That year Huayu

Chapter 450 I feel like none of the other movies can beat it

Lin Nan never expected that the verbal war between two Zhangs about artists would involve him.

Just because Ni Na took sides in public, saying that it was Pu Lun from Zhang Yimou's studio who was arranging the work of them all.

The latter is their actual agent and takes good care of them.

This is to refute Zhang Weiping's statement that New Picture has the right to represent their agent.

The artist contract and the agent's agency rights are two different things. The latter directly arranges the artist's activities and drama appointments.

This is also the only advantage Zhang Yimou Studio has in the battle for artists.

Zhang Dapao had an empty contract but could not control the artist. In anger, he accused Zhang Yimou of being treacherous and treacherous online, saying that the artist's agency rights were defrauded from him through unfair means.

He even spoke out to the entire industry, saying that all third-party production companies and crews are prohibited from cooperating with these actors before their contracts expire, otherwise they will be seen in court.

The other side was also scolding Zhang Yimou for being shameless and reprimanding the latter for his despicable behavior of secretly finding a way out for these people and poaching them before they broke up.

Among them, Ni Nai was recommended to Lin Nan.

Many media reporters heard the news and came to Lin Nan Pictures to verify whether Zhang Weiping's statement was true.

As you can imagine, everyone was rejected and turned back by Yue Jun.

The attitude is very clear: unclear, uninformed, and uninvolved.

"How did Zhang Weiping know? Two people playing Infernal Affairs?"

Lin Nan was a little puzzled. Logically speaking, Zhang Yimou's recommendation of Ni Nai to him should be kept confidential and would not be spread randomly.

"Maybe, after all, after working together for so many years, there will be more or less people from each other around."

Liu Yifei stopped reading the book in her hands, looked up at Lin Nan, and guessed with interest.

"I met Ni Nai at an event yesterday, and I felt okay. He didn't seem to be affected by the lawsuit at all, and he even said hello to me."

"This is why Zhang Weiping is so irritable, hahaha."

Lin Nan laughed and threw the last script in his hand on the table, where there was already a pile.

Liu Yifei promised at the event yesterday that she could send the script to Hongxingwu, and if it was suitable, she would consider investing in it.

As a result, from yesterday afternoon to this morning, more than twenty copies were received.

"How about it?"

Miss Liu moved her butt next to Lin Nan, with an eager look on her face, "How are you doing? Are there any good ones?"

Lin Nan shook his head gently. The probability of finding Liu Yifeila to invest in an event was a good project, which was very small.

"Ah? Have you all passed?" Miss Liu asked disappointedly.

"Literary films are too deliberate, realistic themes are too fake, commercial films are too childish, crime themes are full of loopholes, comedy scripts are patchwork, and some are plagiarized..."

Hearing Lin Nan's comment, Liu Yifei pouted and was a little discouraged.

"Take your time. You can spread the word in the circle first and accept investment in scripts or projects recommended by acquaintances, instead of accepting everyone who comes."

"Well, that's a good idea too. I'm going to post on Weibo..."

Liu Yifei nodded and said, then picked up the laptop on the table and started editing.


"Sad Fairy Tale" was released for a week, and the box office revenue was 8.89 million. The daily box office dropped by 100,000, and it has been forced to cancel the movie by the theater.

From the perspective of theaters, if these film schedules were given to other movies, they would not be such rubbish results. It is simply a waste of resources.

They are even more looking forward to the batch of blockbusters at the end of the month, especially Lin Nan's "Passengers."

Because of the recent "Genius Gunner", everyone made a lot of money.

But at this moment, the attention of major production companies in the industry is focused on "White Deer Plain" on its first day of release.

The original work is a contradictory award-winning work known as a "milestone in Chinese literature", and the director is Director Golden Bear.

However, as the old saying goes, the great the expectations, the great the disappointment.

The film was cut from 220 minutes to 156 minutes, which is not even the 188 minutes shown at the Berlin Film Festival at the beginning of the year. It has completely lost the historical weight and charm of the original work.

A movie with an investment of 130 million yuan only had a box office of 10.5 million on the first day, and there were also large-scale negative reviews online.

"The theme is vague, the narrative is confusing, and all the character relationships are not shown. It is too formal."

"If you haven't seen the original work, don't go into the theater. Once you go in, you'll just come out confused."

"If you have read the original work, don't go into the theater. You will definitely come out cursing..."

""White Deer Plain" has been filmed into Zhang Yuqi's "The Story of Tian Xiao'e", and the director's wife has been changed to the core!"

"However, the erotic scene is really good, and the figure is great..."

The producers and Wang Quan'an's defense was very practical.

"The film is too long, which is not conducive to the audience's attention and the scheduling of the film. The current version is simpler and smoother..."

A large number of film critics expressed support for the film and expressed their understanding.

"It's very exciting to be able to make it like this. This is the best movie adaptation of a novel in recent years."

"Ordinary viewers need to savor the connotation of the movie carefully instead of just superficially following the story..."

Unlike other movies in the past, this time the media also have different stances and different opinions. Those who praise and those who criticize take sides and refuse to give in to each other.

Lin Nan went to the movie channel with Zhou Xun, Liu Dehua, Lei Jiayin, and Reba.

This was also the only time I appeared on a show before the release of "Passengers", mainly because of the invitation from the Sixth Princess.

"This should be Director Lin's second science fiction film with an investment of over 200 million. When will the third one be prepared? Will the investment be higher?"

"The third part may take two years. The next one should be like "The Martian", with hard science fiction, higher investment, more sophisticated filming, and long-term and refined special effects and post-production..."

In fact, Lin Nan doesn't have a detailed plan at the moment, but that doesn't stop him from bragging first.

"Director Lin, remember to leave a role for me." Liu Dehua, dressed in formal attire, added with a smile.

"Then when the time comes, it will depend on what suits Brother Hua."

"What about the box office? Does Director Lin have higher expectations this time? For example, to surpass "The Genius"?"

Zhou Xun, Liu Dehua and others all looked at Lin Nan, expecting him to say something surprising.

"I really never thought about surpassing "Genius Gunner". There are too many opponents, so I have to leave something for others to drink, haha..."

Lin Nan's words seemed modest, but in fact they were also filled with pride.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the interview, the host asked an outsider's question.

"There is a popular saying in the film industry these days. It says: Movies that last more than three hours are not conducive to film schedules and box office growth, and the audience can easily become distracted. What does Director Lin think?"

Lin Nan thought for a while and gave his own answer:

"It makes sense that it is not conducive to theater arrangement. After all, in the time it takes to show one of your movies, you can show two other movies, but the ticket price should also increase accordingly, offsetting the disadvantage."

"As for the audience's inability to concentrate? I think as long as the story is exciting enough and attractive enough to the audience, this won't happen to everyone. Even if they want to go to the toilet in the middle, they will go back quickly, haha..."

"Ha ha……"

The words "Go quickly and come back quickly" amused everyone present.

"Will Director Lin make movies that are three hours or longer in the future?"

Lin Nan only thought for a few seconds and nodded firmly.

"If the story requires it and I'm not willing to cut it, I won't deliberately reduce the length of the movie. It can be three hours, or three and a half hours..."

"We don't consider whether it will be accepted by theaters or the box office?"

"I think I should have this capital and appeal..."

"White Deer Plain" relies on its huge reputation. Although its reputation is not very good, it can barely maintain a daily box office of 10 million.

However, this box office performance is still terrible. Because this is just a few days into the first week of release.

With this data, it is no longer possible for the movie to make back its money, and it can only hope to lose less.

A joke suddenly appeared on the Internet. It seems that a member of the Huayi Sword Cult is giving away heart-shaped stones everywhere, and they are all picked up by the river.

A large number of netizens are laughing, is this going to the river to wholesale import a sack? Why can't the big guys pick up any of them?

"Sad Fairy Tale" was released in embarrassment, and "White Deer Plain" can already be seen to the end.

Movies at the end of the month are all gearing up for release, and during the final promotional time, Lin Nan's "Passengers" was used as the target of hype and comparison.

Huayi's "Tai Chi 1" was the first to hold a premiere press conference ten days in advance.

Wang Zhonglei made a high-profile speech in front of the media.

"Two "Tai Chi" films were shot consecutively, with an investment of 220 million. Our goal is not to recoup the 600 million box office, but to have a total box office of more than 1 billion."

"This first "Tai Chi 1" must grab at least 300 to 400 million box office from Lin Nan's "Passengers", and another 100 to 200 million from other films. This is our minimum goal. !”

Lin Nan admitted that the attention of "Passengers" has increased to a higher level because of "Genius Gunslinger".

But these people are going too far by promoting "Passengers".

Before Lin Nan could respond, Liu Yifei's Weibo message had already been posted.

"I believe that no National Day movie can beat "Passengers"!"

Netizens and fans were happy.

"'Light Years Away' sounds great, I'm looking forward to the movie."

"Everyone is staring at "Passengers". What does that mean? It means everyone is afraid of it!"

"Producer Liu took the lead in expressing his stance. Where is Director Lin?"

"Director Lin is sharpening his knife, and the producer has spoken. He must not prepare for war?"

Actors, creators and artists in the industry are also shouting.

"I believe that "Passengers" will continue the glory of "The Gunslinger"."

"Director Lin's science fiction film is not to be missed, just like "The Martian" that year!"

After Lin Nan scrolled through Weibo for a while, he finally remembered down to business.

With a smile on his face, he re-edited a Weibo post and posted it. He liked Liu Yifei first, then Liu Dehua, Zhou Xun, Lei Jiayin, Reba and others.

"What Producer Liu said is exactly what I want to say. This National Day slot should be given to "Passengers"! I feel that none of the other movies can beat it!"

Good guy, as soon as Lin Nan's Weibo post was posted, it was quickly forwarded and discussed.

When Lin Nan's movies were released before, where had he ever seen him so high-profile? !

This time, in response to Liu Yifei’s Weibo, all I had to do was say: Everyone here is rubbish!

"Director Lin is so domineering this time. Do you want to pick a group of people?"

"Liu Yifei still works! Director Lin used to be very low-key, but this is the first time he has publicly criticized other movies, saying that they are not good, hahaha."

The producers of "Tai Chi 1", "Dangerous Liaisons", "Double Exposure" and other films were a little unable to react for a while.

Is this being looked down upon?

Is your investment high enough to make you great? You have a box office record, how can you be so arrogant?

"It's too arrogant. If the box office is not as good as expected, I will have to give it back to him when the time comes!" Wang Zhonglei said with a bad face.

"With "Genius Gunman" behind him, he can bear any consequences. Besides, the reputation of his movies is not bad..."

Wang Zhongjun struck a chord at the right time, although he was also very annoyed by Lin Nan's words: "None of the other movies can beat it."

"Let's wait until the Lunar New Year holiday. That's our home court. We'll beat his company's "囧" to death!"

This chapter contains the foreshadowing of three movies.

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