That year Huayu

Chapter 531 Two BOSS

China Film, Chairman's Office.

"Do you think I even changed my office? Haha..."

Han Sanping smiled cheerfully, with a joking tone in his tone.

But is this forcing a smile? Or is it the joy and cheerfulness before the burden is truly lifted? Anyway, Lin Nan couldn't tell at a glance.

He subconsciously looked around the office and found that it had obviously changed compared to when he came to lobby Han Sanping before filming "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom".

Many books and documents are missing, as well as some ornaments.

Those should be Han Sanping's own things, right? Already starting to make room...

"Director Han, how many tables will be set up then?" Wang Changtian joked.

"Just set up a few tables."

Unlike in the past, Han Sanping actually took up the topic this time.

In front of the coffee table, Han Sanping took a rare initiative and poured everyone a cup of tea. At this moment, his momentum seemed to have calmed down a bit.

"It is said that after a person retires, he cannot really live a retired life, otherwise he will age quickly. I think someone with a temper like mine will definitely get sick."

Hearing Han Sanping's words, Lin Nan, Wang Changtian, and Ye Ning looked at each other.

"In addition to being the chairman of China Film Group Corporation, you are also a director, producer, supervisor and actor. There is no such thing as retirement in these roles."

It was Lin Nan who finally said this.

"Then when I get another job, I will come find you. Haha..."

Han Sanping was not polite, looked at the three people beside him and laughed, then raised his teacup.

"Of course, you can speak at any time, just like Junior Sister Han."

After joking for a while like old friends, Han Sanping started talking about business.

"This position basically represents the top spot in the domestic film industry."

Hearing this, Lin Nan wondered if Han Sanping hadn't come out of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom" yet?

You are an official, so why don't you use the word "top spot"? There is a strong "Liangshan" flavor!

"The number of people with the title of vice chairman of China Film Group Corporation is never less than one palm, and sometimes more than ten. The person who succeeded me this time is La Peikang."

Lin Nan and the others noticed something was wrong. The expression and tone of Han Sanping's words seemed to be someone who was taking over his class. Is this a bit unexpected?

"At lunchtime, I will introduce you to La Dong. Haha, he has wanted to meet Lin Nan for a long time."

Han Sanping's tone in the second half of his sentence was a bit complicated.

Wang Changtian and Ye Ning could understand the meaning of this sentence, as well as Han Sanping's emotions.

Among domestic directors, especially among big directors, Lin Nan is special.

Looking at the movies directed by Lin Nan, one thing can be discovered.

Except for "Warm and Bright", which he nominally directed when he was just starting out, China Film Group either participated in the investment or took over the distribution of the other films.

Even when it is released in Japan, South Korea and other places, it is China Film Group that connects the two, and the two are deeply bound. Or to put it more bluntly, Lin Nan and Han Sanping have had a good relationship over the years.

And Lin Nan is really good at fighting, which is recognized in the industry. The incoming director doesn’t want to let go, and he doesn’t want to be taken advantage of by the Shanghai Film and Television Film Company. This is completely understandable!

"It feels like being pried into a corner, haha..." Han Sanping laughed at himself.

Lin Nan also smiled silently. Before "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom" started, he was pried once by Ren Zhonglun.

No one may believe it, but the four of them actually drank tea in Han Sanping's office for more than an hour.

Until almost noon, the secretary knocked on the door.

"Dr. Han, La Dong's secretary said that the small auditorium is ready."

"Well, we'll go there right away."

Lin Nan glanced at the secretary. He was also an acquaintance, but he didn't know which position he would be transferred to after Han Sanping retired.

To a certain extent, Lin Nan, Wang Changtian, Ye Ning and Han Sanping represent an interest group, with Lin Nan at the core.

10 years ago, Lin Nan was a newcomer, and the friendship cultivated from then to now is very deep.

Therefore, in the eyes of Wang Changtian and Ye Ning, it was not La Peikang who joined in instead of Han Sanping, but China Film.

Because leaving aside China Film and Television, everyone has no friendship with this director at all.

However, the cooperation between Lin Nan, Guangguang and Wanda is very close. The three companies also have the link of Tudou, which is the actual controlling party.

Several people followed Han Sanping into the small auditorium.

"Director Han, please take your seat quickly."

"Jianla Dong has been waiting for a long time."

"There's no long wait, we're on the front and back. Director Lin Nan, Director Wang, and Mr. Ye are all seated."

"Thank you La Dong."

"Call me Vice-Director, don't shout out loud, haha..."

This was said to Lin Nan and the others, but who would take it seriously.

After taking a look at the chairman of China Film Group Corporation, who will take office in October.

Lin Nan felt that he was not as energetic as Han Sanping, but relatively speaking, he was also elegant, but not as elegant as Ren Zhonglun.

All in all, the first time I interacted with him, I felt quite friendly. After all, he was the soon-to-be appointed spokesperson for China Film Group.

There were only five people sitting in the small auditorium.

“Lin Nan Pictures, China Film, Enlight and Wanda have maintained cooperation for a long time. They are all high-quality projects and have never suffered any losses.

I also hope that the cooperation established by Director Han can continue. What Director Han did in the past will not change in the future. The support that China Film Group can provide will only increase and not decrease..."

When it comes to business matters, this Lao Dong is unambiguous, straightforward and clear about his attitude.

This instantly made Lin Nan and the others feel much better about him.

Han Sanping also added in a timely manner: "Professional people do professional things. Lin Nan is very strong in movies. China Film Group is on board."

From this sentence, it was obvious that Han Sanping was carrying Lin Nan's sedan chair in front of La Peikang. Wang Changtian and Ye Ning were both stunned.

"Director Han, I don't dare to accept your words, haha..." Lin Nan waved her hands hurriedly.

"Director Han is right. China Film's participation in Lin Nan Film's films has made a lot of money so far. In the future, China Film will still be at the forefront of projects launched by Lin Nan Picture, and the attention will only be higher. .”

La Peikang picked up a glass of wine, said seriously with a smile on his face. Everyone raised their glasses to follow.

Although there is a clear rule that you are not allowed to drink alcohol during work, but the two bosses of China Film are here, who dares to take care of them?


Lin Nan didn't expect that it would take more than two hours to eat a meal.

When he left, his mobile phone address book contained La Peikang's personal phone number.

Outside China Film Studio, three cars were parked.

"The style of this director is different from that of Director Han, but it will not affect our future cooperation."

Wang Changtian was the eldest and gave his own judgment.

"Don't worry about anything. We have performance and political achievements. The risks are still small. It will definitely not affect our future film cooperation." Ye Ning joked.

"Maybe it's because Director Han is too aggressive, that's why we have this more elegant Director?" Lin Nan also joked.

"By the way, Tudou's current market share is on par with Youku's, and it even dominates the mobile market. Many institutions are starting to make plans."

Ye Ning suddenly mentioned this matter.

"So does light."

So why not Lin Nan. During this period, there were many people from banks, investment banks, and Internet companies harassing him.

Director Ali Ma has already given me the message several times.

"We'll wait another year or two, wait for the policies... and we'll start the listing process."

Internet companies have not officially entered the market yet. Why? We are just waiting for the policies from above to help them clear obstacles.

That will be the best time for the film and television industry, and of course, it will also be the worst time!

"Wait? That's okay. Anyway, the three of us combined, we don't lack anything." Ye Ning said confidently.

"Tudou's hoarding of film and television copyrights and exclusive online broadcast rights cannot be stopped..."

Lin Nan repeated this matter again.

"It doesn't stop. Spending money is like running water."


The film market is really unpredictable.

One day later, the box office data of the co-production film invested by China Film and Wanda came out.

Even at home, Lin Nan could think of Han Sanping and Ye Ning's faces, which must be the color of pig liver.

"The Sino-US co-production "The Man of Tai Chi", jointly produced by China Film and Wanda with an investment of 150 million, had a box office of 4.89 million on the first day. It failed to make a success and failed!"

"Sino-US co-productions are once again out of tune with the local environment. Domestic film producers should learn from "Pacific Rim" and draw on their experience."

""Blind Detective", which invested 120 million yuan, received another 17 million yuan at the box office the next day. Wazai's apology has no effect, and the movie may have no hope of repaying its original cost."

""Tiny Times" was released for 10 days, with a total box office of 380 million, and the daily box office dropped to 8 million..."


Lin Nan stayed at Tiangong Color and heard the news in the circle.

Jia Zhangke's "Destiny", which won the Best Screenplay Award at the Cannes Film Festival, was banned.

You must know that this movie has already passed the review and received the Dragon Award, and its schedule has been set for the National Day.

Does that mean it’s banned? Is the boss starting to slap me in the face again?

"It's nothing more than a reflection of reality, and then find some violent and bloody reasons."

Lin Nan still believed in the realistic themes played by Jiang Wu and Wang Baoqiang.

"When Director Jia Zhangke came back from Cannes, he publicly announced that this movie would definitely be his highest-grossing theatrical movie. Who would have thought that something like this would happen? I heard that he is still trying to get better. .”

Han Jianu sighed and handed some materials to Lin Nan.

"Senior Brother Yue Jun has already approved the people and equipment for me. All I need is your and Yifei's signatures."

Lin Nan flipped through the things Han Jianu handed over:

"Film - Assistant Director Practice Report of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom"" requires the signature of the director and producer;

A blank page of "Graduation Works Shooting Diary Supervisor Information Confirmation Form", which needs to be signed by Lin Nan;

The blank page "Signature of Graduation Thesis Advisor" is still reserved for Lin Nan...

Lin Nan smiled and glanced at Han Jianu, who quickly handed over the signature pen:

"Senior Brother Lin, come on, this is a fair deal. Sign it quickly, I'll go find Yifei later."

"That's not necessary."

"Ah? Why?"

In Han Jianu's confused eyes, Lin Nan signed four names, three of which were his own.

"Now you know why?"

Han Jianu nodded subconsciously, "Can this still happen?"


"Doesn't that mean the same goes for me looking for Yifei?"

"Well, that's understandable!" Lin Nan said with a smile.

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