That year Huayu

Chapter 209 Dragon Spring on the Tongue

Lin Nan gave everyone a week, and the machine was officially launched a week later.

Tom read a copy of "Vanity Fair" and sighed all morning.

The cover of this issue is Kate Winslet.

He crossed his legs, sat naked on a stool, and wore a large white suit.

On the first page, black stockings and high heels, no clothes on, lying on the sofa.

The fur is half-covered and half-exposed, with distinct curves.

"Tom, you are affecting other people's work." Lin Nan reminded.

Leonardo may come over in a while, but Tom’s leering look is a bit inappropriate.

"Lin, look how sexy she is."

"Leon will come over in a moment, you can discuss it with him."

"Huh? That's not necessary."

When Tom heard this, he put away the magazine and remembered something again.

"I saw a movie from our country being promoted in Hollywood. It seemed to be made by the director of the Palme d'Or."

Lin Nan knew that Tom was talking about "Mei Lanfang", and he also saw the poster, which was the Peking Opera version.

The name Li above is the shape of the heroine in the Peking Opera "Hong Ni Pass", which makes it difficult to tell the difference between male and female.

There were many foreigners watching the show, and Peking Opera is also one of the iconic cultures in China.

In the morning, Leonardo drove over. He heard that another person had broken up peacefully recently, maybe it was the other person's birthday.

"Matt, that guy, keeps saying that your script this time is great, but he just won't tell me the content."


"No, no, no, I know him. Just like I talked about "Inception" in front of him, he also used the same words to describe your movie script."

Lin Nan was really convinced by these two people, "Do you want to read the script?"

"It's what I asked for."

Leonardo followed Lin Nan to the third floor, and many employees looked at the two.

"This is the biggest international star I have ever seen."

"Me too, I wonder if we can take a photo together later?"

A group of people who had just arrived from China were discussing excitedly.

"What's all the fuss about, Director Lin and..."

Some of the first batch of people were about to say something, but they swallowed it back.

"What's wrong with Director Lin?"

Many of the people who came in the first two batches looked at the brother who almost spoke out of words just now, with evil smiles on their faces.

"It's nothing. Isn't Director Lin a big name?"

"This flattery is of a standard."


Leonardo drank coffee, flipped through the script, and greeted Matt Damon from time to time.

Lin Nan sat in front of the computer and read domestic news.

There have been rumors in the industry that Chen Kaige will cut out Chung Xintong's scenes, but it has never been officially announced.

Now, China Film, the producer, has spoken out. Indeed, all the scenes involving Chung Xintong in the film have been deleted.

As for the reason, I won’t explain it, everyone knows it.

Leonardo said with a sullen face, "Lin, you should have come to me first."

"For the same reason, you are too expensive." Lin Nan shook his head.

"Lin, next time you have a script, you must show it to me first. Remuneration is an afterthought."

Leonardo returned the script with regret.

"Then let's wait until next time."


"The Martian" has inspired many domestic film and television companies and directors to make big-budget science fiction films.

Lin Nan is inevitably compared.

Wang Jing's "Future Police" was invested by China Film Group, with a cost of nearly 200 million.

""The Martian" directed and produced by Lin Nan is very good. We will try our best to emulate this movie and do our best to make "Future Police" well."

On the other hand, "Roboman", another film invested by LeTV, is very impressive, and it deserves to be directed by Liu Zhenwei.

"With Mr. Jia's support, I will definitely shoot it well.

This movie is definitely a science fiction film comparable to "The Martian", or even surpassing it..."

Netizens made crazy comments.

"Just because you have filmed "Big Story", you can't just talk big words here."

"With a cost of 10 million U.S. dollars, what can you compare with it? Can you surpass it with your words?"

The reason why Lin Nan waited a week before turning on the film was because "New Moon" was about to be released.

As a purely fan film, it couldn't have had a long lifespan.

Lionsgate’s issuance this time is better than last year.

The release date is still Friday.

On Monday, Paul called Lin Nan.

“The box office is very good, and it should reach 100 million in the end.

But again, the problem is that the box office potential is insufficient and is decreasing significantly every day. You should have chosen global distribution in the first place. "

"No need. Thank you, Paul."

"You're welcome."

Lin Nan never thought that the second part could achieve the results of Original Time and Space.

After all, the impact of the financial crisis is indeed great.

"Tom, you can contact the equipment manufacturer in advance.

The profits from "New Moon" will be used to buy machines, and I will transport them back to China..."

Lin Nan was ready to spend money for a long time.

"New Moon" sounds like a lot of money at the box office, but the special effects company is truly a bottomless pit.

"Well, I will contact you in the next two days."

Tom admired Lin Nan very much. He knew that the trend in mainland China was to have special effects produced abroad.

But Lin Nan had prepared to open a special effects company a few years ago, and Crystal Pictures was the stepping stone.

Han Sanping was sitting in his office, frowning as he read the New Moon report.

When "Twilight" was released last year, Lin Nan had some proportions, but what about "New Moon" this time?

"How did he say?"

"Director Lin said that his share is still less than 10%, and asked us if we want to approve the film and buy it out?" the secretary replied.

Han Sanping's mouth twitched. Last year's "Twilight" was a huge loss.

"Buy? Will you continue to lose money after buying it?

It was a beautiful thought, so I told him that China Film would not buy it. "

Han Sanping remembered that Lin Nan persuaded him last year that "Twilight" might not be adapted to the local environment.

This year, they actually directly asked China Film Group Corporation if it wanted to approve the film and buy it out? Definitely not buying it.


The stylist's look for Matt Damon as a divorced man fits the script very well.

His complexion is slightly yellow and he wears glasses.

His cheeks look thin and fleshless, with a sad stubble, and he looks like a typical middle-aged good man.

"Matt, you have to work hard. I want to finish this movie within a month."

"Lin, don't worry, I won't let that bastard Leon see the joke."

Lin Nan thinks these two people are really interesting.

The crew is ready.


Matt Damon in the camera instantly brought out the shy and reserved tone and demeanor of the protagonist.

In the script, it is also this kind of character that allows the male protagonist to mingle with a group of children.


For the Berlin International Film Festival, Lin Nan does belong to the direct lineage.

After learning that he had started filming a new film, a feature film, the official invitation from the Berlin Film Festival came.

"Luckily last year, "Buried Alive" required almost no post-production, just editing.

But this movie can’t do that. "

Lin Nan has a big head. Next year's Berlin Film Festival will be held nearly a month earlier than last year. It's too late.

He also didn't want to affect the quality of the film because he was in a hurry.

After thinking again and again, Lin Nan replied an email to the Berlin Film Festival officials.

He explained why he couldn't go and expressed his gratitude.

The domestic media are still excited.

"Director Lin Nan and Director Chen Kaige are very likely to join forces with Golden Bear."

"Competition between two generations of directors, the domestic film industry is full of talents..."

When Liu Yifei told Lin Nan about domestic news, the latter was shocked.

Do you really want to see yourself competing head-on with Chen Kaige?

"If you can't go, let alone before the film review and nominations, or before the opening ceremony, there is a high chance that you won't be able to do well in the later stages."

Liu Yifei's recent commercials are very full.

As a result, Lin Nan called back many times, but Liu's mother answered because Liu Yifei was busy.

shooting scene.

Lucas, played by Matt Damon, is confessed to for the first time by a precocious little girl under ten years old.

First, I felt a little awkward, and then I rejected the little girl with a smile, not taking her seriously at all.

Then the nightmare comes.

The little girl perfectly embodies what it means to be:

Lying is in the nature of women, they are born actors.

"Lin, your script is great."

Matt Damon gives another thumbs up.

"You should have started shooting this movie earlier so we wouldn't miss the Berlin Film Festival."

"I've already declined, so don't feel sorry for me anymore."

Shooting continues.

Everyone, including parents, became suspicious and launched an investigation.

It turns out that there is no basement in Lucas's house as the little girl said, and all the evidence proves that he is innocent.

Originally the male protagonist thought everything was over, but in fact the nightmare had just begun.


"New Moon" is released, and the box office trend is still like the first one. The box office potential is all in the first ten days...

But this does not affect its status among the fan base. The status of several leading actors has skyrocketed, reaching the highest level.

The third part needs to be considered again.

"Lin, they want to increase the pay."

Tom conveyed the meaning of the creative team.

"What do you think?" Lin Nan asked back.

“If the earliest contract is implemented, it will indeed be too low for those actors.

But it is reasonable not to increase the remuneration, after all, we signed a contract. "

This was indeed a problem. Lin Nan thought for a while and made a decision.

"Give them a 20% increase. After all, you also said that we don't need to increase it."

"Well, I'll make arrangements."

The "Twilight" series is just a cow, and Lin Nan still hopes to rely on it to support the special effects company.

When the news that Lin Nan rejected Berlin came back to China, the media's reaction, just like the "Hunting" he is currently filming, was full of rumors.

"Director Lin Nan seems to lack confidence when he encounters "Mei Lanfang"..."

"Director Lin, retreat before fighting."

"These people are so idle that they can make up such excuses." Lin Nan was also speechless.

The filming of "Hunting" became more and more leisurely.

Whether it's Matt Damon, the other actors, or the director Lin Nan, they all got into the mood.

In the camera, Lucas, played by Matt, is making dinner with his son.

A stone smashed the glass of the window and flew in, almost hitting Lucas in the face.

Matt Damon’s facial expressions are spot on.

The subtle expression of the protagonist realizing something was perfectly played by him.


"take a break."

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