That year Huayu

Chapter 687 Joy, Invitation

"Exclusively produced by Huayi and directed by director Guan Fu, the casting of the movie "Old Paoer" has been completed."

"The starring cast of "Old Paoer" is as follows: Feng Xiaogang, Wu Yifan, Li Yifeng, Zhang Hanyu, Xu Qing, Liu Hua, Bai Jugang..."

On a new day, Huayi's casting announcement quickly spread in the film and television circles and made headlines in the entertainment sector.

A large number of people in the industry lamented, and many actors were envious.

The Beijing circle's "high praise" for this Wu Yifan is really to the extreme, as if he is his own son!

It has only been 4 months since I returned to China, and I have already won two movies.

The first one is the male protagonist, "There's a Place Only We Know" by Xu Cairen.

Unexpectedly, the second movie still starred in the film, and was directed by Guan Rui, with Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Hanyu and others.

Even Li Yifeng, who became popular with "The Story of Ancient Swords", could only act as a co-star for him! This clearly shows that we want to create a "superstar"!

Lin Nan was waiting for Miss Liu to put on makeup while reading the news. There were already rumors on the Internet.

"I heard that Wu Yifan was taken to Xinghui and was exposed to "Mermaid"."

"Is it true? Why haven't you heard the news?"

"It seems that Director Xu Ke was the middleman, but it seems that the producer rejected it."

"Is it the producer? Then this is interesting. Is it Director Lin, or is it China Film or Shanghai Film?"

"China Film and Shanghai Film and Television are state-owned enterprises and generally do not speak out... You can imagine the answer, tsk tsk tsk..."

Near 11 o'clock in the morning, Lin Nan drove Liu Yifei, who was wearing light makeup, straight to Ning Hao's house.

At this time, Director Ning had an annoyed expression and was talking to Xu Zheng in the corner of the yard.

He looked back from time to time to make sure no one in the living room had followed him.

"Old Xu, you went too far this time. You didn't say yesterday that you would bring others. We didn't tell Lin Nan that there would be outsiders today!"

Xu Zheng could see that Ning Hao was really angry, but he still explained with a smile:

"Since we are talking about business, I think we must be more serious and come with him. This is our attitude and respect for Director Lin."

Ning Hao was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to refute.

He originally planned to mention this matter at the dinner table as a friend, and whether it succeeds or not is considered a private matter.

You can treat it as a joke and move forward or back.

But now that Xu Zheng has brought Dong Ping, this can no longer be a joke among friends even at the dinner table.

"I don't care what the discussion is between you and Dong Ping. Today, if Lin Nan agrees, of course it's best; if he refuses, don't force it anymore. I won't bother you anymore because of this matter. 'he!"

Ning Hao gritted his teeth and spoke firmly. After all, in his opinion, this matter did not bring much benefit to Lin Nan.

"Yeah. Don't worry, it'll be absolutely fine."

Xu Zheng nodded and agreed. The thought in his heart has always been: No one can refuse more money and capital, not even Lin Nan!

The big black G slowly drove into the front yard of the villa. Instead of going to the garage, it parked next to the two cars.

Lin Nan was a little puzzled to see a strange luxury car next to Ning Hao.

"One car seems to belong to Xu Zheng. I haven't seen the other car..."

Lin Nan muttered, turned off the car and got out of the car. Then he walked around to the passenger side and helped Liu Yifei, who was wearing a floral dress and high heels, to get out.

"Well, I smell the fragrance."

Miss Liu sniffed gently, with a happy smile on her face.

"Yes, there is something you like to eat."

Xing Aina stood at the door of the villa and shouted from a distance.

"That's so embarrassing, hee hee..."

"It's been all these years, how have you ever been embarrassed?"

Xing Aina smiled and joked that after these years of contact, she can be regarded as understanding this "fairy sister".

Liu Yifei's gluttony is as good as her beauty, but her cooking skills and her looks are two extremes. It makes people sigh: the Creator is indeed fair!

"Come in quickly, everyone is waiting for you inside."


Liu Yifei grabbed Lin Nan's hand and walked in furiously.

To be honest, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei have many similarities in personality, such as being conservative, homely, lazy...

When it comes to making friends, the circle of friends between the two of them is basically not very expanded. After all these years, the best friends are still the same, almost unchanged.

So after entering the villa and seeing strangers present, the smiles on their faces instantly faded.

"You are so awesome. You criticized the Hong Kong company so much at the press conference of "Mermaid", and you just had to say that they were black!"

Ning Hao walked up first to greet Lin Nan, punched her and said with a smile.

"What's the point? If they want to be slapped, just slap them twice. I invested tens of millions in "Mermaid"."

"Director Lin, let me introduce you..."

Xu Zheng put on a smile and was about to speak when he was interrupted by Lin Nan, "Is "囧" almost done?"

"Well, it will be launched at the beginning of next month. This is..."

"Haha, let me introduce myself. Hello, Director Lin Nan. I am Dong Ping. I am very happy to meet Director Lin today."

Lin Nan frowned subconsciously. The name seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"It's already past 12 o'clock, let's all sit down at the dinner table and chat. Yifei, sit here, next to me."

Xing Aina took the initiative to change the topic, and then the group of people went downhill.

The moment he sat down, Lin Nan remembered who this "Dong Ping" was.

He is the predecessor of Alibaba Pictures and the chairman of the former listed company Culture China.

After Alibaba took over Cultural China and changed its name to Alibaba Pictures, he was kicked out of the decision-making level and now seems to only have the title of director!

After suddenly realizing this, Lin Nan looked at the people at the dinner table and knew what was going on.

It seems that today, I really came for him, and there is indeed "something".

However, what surprised Lin Nan was that during the meal, Xu Zheng and the others did not say anything off-topic. Instead, they were talking about movies, the industry, and development trends...

In this case, Lin Nan is happy to see it done and eat.

Facts have proved that "things" may come later, but they will definitely not happen.

Half an hour later, the meal came to an end.

At this time, Ning Hao, as the host, put down his chopsticks and looked at Lin Nan:

"We plan to acquire a small listed company, then change its name through a backdoor, and directly resume trading..."

Hearing this, Liu Yifei was a little caught off guard. She reacted the next second and looked at Lin Nan beside her.

At this time, Lin Nan was also deeply shocked.

Ning Hao and Xu Zheng, these two idiots, really just keep silent, and they will be big once they make a move!

"Compared with traditional listed companies in the film and television industry, our plan is even more perfect, that is, a major director alliance system, where everyone is a shareholder!"

Xu Zheng took over the conversation and said with a smile.

"A major director alliance system?"

Lin Nan muttered these words. At this moment, he still couldn't guess what these three people were thinking!

Speaking of great directors, isn’t Lin Nan himself a great director? Moreover, he is also one of the top-ranked people in the Chinese film industry.

"Well, congratulations to you. Such a system and framework will definitely have a strong voice in the industry."

Lin Nan did not take advantage of the trap, and Liu Yifei also kept her head down smartly and continued peeling the shrimps.

Ning Hao, Xu Zheng and Dong Ping all understood the meaning of Lin Nan's words, which was: Congratulations to you and wish you success, but I will not interfere.

Xing Aina gave Ning Hao a piece of food and said, "Our errand is done, don't talk anymore."

Xu Zheng and Dong Ping looked at each other, and the latter immediately put on a smile and raised his glass.

"Director Lin, I respect you."

Lin Nan originally wanted to drive later, but he still picked up the wine glass.

"We have invested nearly 1 billion and are in the process of acquiring 21 Holdings. The changes will be completed by the end of the year and will be relisted in January or February. We have already thought of a new name for the company, and it will be called Huanxi Pictures.

I don’t know if Director Lin is interested in taking a share. You can give Director Lin at least 15...20 points; of course, if Producer Liu is willing, he is also welcome to join. "

As Dong Ping spoke, he raised his glass to Liu Yifei.

Xu Zheng and Ning Hao were both shocked by the 20% quoted by Dong Ping, but they were relieved immediately because Lin Nan was worth the price!

"Huanxi Pictures? The name is really festive. But forget it, Yifei and I have no such idea." Lin Nan smiled and shook his head.

When they heard the first half of the sentence, Xu Zheng and Dong Ping thought it was going to happen, and they already had smiles on their faces.

But the sudden U-turn in the second half of the sentence made the expressions of the two people suddenly stiff, especially Dong and Xu.

Ning Hao just sighed softly. He had expected 80% of this result.

"Why? Director Lin thinks it's because the quota is low or for other reasons? We can discuss all of these, whether it's a job or something..."

"Yes, Huanxi Pictures is really looking forward to Director Lin and Yifei joining. We will become a listed giant in the industry."

Xu Zheng followed Dong Ping and added, unwilling to give up.

Lin Nan picked up the shrimps Liu Yifei put in his bowl, dipped them in the sauce, put them in his mouth and chewed them.

"What are film and television companies going public for? For money? For the right to speak? Or to become the capital that 'speaks'?"

Several people didn't understand Lin Nan's question and didn't know what he wanted to say.

Lin Nan put down his chopsticks and smiled:

"I don't seem to be lacking any of these! Right, you two?

Money, I'm going to go out and shout out now that I'm short of money for making movies. Regardless of whether people in the industry believe it or not, you can be sure that many people will come to me immediately and give me money!

The right to speak, I am the major shareholder of Weibo, the major shareholder of Tudou, I have my own company, I am also a big director, I can still get along well in Hollywood, there seems to be no shortage of it!

Moreover, I am already a capital, a big capital! Moreover, we have many allies and extensive connections, including Guangwang, Wanda, China Film, Xiying... Yinghuang..."

Lin Nan's words left several people speechless.

Yes, whatever they have, Lin Nan has; whatever they don’t have, Lin Nan also has!

"Haha, that's why we are trying so hard to invite Director Lin to join us. Director Lin or Producer Liu can even get 5 points of shares in Huanxi Pictures without paying a penny..."

Dong Ping's reaction was really fast, and he immediately thought of other methods.

Lin Nan remained unmoved. He felt that Dong Ping was really very calculating.

"First of all, I don't lack these. Secondly, there is no free lunch in the world.

In the eyes of the public, the directors and shareholders of Huanxi Pictures are definitely more famous than the chairman. If there is anything that needs to be blamed, scolded, or ruined the reputation, the first to suffer is the director who is the shareholder. What?

Mr. Dong, what do you think? "


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