That year Huayu

Chapter 663 Superposition of Public Opinion

After hanging up the phone, Lin Nan opened Weibo curiously, ready to see what was going on.

Lin Nan's eyes widened when he saw that the first to sixth hot search items were all about the same thing.

Good guy, he seems to know why Wang Changtian said that the reputation of the three companies is amazing among ordinary people. It’s time to explode!

"The official WeChat account of Ping An Capital released news: A week ago, according to reports from the public, the famous actor Zhang and two musicians were caught smoking at home in Shunyi... and were caught on the spot."

"Sina News released the video of the arrest... Tools and remaining drugs were seized on the spot..."

"The interrogation video was released. Zhang cried bitterly and confessed. He confessed that he had allowed others to smoke together at home many times..."

"Following January 31, 2012, actor Zhang was arrested again for drug problems. The circumstances involved in this case are serious, including harboring others... and will be turned into a criminal case."

The Internet is abuzz. Counting the days, how many days is the difference between this and the high bluff time? It’s just that before today, there was no official notification!

"Block them! There is no other way, these people are too lawless!"

"This is the second time you have entered the palace! No, this is just the second time you have been caught doing something!"

"Director Lin Nan's proposal is correct, and what Lin Nan Pictures, Enlight and Wanda Pictures are doing is right and must be blocked!"

"I went to Babaoshan in the morning and saw many tombstones without 'names' and 'photos'. I asked them if they would forgive me, but they didn't answer..."

"It's true that mud can't hold up the wall. Your father worked hard to pave the way for you, and you worked hard to tear down the wall for your father."

"Oh, what a pity, Teacher Guoli, what a perfect actor, but his son never made him worry..."

The film and television industry was speechless and collectively silent.

At the meeting two days ago, everyone tried their best to refute Lin Nan's banning proposal, shouting in unison, "The prodigal son will never be replaced with gold," "You can't beat him to death with a stick," "Give me another chance"...

Well now, the son of a big boss in the Beijing circle turned around as a prodigal two and a half years ago, but secretly he has done it again so many times.

Even this time he tolerated others and was caught on the spot! What to do next? Isn't this a slap in the face? !

"Where's Guoli? Why didn't you tell us about this before? It's already been a week!"

Wang Zhongjun frowned and asked Wang Zhonglei sternly.

The latter was a little helpless, sighed and said: "He went to prepare for the media meeting. What can we do if he tells us this kind of thing?

It's easy to deal with it just by yourself, it's administrative detention. But he kept people, and kept people many times, and now it is a criminal case. "

Hearing what Wang Zhonglei said, Wang Zhongjun's face became even more ugly.

Only a few days later, another well-known actor was notified. The previous wave of public opinion had not dissipated, and this wave was superimposed.

It’s self-evident to what extent online public opinion and ordinary people’s grievances will develop.

"If there are a few more, it is estimated that the authorities will really take action. There is no need to solicit opinions at the second industry conference, and Lin Nan's proposal will be decided directly! It is even possible now!" Wang Zhongjun said through gritted teeth.

"Half a year. I have asked the lawyer. He will have to stay in there for at least half a year this time. After he comes out, we will find a way to arrange it." Wang Zhonglei added.

Lin Nan's Weibo and the company's Weibo are full of people.

The number of comments and likes on the Weibo post that was unilaterally "blocked" skyrocketed every minute and every second. Those "cleansing" drafts on the Internet have completely turned into nonsense.

Lin Nan was hesitant. Should he turn off the comment function on Weibo?

These netizens, who were so excited and even out of control, were a little too indignant.

They dare to say anything and scold any relevant departments. If this continues, there will be problems!

After thinking for a while, Lin Nan turned off the comment function for many netizens, fearing that they would be invited to drink tea.

"Oh, no! I forgot to tell Sissi to wake up!"

Thinking of business, Lin Nan ran towards the room.


At about 8:40, Liu Yifei, wearing a floral dress and high-heeled sandals, got into the nanny car and drove away.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Nan also drove out.

I heard that Zhang Guoli was going to hold a press conference at noon. People in the circle knew the general content without guessing. It was nothing more than an apology.

To be honest, Lin Nan admires Zhang Guoli very much. Not only is he a first-class actor, but he also has a second-class personal merit, which he earned with his life.

Perhaps the only thing he was criticized for was his son. For this son, Ms. Deng had no children of her own.

Not long after arriving at the company in the morning, Jiang Yuerou's phone call came back from Hengdian.

"Director Lin, according to the estimated shooting progress, "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" can be completed within two weeks, and we will be back around the 25th."

The production started at the end of April, and four months have passed in the blink of an eye.

"I understand. The company will hold a closing banquet for you in the capital. In addition, after arranging the rest of the crew, you can come back first."

Lin Nan ordered that this TV series deserves this treatment.

That "Gu Jian Qi Tan" only airs a few episodes a week on Mango Channel. I've been searching for it, but the show hasn't finished yet.

But it has to be said that the popularity and ratings have been maintained for a month and have not diminished at all to this day, making a lot of money. Of course, the same goes for potatoes.

This situation has driven up the price of fairy tale dramas.

In particular, "A Thousand Bones of Flowers" currently being produced by Lin Nan Pictures has become the target of competition for several first-line TV stations.

Moreover, Mango Channel had communicated with Lin Nan Pictures as early as the end of July.

It's just that Lin Nan didn't ask the people below to give an accurate reply to Mango Channel. He only said that he would discuss the specific price after watching the finished film.

Although Lin Nan has the idea of ​​letting several satellite TV stations bid, he must admit that the final winner will most likely be Mango TV because they have money!

"Okay, Director Lin. I'll make some arrangements and I'll be back in the next two days."



"He has taken a good lead this time. Lin Nan Pictures, Enlight and Wanda, these three companies are all on the right track."

At noon, after returning from the General Administration, this was the first thing La Peikang said while sitting in the office.

There was another meeting in the morning. They were the number one and number two of various official and semi-official organizations and associations in the film and television industry. There were many old guys.

The Tong Bureau almost made it clear that they would go under the knife, but a group of old diehards still refuted and objected righteously, and several leaders looked ugly.

Even though a group of old guys are getting older, the skill, physical strength and energy of the verbal exchanges are no worse than those of them in their fifties, or even better. What the hell!

"La Dong, do you mean that we really want to ban him?"

La Peikang looked at his secretary and confidant and nodded.

“This is what the bureau wants now, but there is a lot of resistance and there is still a stalemate.

In the afternoon, you should pay attention to the movies we have produced and invested in that have not yet been released. If there are such bad actors, find a way to deal with them.

If it’s a film that hasn’t been shot yet or has not been completed, replace the person as soon as possible. But remember, you must find other reasons and don’t make it public. "

The secretary immediately understood what the big boss meant: "I'll do it in the afternoon."

At this time, La Peikang smiled again:

"I guess the people from Shangying, Xiying, Ningying and Changying are all rushing back to the airport right now. At least the phone calls must have been made. I came yesterday and will go back today. I must be very tired, haha... …”

"La Dong, Legendary Pictures has sent an email. It is expected that the script will be completed and brought over next month. In addition, they also sent us a list of directors..."

After hearing the secretary's report, the expression on La Peikang's face instantly became serious.

"They sent out a list of directors? What do they want? Didn't we agree that the director will be chosen by us!" La Peikang said in an unhappy tone.

In the past, most of the director candidates for Sino-US co-production films were decided by Hollywood.

The final result will not be unexpected. The movies are all directed by Hollywood directors.

But the co-productions they produced basically had box office figures that are hard to describe.

Over the past ten years, the most profitable and successful co-production film has been "Pacific Rim", but it was a script provided by Lin Nan, with the participation of a large number of Chinese engineers, and with strong Chinese style elements.

The second one is "The King of Kung Fu". It didn't make any money in China and had a bad reputation, but it made money abroad, so it can be considered a success.

So this time, in terms of script and director, La Peikang was determined to get one, and he got the director position that he valued more.

"La Dong, you misunderstood. They didn't say they wanted to change a Hollywood director. They just gave us a list of Chinese directors they think are qualified for this co-production, and they hope we can choose from it."

After hearing this, La Peikang's expression improved a little, "Bring it to me and take a look."

The secretary quickly handed over the document in his hand.

"Haha, the first one is Li An?"

La Peikang sneered and said, in terms of closeness, Li An can be considered an outsider.

"Lin Nan, Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige..."

The paper with the list printed on it was thrown onto the table by La Peikang, and he said angrily:

"They are good at selecting people, and they investigate them very carefully. There are all domestic award-winning and capable directors, and the higher the names are, the higher the box office success will be!"


"Ignore it. Wait until the two families come next month and then talk in person."

Ning Hao wanted to recruit Lin Nan again and wanted him to participate in a promotional event for "Heart Blossoms".

Even the reasons were found. Firstly, Lin Nan is one of the producers and producers. Secondly, it was to return the favor for his support at the conference.

After being annoyed by several consecutive phone calls, Lin Nan had no choice but to agree.

"Where? Please agree in advance. I won't go if it's far away."

"Not far away, there will be one show each for Nortel and China Theater. Who makes your influence in the school much stronger than mine? Haha..."

"Your uncle, didn't you say it once? Why two places?"

"Going to Nortel is like going home to you. Can this be counted in the number of times of publicity? It's so heartbreaking to let the school hear this!"

Ning Hao said with a smile, so shameless.


Many readers have said before, why not do something for the industry. Let’s do something about this small branch line, even if we just take advantage of the momentum. After all, it is too unrealistic for individuals to want to change the industry environment. I prefer to stay close to reality.

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