That year Huayu

Chapter 510 Tofu with brine

"Most of the scenes have to be placed in the Northeast. It's the most suitable place to shoot the scenes. In addition, the background of the story of "Lin Hai Xue Yuan" is also there."

Lin Nan nodded and agreed with Yue Jun's statement.

Shooting the icy and snowy exteriors in the Northeast is the most convenient, direct and low-cost location.

"I remember that there are many national forest parks there, which are covered with heavy snow all year round, which meets the shooting requirements in the original work. It's up to you to take the people and communicate with the relevant local departments."

"Then I'll probably be competing to win over you. After all, being the main filming location for a major director's commercial film will have a big boost to the local tourism industry."

Yue Jun laughed and joked, but it was indeed the truth.

“Once the location is determined, let the logistics team set off first.

When shooting a movie in this environment, all aspects of daily life, food, accommodation, warmth, accidents, etc. must be prepared and planned in advance. "

"No problem. The company's logistics team has rich experience in this area and can definitely handle everything."


Outside the world, auditions for "Return" are still going on at various art academies in the capital.

However, the attention of the media and society has shifted from this movie to Director Zhang.

The supernatural incident that has been causing a stir since the beginning of last year has finally come to an end.

The official made a statement for the first time to report this incident, and the meaning was very clear: the fine should be whatever it is.

Director Zhang immediately responded and accepted all punishment results from relevant departments.

But what has caused a lot of discussion in the entertainment industry is Director Zhang's marriage registration time, which is very interesting.

The reported time for obtaining the certificate was at the end of December last year, which was also two weeks after the release of "The Thirteen Hairpins".

The next three months were the whole process from when he and Zhang Weiping were rumored to have broken up to when they formally and publicly broke up.

This discerning person understood it at a glance, and urgently obtained the certificate before the breakup, clearly to prevent Zhang Weiping from making a fuss about these things.

The reality is indeed like this. When the front leg breaks, the back leg is revealed to have been reborn, and the love history of the past twenty years is revealed...

Zhang Dapao, who had not been seen for a long time, posted a rare Weibo post with a strange and sinister tone:

"The efficiency is really high. It actually took more than a year from the report to the result. As expected of Director Zhang, this treatment is really dirty."

However, no one in the circle paid attention to this guy. Instead, Zhang Yimou replied with a meaningful message:

"From now on, there are no more shackles."

What makes netizens feel incredible is that everyone has calculated Zhang Yimou's income over the years based on the amount of fines he received.

Finally, we came to a conclusion: Zhang Weiping is really ruthless and does not regard Zhang Yimou as a great director at all, so no wonder they want to break up.

After nearly a month of public release, "To Youth" and "One Man's Martial Arts" were shut down one after another.

The media is already reporting on it.

"The movie "To Youth" was successfully released yesterday, with a total box office revenue of 660 million."

"With "To Youth", Zhao Wei was promoted to director in the 600 million box office club and became the female director with the highest box office in Chinese films!"

""One Man's Martial Arts" has been successfully completed, and the cumulative box office in the mainland has reached 534 million, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia..."

Although he has become a director with a box office of 500 million, Lu Yang still feels a bit uncomfortable that he lost to a youth film!

"Okay, do you know how many movies of the same type were registered in the month when "To Youth" was released?"

"How much? I really didn't pay attention."

On the other end of the phone, Lu Yang asked subconsciously.

"I heard from Yue Jun that there are no less than thirty troops, and they are still increasing."

When Lin Nan heard this number for the first time, he was shocked, but he figured it out soon.

This type of movie has a low investment cost, a simple story, and can easily arouse the emotions of the audience. Why don't everyone just flock to film it?

But I don’t know whether the filming is good or not, whether it’s bloody or not.

Anyway, in the next two or three years, a large number of youth films will definitely appear in theaters.

"Are you still following the trend?"

"Yes, the era of youth movies is coming, and what they sell is feelings, haha..."

Lin Nan did not go to the company these two days, but stayed at home.

Although I have avoided some media, I still can't avoid the calls from acquaintances in the industry, all of whom inquire about casting.

The film has yet to determine the amount of investment from all parties and has not filed a record. It is just waiting for news from Han Ga Nyeo.

Only when there is accurate information, can we proceed to the next step.

"When the shooting breaks, we can go skiing together..."

When she knew she was going to shoot in the ice and snow of Northeast China, Liu Yifei was already planning how to do it, and she had some ideas.

"When "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom" is finished, I have to prepare a movie for you."

Lin Nan looked at Liu Yifei in front of him and said softly.

"Huh? Okay, I'm waiting for your movie."

Liu Yifei smiled sweetly, her eyes watery.

To be honest, Lin Nan is already paying attention to Hollywood.

If there is a suitable movie, he will find a way to recommend it to Miss Liu.

China Film.

In the chairman's office, the secretary has just left.

At this time, the atmosphere at the scene was a bit strange.

Han Sanping sat on the chairman's chair and looked at Han Jianu across the table, looking as if he hated iron but not steel.

"You bitch, you can do it, you're quite capable, and you're still playing tricks on me..."

Han Sanping's tone was not serious, but it was obvious that he was very angry.

"Oh, you don't really care about Zhang Weiping's nickname, do you? This is not your style. Did you say that he is just a clown?"

Han Jia'v was "following the guidance" and doing ideological work for her own father, with a sly light in her eyes.

"You know nothing, what kind of benefit did that guy give you? He asked you to turn your elbows outward, and he came to lobby me?"

Looking at the shameless Han Jianu, Han Sanping finally suppressed his temper and did not say harsh words.

This is my daughter after all, my dear, this is the one.

"Hey, I'm the assistant director."

As soon as Han Jianu said these words, Han Sanping's facial muscles were visibly twitching.

"Made, please give me some help, right? This bitch..."

"Be civilized!"

Han Sanping choked, thinking about him as the chairman of China Film Group Corporation, who in this industry would dare to talk to him like that.

But, sometimes, it’s just tofu with brine.

This daughter I only got when I was in my thirties, most of the time there is really nothing I can do to deal with her, not even beating or scolding her.

"Don't think about it, it's impossible. If you want me to play the role of 'Mountain Eagle', just let him daydream."

Simply, Han Sanping didn't say anything more, crossed his arms in his arms, and didn't even look at Han Jianu.

Seeing her biological father making this familiar move, Han Jia'er felt happy. Isn't this going to be fun?

Han Sanping has done this action countless times since she was a child, and she is basically the winner in the end.

Except for that time, when the graduate student applied for a major... Han Sanping had an unquestionable tone, tough from beginning to end.

"You should think about it carefully. People who are about to retire should let themselves go.

You joke about yourself, in the eyes of the public, how courageous a leader is? It's sure to get a lot of praise.

How great would it be if we could work together in a movie? "

Before Han Sanping could react, Han Jianu had already stood up and was about to leave.

She knows a truth well. When dealing with her biological father, she can't think about getting it right in one step. She has to be relaxed and relaxed. This is experience!

Seeing Han Jianu walking out of the office in two steps, Han Sanping wanted to scold her, but it was too late.

"What a sin!"

After spitting out three words heavily, Han Sanping picked up the mobile phone on the table.

If you are reluctant to scold your own daughter, then find someone to scold you!


The film industry has been attracted by a Sino-French co-production that has been in preparation for four years.

China Film and the French company also announced that the casting for the co-production "Wolf Totem" has been completed.

Huayi's press release quickly occupied the headlines of major portal websites and film and television news.

"After four years of preparation and an investment cost of up to 300 million, the movie "Wolf Totem" will officially start shooting in June. The leading actor will be Huayi artist Feng Shaofeng."

For a time, a large number of male actors in the industry cast envious glances.

Just because the director announced at the same time is the Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film Director! This will be an extremely dazzling resume.

"The international director who is best at photographing animals?"

Lin Nan also saw this news. Hua Yi was quite capable and introduced people to the French director, and Feng Shaofeng did not miss the mark either.

"Lin Nan, the phone number is Han Dongye."

Liu Yifei looked surprised and handed Lin Nan's charging cell phone to him.

"Did Han Jia Nu have already convinced Director Han, so he called to talk about this?"

When Lin Nan heard what Miss Liu said, she felt that it made some sense, but she couldn't say absolutely.

"You'll know once it's connected, hehe..."

Lin Nan pressed the speaker with a smile.

"Director Han? Have you figured it out?"

"I've figured it out, little bastard, how dare you attack the owner of a beautiful girl..."

Lin Nan had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly turned off the external sound, feeling extremely embarrassed in front of Miss Liu.

At this moment, I saw Liu Yifei hugging her belly and laughing into a ball on the sofa. She burst into tears from laughter.

"Ha ha……"

Lin Nan winked at Liu Yifei and then picked up the phone.

On the phone, Han Sanping was still cursing, but Lin Nan couldn't get a word in.

After three or four minutes, Han Sanping, probably tired of scolding, hung up regardless of whether Lin Nan had anything to say.

"Co-author, you just called me to scold me. Why? It's inexplicable!"

Lin Nan looked at the phone in front of him, confused.

"You're laughing so hard. This is the second person I've seen scold you besides my uncle, haha..."

Liu Yifei lay on Lin Nan's back, her head resting on his shoulder, her face touching his face, and she exhaled with a smile.

"It's inexplicable."

As soon as Lin Nan finished complaining, another call came in, Han Jia Nu.


"Brother Lin, I have already met my dad. I will go there one or two more times in the next two days to make sure I win."

Okay, now the case is settled.

Lin Nan just said, Lao Han couldn't call and scold him for no reason, there must be a reason.

This was because he knew that he had abducted his daughter and was angry with him.

"Director Han just hung up the phone." Liu Yifei couldn't help laughing.

"Ah? My dad called? What did he say?"

Han Jianu asked blankly, looking a little naive.

The smile on Lin Nan's face was uglier than crying, and she didn't want to speak.

Liu Yifei rubbed Lin Nan's face with her own and answered for him:

"Director Han didn't say anything because he kept scolding Lin Nan, haha..."

Han Jianu on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she felt a little embarrassed.

"He, how could he be like this? Senior Brother Lin, just wait, I will talk to him later, how could he be like this..."


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