to rely too much on Zhitong Company. After all, if you use the latest mobile phone processor chip from Zhitong Company, then all kinds of black technologies on your mobile phone may be "purchased" by the other party for zero yuan.

For Kunpeng Technology Company, the price is a bit high.

After all, the research and development funds of various black technologies are astronomical. If it is "purchased" by Gaotong Company for zero yuan, it will be a big blow to Kunpeng Technology Company.

So Shen Fangnan's opinion is to use your own processor chip when you can use your own.

If the processor chip of their own mobile phone is too different from that of Zhitong Company, then they are forced to use the latest Xiaolong mobile phone processor chip of Zhitong Company.

"President Shen, don't worry, our mobile phone processor chip design department has been working all night, and now our Tianheng 801 processor chip has completed more than half of the design."

Although his boss, Shen Fangnan, was not very satisfied with the design process of his mobile phone processor chip, Lu Weibing had no choice but to rush this high-precision design.

And now the mobile phone processor chip design department is also working overtime to design. The most important thing is that the Kunpeng series mobile phones are not in a hurry to use the latest processor chips.

After all, its own Kunpeng 4 series mobile phones have been on the market not long ago, and there is no rush to launch new mobile phones now.

"Mr. Shen, are we buying a batch on a small scale, or?"

As the second in command of Kunpeng Technology Company, Lu Weibing of course had to ask about this matter.

Shen Fangnan thought for a moment and then said: "Buy 500,000 Xiaolong 805 processor chips from Zhitong Company first and come back!"

"500,000 pieces?"

Lu Weibing was completely puzzled.

"Mr. Shen, are we going to release a new phone?"

Lu Weibing tentatively said cautiously.

"That's right, when the high-level meeting is held tomorrow, I will mention this matter to Zhou Shuquan of the design department."

"The design department of the company is too idle now. I will find some work for them here. Now I happen to have a powerful mobile phone processor chip."

Shen Fangnan said half-jokingly.

In fact, the design department of Kunpeng Technology Company is not idle, and the design drafts of subsequent Kunpeng series mobile phones and Tianyan series mobile phones continue to accumulate.


Lu Weibing thinks it is not wise to launch a new Kunpeng series mobile phone now.

And this time Shen Fangnan actually only asked to buy 500,000 Xiaolong 805 processor chips, which reveals a little bit of weirdness!

"Because the GPU of Xiaolong 805 processor chip is 40% higher than that of Xiaolong 801 processor chip this time, then this 40% cannot be wasted. I want to make good use of its powerful image function to design a high-end flagship image phone. "

Shen Fangnan said straight to the point.

According to Shen Fangnan's thinking, Kunpeng Technology Company uses the powerful image processing capability of Xiaolong 805 processor chip to design a high-end flagship image mobile phone.

This can expand the "family" of Kunpeng series mobile phones.

"new series?"

At this moment, Lu Weibing was conquered by his boss's unconstrained ideas.

No way, Shen Fangnan was able to start with the image processing capability of Xiaolong 805 processor chip.

Since the image of Xiaolong 805 processor chip is 40% stronger than that of the previous generation Xiaolong 801 processor chip, don't forget that the tuning ability of Kunpeng Technology's mobile phone processor chip is very outstanding.

The most important thing is that Kunpeng Technology Company is also at the leading level in image photography.

Lu Weibing suddenly realized.

A golden light suddenly appeared in Lu Weibing's eyes.

"Mr. Shen, what's the title of the new series?"

At this time, Shen Fangnan fell into deep thought, and soon afterward he said slowly: "Q series!"

"And our company's Kunpeng Q series is positioned as a high-end, flagship, and fashion image."

Shen Fangnan soon explained the positioning of his Kunpeng Q series.

"Q series!"

Lu Weibing whispered.

Shen Fangnan and Lu Weibing then discussed the relevant configuration of the Kunpeng Q1 mobile phone.

As time passed, Shen Fangnan and Shen Fangnan both yawned one after another, and then they went back to their respective homes.


Turn around and die until the next day.

The daily high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company is held in the conference room.

As Shen Fangnan walked into the conference room, the high-level meeting of Kunpeng Technology Company officially started.

Shen Fangnan sat on the main seat, and then the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company in the two rows began to report on the work in hand and the task arrangement for the next week.

And the assistant beside Shen Fangnan was trying hard to write down important information.

It will be an hour later when the senior executives of Kunpeng Technology Company finish reporting the situation.

After Shen Fangnan waited for the last senior executive to report on his work, he slowly said, "You should have a rough idea of ​​the performance of the Xiaolong 805 processor chip released by Zhitong Company yesterday!"

As the executives of a mobile phone manufacturer, of course they need to know the performance of mainstream mobile phone processor chips, and pay attention to the reactions of friends.

If he fishes every day and doesn't pay attention to news related to mobile phones, then he doesn't need to be in the mobile phone industry.

At this time, among the high-level executives in the conference room, Feng Yunhua, the person in charge of the mobile phone processor chip design department, was the most nervous.

After all, the opponent Gaotong Company has designed the latest mobile phone processor chip Xiaolong 805.

And it can be mass-produced and listed on a mature scale.

It is their own Tianheng 801 processor chip that is still in the design stage.

Feng Yunhua stood up hesitantly, ready to admit his mistake, and then took the responsibility of his own department: "Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, I failed your expectations."

Feng Yunhua apologized to Shen Fangnan.

At this moment, Shen Fangnan looked at Feng Yunhua meaningfully and said, "Mr. Feng, I don't mean to blame you!"

"I just asked if you have paid attention to the Xiaolong 805 processor chip of Zhitong Company."

Shen Fangnan smiled helplessly.

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