"Dongfang, the combination of Qingxue seems to have a breakthrough. "

Kikumaru Eiji's reaction, Minami Kentaro saw it all.

His eyes flickered, and one thought after another came to his mind.

In fact, Eiji Kikumaru and Shuiichiro Oishi were thinking a little too much.

Kentaro Minami and Masami Oriental's move to confine Eiji Kikumaru to the backcourt is pure tennis tactics.

After all, it would be more beneficial for him to put Eiji Kikumaru and Shuiichiro Oishi in positions that he was not familiar with.

Unexpectedly, he unintentionally inserted willows into the shade, and accidentally made Kikumaru Eiji expose his irascible personality.

Previously, Kentaro Minami really didn't have the idea of using psychological tactics.

But now, not necessarily.

"Hmm. "

Dongfang Yami nodded, thinking deeply~.

"In addition, Eiji Kikumaru's stunt hitting action is so big, and the consumption of physical strength is definitely not small. "

"As long as it drags on, we will win this game. "

Defeat Eiji Kikumaru first.

Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang looked at each other silently, and both of them saw such thoughts in each other's eyes.

The second ball of the fourth inning, begins.

As usual, Kentaro Minami looked at Masami Dongfang in the front court before serving.

Sure enough, Dongfang Masami gave him a gesture.

The tactics of this goal, Kentaro Minami already has a plan in his heart.


Inside the stadium, there was a dull sound.

The tennis ball crosses the net and enters the half court of the Qingxue side.

In the second ball, Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang adopted a strategy of concentrated attack.

The target of the attack, Eiji Kikumaru.

The purpose is not to score, but to consume more physical strength from Kikumaru Eiji.




The sound of hitting the ball is bursting, and it lasts for an extraordinarily long time.

The pace of the game, all of a sudden, slowed down.

The rate of change in scores has also slowed down a lot.









The tennis ball broke through the defense of Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang and rushed straight out of the court.

"GAME,Youth Academy,42。 "

More than 20 minutes later, the sixth game came to an end.

Judging from the score, Qingxue is temporarily ahead and has the upper hand.


"Whew, whew, whew. "

Kikumaru Eiji bent over, his hands on his knees, and his wheezing voice was unusually rapid.

As the number of rounds played in the game increased, the drawbacks of stunt hitting became apparent.

Stunt shots are unpredictable, and the ball path is flexible.

But that dance-like movement will make the player's physical strength depleted exponentially during the competition.

Kikumaru Eiji's physical strength was not very good, but now he has used five consecutive rounds of super shots, and he doesn't have much physical strength left.

"Eiji. "

Despite his best efforts to suppress it, there was still an obvious worried look on Shuiichiro Oishi's face.

Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang are much more difficult to deal with than he pre-expected.

Not to mention the strength of these two people, their tacit understanding is simply terrifying.

Delays, flanking attacks, transfers, blockades...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

No words, no movements, not even a single eye contact.

But all kinds of tactics emerge in an endless stream, and they are implemented without the slightest stagnation.

It's incredible.

Shuiichiro Oishi racked his brains, and he couldn't figure out how Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang did it.

If it weren't for their weird tacit understanding, then Eiji Kikumaru's physical strength would not have been consumed in six games.

Right now, Eiji Kikumaru is in such a bad state.

Even if you have a two-point advantage, it is not stable at all.

In the next game, what should he and Eiji Kikumaru do?

"Now let's start the seventh game, the Youth School Serve. "

Shuiichiro Oishi's heart is full of helplessness and anxiety.

However, the game is fair and will not be stopped for either player.

Ask for flowers

The seventh game began, and Eiji Kikumaru served.


Eiji Kikumaru is not in good shape, and in order to conserve his physical strength as much as possible, he does not use much force on his serve, and the quality is relatively poor.


At the same time as Eiji Kikumaru served, the Yamabuki doubles combination on the opposite court also had action.

Kentaro Minami, who was in the front court, put his hands behind his back and secretly made a gesture to convey his thoughts to his companions.

Seeing Minami Kentaro's gesture, Dongfang Masami was puzzled.

In the next moment, his doubts vanished again, and he concentrated on dealing with Kikumaru's serve.

The essence of the code tactic lies in the trust of the two players.

Doubles combinations that don't trust their teammates enough will not be able to use this tactic.

If it is forcibly used, it will not only fail to exert the power of the code tactic, but will have the opposite effect.

There are such phenomena as missing gestures, confusion, and so on.

When the time comes, you will harm yourself in turn.

Therefore, Masami of the East absolutely strictly implements Kentaro Minami's tactics.

As for the effect, that's another story.




From the seventh game onwards, the situation changed again.

Everyone thought that Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang would continue to target Eiji Kikumaru until he ran out of physical strength.

The fact is that the two of them went against the norm and attacked Shuiichiro Oishi with all their might.

Eiji Kikumaru, who has to conserve his strength, can't help him much.

In desperation, Shuiichiro Oishi faced a situation where he was almost one against two.

After just a few goals, he was in an extremely unfavorable situation, conceding points frequently.

Off the court.

"I see, it's a good tactic. "

Kentaro Minami's gesture to Masami Dongfang naturally couldn't hide Hiiragi's eyes.

He instantly saw through the idea of the Yamabuki doubles combination, and praised Kentaro Minami in his heart for coming up with this plan.

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