Stomp Tread...

At this moment, Chiya Kirihara, who is on the other side in order to receive a goal from Fuji Zhou.

This ball, even if he uses small steps, it is almost impossible for him to catch up.

But right now, Kirihara Akaya's brain has been swayed by negative emotions such as violence and mania.

Whether he chases the tennis ball or not, Kirihara Chi doesn't think about it, and he doesn't care about it.

Seeing that Fuji Shusuke played the tennis ball, he didn't think about it, turned his head and went straight away.


The tennis ball hit the touchline with unmistakable accuracy and flew off the court.

Kirihara Akaya's reaction was very timely, but the distance between him and the tennis ball was too far away, and he couldn't receive it after all.

"0 to 40. "

The referee reports the score.

"Whew, whew, whew......"

Kirihara Akaya half-squatted on the ground, supporting his body with his racket, gasping for breath.

Anyone with a discerning eye could see that his condition was very bad.

In the case of the gradual loss of reason, how can Kirihara Chiya still know how to distribute physical strength reasonably?

Previously, he had been running and attacking recklessly, and his physical strength had been depleted by more than half.

"I'm sorry, Kirihara-san. "

Fuji Shusuke came to the net and looked at Akaya Kirihara condescendingly.

"I have to win this game. "

"Hey, hey. "

In response, there was a strange laugh.

It's cold, it's evil, and it's chilling.

The source of this strange laughter is none other than Kirihara Akaya.

He slowly stood up and turned his head abruptly, facing Fuji Zhousuke.


Fuji Zhousuke's attention was instantly covered in blood, as if he was firmly attracted by the red eyes.

In those eyes, he couldn't find even the slightest hint of positive emotion.

There is only ferocity and bloodlust, and an endless desire to destroy.

Unprovoked, a bad premonition rose in the heart of Fuji Zhousuke.

The current Kirithara Red is also dangerous, extremely dangerous.

Be careful yourself, be careful.

"It's coming. "

In the preparation area of Lihai University, Jackal Kuwabara, Nioh Masaharu and others had serious faces.

Even Marui Bunta put away his playful expression.

Since Chirihara Chi also had his back to the Lihai Great Preparation Zone, everyone couldn't see his face.

But that laughter, they were all too familiar.

There is no doubt that at this moment, Kirihara Aka has also entered the state of Akame.

Kirihara Akaya in this state is simply the embodiment of a nightmare.

Not only the opponent, but also the teammates will be afraid.

A person who has the ability to be in the state of Akame, and the original is as red as nothing......

The eyes of Jackal Kuwabara, Marui Bunta and others secretly glanced at the side and still leisurely, as if it was Hakurei Hiiragi who had nothing to do.

In the entire neon junior high school tennis world, maybe only he and Yukimura Seiichi.

"Hey, hey, hey. "

On the court, the two players are already in their respective positions at the baseline.

Akaya Kirihara held the tennis ball between his fingers, and there was a little cruelty in his smile.

"I'm going to crush you. "


The tennis ball was tossed high, and then Chiya Kirihara raised his racket and swung it at the falling tennis ball.


The sound of the ball spreads quickly.

The tennis ball swept through the air and into the half-court of Fujisuke. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Fuji Zhousuke's heart has always been shrouded in a strong sense of foreboding.

In order to prevent accidents, he cheered up 120,000 points of spirit and did not dare to slack off for a moment.

In between, Fuji Shusuke noticed the difference for the first time after Akaya Kirihara served.

The speed of Akaya Kirihara's serve has obviously risen to a level.

Could it be related to the change in his eyes?

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts flashed through Fuji Shusuke's mind.

To be on the safe side, he decided to test the temptation first.


In the half of the Qingxue side, the tennis ball fell to the ground.

Fuji Shusuke arrived at the tennis spot early and was waiting for the tennis ball to bounce back.

However, things were not what he had imagined.

Once the tennis ball hits the ground, the subsequent development is similar to that of the outspin serve.

It was grounded for a short time before it bounced off at a high angle.

"Externally rotated serve?"

Subconsciously, Fuji Shusuke made a judgment.

Soon, he was in self-denial.

Akaya Kirihara's serve is indeed not much different from the outhanded serve, but there are subtle differences.

First, the speed of the rebound is faster.

Secondly, the angles are different.

The target of the externally rotated serve is the face, and this serve seems to be the chin.


The speed of the tennis ball was too fast, and the strength was as strong as Fuji Zhousuke, and he couldn't react in time.

At the critical moment, he could only lift the racket and block it in front of his chin.

Sneering –

The tennis ball that hits the racket surface spins at high speed.

After a while, the power runs out and slowly falls.

".15 to 0. "

The referee reports the score.


The power carried on the tennis ball shocked Fuji Zhousuke.

He silently lowered his head and looked at the tennis racket in his hand.

On the paddle surface, the ball (No's) in a certain place has a serious deformation.

That's where the tennis ball and the racket came into contact just now.

Fuji Zhousuke is glad that his remedy is not slow, otherwise he will be hit by a tennis ball, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Hey, hey, hey. "

Akaya Kirihara stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Evil in appearance and full of danger, like a ruthless hunter who has an eye on his prey, ready to strike a fatal blow at any moment.

It's just the beginning of the show.

He only hopes that the time of the two weeks of support can be a little longer.


"30 to 0. "

Kirihara Akaya's second serve was still a knuckle serve.

There was a foreshadowing of the first goal, and this goal was not only reflexed.

However, the path of the tennis ball has changed, and he still hasn't received it.

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