” , ” Now the collapse rate has not risen . ”

” Looks like the old black mountain demon and the dryad grandma must be killed . ”

” It just so happens that the crowd is almost there , it’s time to launch the sea tactics . ”

Chapter 169 Yan Chixia descends the mountain , two thousand soldiers set fire to Lanruo Temple

Abandoned ancient temple Lanruo Temple .

Except for the dryad grandmother and the female ghosts , they live in the mass graves near the temple all the year round , seducing the men who pass by .

There was also a hermit living there .

Yan Chixia was originally a famous judge in several provinces .

Because of his jealousy of the injustice of the world, he lived in seclusion in Lanruo Temple .

In addition to being the number one swordsman in the world on the surface , he also masters the magic of subduing demons and eliminating ghosts .

It is precisely because of Yan Chixia’s checks and balances that the ghost disaster in Lanruo Temple is not so serious .

The tree demon grandma had to restrain her female ghosts and only seduce men who were not determined .

Once hooked , you can absorb the yang energy of men .

Yan Chixia turned a blind eye to this .

With his strength , there is no absolute certainty to solve the tree demon grandma .

And killed the tree demon grandma , as well as the fox demon , the ghost general , and the black old demon .

How could he kill them all ?

however , things have changed .

The female ghosts of Lanruo Temple no longer attack passersby .

Yan Chixia heard that it was a new tyrannical existence among the female ghosts .

Even the Dryad’s grandmother was terrified .

All the female ghosts under him went to take refuge in that existence .

That existence disdained to suck the yang energy of living people , which made Lanruo Temple calm for a while .

There was no dryad grandma making troubles , and she felt that Yan Chixia was redundant . After thinking about it , she decided to leave Lanruo Temple and go down the mountain .

Of course , a part of it is because of the temptation of the glutton in the stomach, so I can’t say for sure .

Going down to Guobei County , Yan Chixia noticed something was wrong .

Everyone on the side of the road was neatly dressed , with no muscle color on their faces .

Moreover, passers-by’s mental outlook is positive and optimistic , and their eyes are not as numb and cruel as in the past .

Not only are there no beggars , but the environment on the road is much cleaner .

In this turbid world , Guobei County is like a paradise .

Yan Chixia couldn’t help but feel surprised .

” I’ve only been up the mountain for a few months , why has such a big change happened ?”

” It’s not that Master Su is here yet . ”

A passerby replied proudly casually .

Before Yan Chixia could ask , he was attracted by the wafting rich aroma of wine .

” Good fragrance , what kind of wine is this ?”

Yan Chixia was intoxicated and crashed into the roadside restaurant .

Smelling the strong aroma of the wine , Yan Chixia, who had not been drinking for a long time, couldn’t help swallowing .

He slapped the broken silver on the table and said proudly, ” Little Er , bring me two pounds of wine !”

” Two catties of wine , are you finished ?”

Hearing that Yan Chixia wanted a full two pounds of wine , Xiao Er hurriedly discouraged her .

This wine is not as good as before , two catties can drink a person to death !

Yan Chixia’s copper bell eyes widened , and her ugly face became even more ferocious .

” Why can’t I drink two catties of wine , go go go quickly . ”

” My lord , the wine in our Guobei County is no better than other places . Three glasses are drunk and one pot is poured . ”

Xiao Er still wanted to persuade , but Yan Chixia refused to listen .

So I had no choice but to set off to serve wine and muttered, ” It ‘s hard to persuade a damned ghost with good words . ”

The clear wine pulp is packed in a ceramic wine cup , and the rich wine aroma is tangy .

There are fifteen wine cups , and the table is full .

Yan Chixia was shocked , he had never seen such a fine wine .

And still in a small restaurant .

When everyone heard that a madman wanted to drink two pounds of spirits at a time , they gathered around .

Crawl your neck to watch the fun or a joke .

The shopkeeper couldn’t help but smile and said, ” This guest , if you can finish the wine , we won’t charge you a penny . ”

Yan Chixia hummed : ” It’s just two catties of wine , I have drunk five or six catties of wine . ”

” No matter how strong the wine is, how strong can it be ? Let me show you how . ”

First cup of wine .

Yan Chixia’s eyes widened and she almost couldn’t help spraying it out .

This wine is too strong .

I couldn’t help but back away .

You shopkeeper with bad intentions , bullying me, an honest person !

However, when everyone saw Yan Chixia’s intention to retreat , they all laughed at him .

” Just so much alcohol , what kind of rhetoric !”

” Go home early for tea . ”

” It’s all women who drink tea , and the heroes are all drinking and eating meat , like Ximen Qing Pan Jinlian who only eat tea . ”

Yan Chixia was placed on the fire, and the words she gave up were stuck in her throat .

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He continued to drink sullenly .

cups , three cups , four cups …

Even though Yan Chixia has an excellent drinker , she can’t help but feel dizzy after drinking so much .

” Bang !”

Suddenly drunk on the table .

over , the fitting failed .

Yan Chixia’s last thought was annoyed that her image of an expert had vanished .

drunk for a long time , Yan Chixia, who finally sobered up, heard the sound .

It was the conversation between Xiao Er and other people .

” The money on this priest can’t pay for the drink . ”

” I also like to brag and drink so much that I can’t even compare to my six-year-old nephew . ”

” Who doesn’t know , we people in Guobei County are famous for being able to drink !”

Yan Chixia was speechless , her face buried under her arm was hot and red .

” Fortunately, Master Su said today that he will pay for the drinks in the county and see off the strong men . ”

” Then there are at least several thousand elite soldiers in armor. Even if the ghost of Lanruo Temple is powerful , it can be pulled out . ”

” Master Su is also running a winery and trying to get rid of the ghosts of Lanruo Temple. He is really a good man . ”

Hearing the following discussion , Yan Chixia couldn’t sit still .

With the power of mortals , it is impossible to match Li Gui no matter how much .

Without weapons and mana , a living person can’t even hurt a Specter .

This Master Su is confused !

Xiao Er was still bragging and farting with people , and a gust of wind blew past .

The Taoist at the table was gone .

” Hey , that Taoist priest , why did he suddenly disappear ? Could it be a ghost !”

Just when Xiao Er was suspicious , the mighty armored warriors on the street walked across the street and went straight to the outside of the city .

Counties on the street walk along the road to say goodbye .

Two thousand soldiers were armed with knives and bows , and their armor was made of fine iron , strong and strong .

Strict military appearance .

The carriages behind them dragged flammable kerosene , arrows and other supplies .

If it weren’t for the troubled times at this time , they would have been punished for the crime of treason long ago .

Subei led the horse on horseback , Xiahou and Shiye were behind .

” Down the Lanruo Temple and exterminate the ghosts !”

The roars of the strong men were especially forceful .

years , countless relatives and friends of the local people died in Lanruo Temple .

While the locals are deeply afraid of the ghosts in Lanruo Temple , hatred and anger inevitably arise in their hearts .

People’s morale , equipment and equipment , food and grass are all available .

The target of annihilation is nothing but a small Lanruo Temple .

However, the immediate master had a worried look on his face .

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