That year Huayu

Chapter 774 New film invitation, filing

"Starring Aaron Kwok, Gong Li, Feng Shaofeng, Xiao Shen Yang and others, with a production cost of up to 450 million, the large-scale action fantasy masterpiece "Journey to the West: The Monkey King Three Fights the Bone Demon" was announced this morning. The film will target the Spring Festival. files!"

"According to informed sources, the comedy-themed film "Detective Chinatown" produced by Lin Nan Pictures and directed by director Lin Nan is suspected to be used by freshmen who have passed the 15th-level art exam."

"Major art schools such as Nortel, China Theater, Shanghai Opera, Beijing Dance Theater, China Theater and so on have entered the re-examination and third-examination stage of the art examination..."

A new day has just begun, and all kinds of entertainment information mixed with gossip are already flying all over the world.

The key is that this "gossip" is quite accurate, which leaves Lin Nan speechless.

He didn't have to think twice to guess that it definitely came from Nortel, China Theater, and Shanghai Theater.

Because Yue Jun and Jiang Yuerou took away the information of more than a dozen freshmen taking art exams from these three colleges.

"Lin Nan, come on, why are you taking so long?"

Liu Yifei's urging voice came from the yard, and Director Lin walked out of the villa leisurely, holding an apple in his hand and chewing on it.

"Come on, I'll just watch the news for a while."

As he spoke, Lin Nan got into the passenger seat of Liu Yifei.

The two of them went out today not to go to the company to help with casting, but to attend the launch conference of "The Great Wall".

As for the audition, it was all handled by Yue Jun and Jiang Yuerou.

"Set off."

Liu Yifei pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, lightly stepped on the accelerator, and the car jumped out instantly.

The ultimate pushing feeling went straight down Lin Nan's spine and into his brain.

At this time, the wind blew in through the half-opened car window, and Liu Yifei, wearing a leather jacket and bright makeup, suddenly had long hair flying, looking very cool.

More than five months have passed since the announcement of the "Great Wall" project, to casting and training.

This fantasy masterpiece co-produced by China and the United States, which has attracted much attention from the film and television industry and cost as much as 150 million US dollars to produce, is finally about to start filming.

Only large projects like this are eligible to hold a so-called launch conference on a certain day! The location is at the National China Film Digital Production Base.

I have to say that the launch conference of "The Great Wall" is a big event in the industry, and many big shots came.

No, when Lin Nan and Liu Yifei arrived at the digital production base, they saw many directors and filmmakers in the industry.

Among them, Jiang Wen, Ning Hao, Feng Xiaogang, Gu Changwei, and Li Shaohong were the most conspicuous because there were many people surrounding them.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that you two would be free to come over?"

From a distance, Jiang Wen greeted Lin Nan and Liu Yifei, attracting a lot of attention.

"There are so many acquaintances among the crew and crew from top to bottom, so of course Yifei and I have to come to support us. Aren't you all here too?"

Lin Nan joked with a smile, and Liu Yifei also nodded.

"This "The Great Wall" is a commercial blockbuster with the largest investment amount directed by a domestic director, and it is also Director Zhang's first foreign language film. Can you not come?"

I haven't seen Ning Hao for a while, and he looks a lot less tough. This is probably because Huanxi became fatter after its listing.

In fact, Lin Nan came here today with a little something to do.

"Director Ning, it seems that your food has been very good lately?"

Lin Nan walked up to Ning Hao, patted him on the shoulder, and said jokingly.

"Get out of here, uncle, you can't say anything nice when you open your mouth... Am I really strong?"

Ning Hao's tone suddenly became a little unconfident, and he glanced at his slightly swollen belly.

"The key is that once you look a little stronger, it's obvious that you are suitable for playing a villain in a movie! Well, it's best to have another scar on your face."

While talking, Lin Nan really thought about "Detective Chinatown". After a moment, he shook his head regretfully. There was no suitable role for Ning Hao.

I originally thought that Director Ning Da would give him a few words, but Lin Nan found that he actually frowned, "...Hey, starting from tomorrow, I will start exercising!"

After muttering, Ning Hao looked at Lin Nan with an annoyed expression, a bit "gnashing his teeth"?

"Let's go in."

Jiang Wen waved at the side, and everyone walked towards one of the large studios covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters, where the press conference was held.

"What did you say to Director Ning? Why is he so depressed all of a sudden?"

Liu Yifei, who had just greeted Gong Li, returned to Lin Nan and asked curiously.

"I was confused too, so I made a little joke, saying that he has gained a lot of weight's just..."

Suddenly, Lin Nan thought of something.

Ning Hao will be forty soon, right? I have reached the age where I want to soak wolfberry in a thermos cup...I don't like to exercise, but I also like to eat and drink...

"Oops, tsk tsk tsk, did you accidentally poke a painful spot?"

"Why are you laughing? You're so wretched!" Liu Yifei rolled her eyes at Lin Nan.

"It's okay, I guess Director Ning had a quarrel at home. Well, did he get yelled at by that sister? Haha..."

There are no minor characters who came to support today. They are all big names in the industry. In addition, there are major media, including official media and movie channels.

Zhang Yimou and a group of actors walked in from the backstage entrance one after another, and were greeted with applause and camera shots.

Matt Damon, Jing Tian, ​​Pedro Pascal, Willem Dafoe, Andy Lau, Zhang Hanyu... all actors are the focus of media attention.

Lin Nan, Liu Yifei, Jiang Wen, Ning Hao and others were all in the front row. They were only five or six meters away from the main creators, and they could even communicate.

The national teacher accepted the interview with a smile on his face. He was full of confidence in "The Great Wall" and said that he would do his best to make it into a truly international blockbuster.

The actors were also more formal than the last. As the heroine who was "surrounded" by a group of male actors, Jing Tian said a lot in a serious manner, just short of issuing a military order on the spot!

Lin Nan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is not a problem that can be solved by actors working hard!

La Peikang, Zhang Zhao, and the vice presidents of Legend and Universal were all better at shouting slogans, and the media and guests at the scene applauded and exclaimed.

After the press conference, it was social time. Lin Nan and Liu Yifei said hello and then went outside.

After a while, Zhang Hanyu followed after receiving the message from the assistant.

"Director Lin, are you looking for me?"

Lin Nan smiled and nodded. To be honest, many mainland actors can play such decent roles.

But there are not many actors who can impress the audience with the recognition of "policeman", "tough guy", "good guy" and "one of our own" like Zhang Hanyu.

"Is Senior Brother Zhang still on schedule for the second half of the year?"

Hearing Lin Nan's words, Zhang Hanyu became energetic instantly. According to the shooting plan, "The Great Wall" will be finished in mid-to-late June or early July at the latest, which should not affect the schedule in the second half of the year...

"Director Lin, I still have a schedule for the second half of the year. Does the company have any movie plans?"

Zhang Hanyu asked with great anticipation. The Lin Nan at this time is completely different from the Lin Nan when she was filming "Taking Tiger Mountain by Wisdom" the year before last! More Golden Balls, Golden Bears and Oscars!

"Well, the company has a movie planned to be shot in the second half of the year, and we need a very upright and tough male lead!" Lin Nan nodded and invited.

"No problem. Apart from "The Great Wall", my studio will not accept any other dramas this year."

Zhang Hanyu promised very seriously. After all, the movies produced by Lin Nan Pictures have always been recognized as high-quality products in the industry, and they are not bad.

"That's good."

"Director Lin, can I ask, are you the director of this movie?"

Faced with Zhang Hanyu's question, Lin Nan paused and shook his head.

"It's hard to say now. I won't know for sure until I finish filming "Detective Chinatown."

I am getting married in the second half of the year. If the preparation and shooting time of the movie, especially the shooting time, can be staggered without too much rush, I should be the director;

But if the time cannot be missed or I am too busy and tired, then I can only find someone else. What, do you want to think about it? "

"No, no, I just asked casually. Of course, if Director Lin directs it himself, it will definitely be the greatest honor for the actors."

Zhang Hanyu complimented, but it was also from the bottom of his heart. After all, the person standing in front of me is, by default, the number one director in the Mainland!

Without asking what the subject matter was or what movie it was, Zhang Hanyu accepted Lin Nan's invitation! Promise!


After confirming the matter with Zhang Hanyu, Lin Nan was not prepared to stay here any longer.

Liu Yifei was really in tune with him. The first time she saw him, she waved goodbye to Gong Li and others, and then the two of them left the digital production base together.

"Where's Lin Nan? Was he there just now?"

"La Dong, it's really unlucky for you. He and Yifei just left."

Hearing this, La Peikang frowned subconsciously, not knowing what he was thinking.

The three and a half days of auditions basically passed all the actors who submitted their resumes.

When Lin Nan and Liu Yifei rushed to the company in the afternoon, only the last two or three auditioning supporting roles were left.

"Hello Director Lin, Producer Liu, I'm Pan Yueming."

Lin Nan was stunned for a moment when he saw the people walking out of the audition conference room. The former butter boy was ruined by Dong Jie! Under this trouble, my career has also been affected, and its appearance is not as good as before, but it's a blessing and a curse!

"Well, you're good."

Without further chatting, Lin Nan and Liu Yifei entered the conference room.

Lu Yang stretched while Yue Jun and Jiang Yuerou were sorting out information.

"Director Lin, Yifei, you two are really good at being hands-on bosses! You kept the three of us for nearly three days." Lu Yang couldn't help but complain.

"I also need you to join the team with me and be my deputy."

As soon as Lin Nan said these words, Lu Yang's face suddenly fell.

"Director Lin, Yifei, let's take a look. This is the final selection list, and it can be finalized now."

Yue Jun handed Lin Nan a handwritten and rather scrawled list.

Liu Yifei leaned on Lin Nan's shoulder and watched together.

Lin Nan saw Pan Yueming who had just left, and saw...

"Are these selected through auditions?" Lin Nan pointed at some of the people above and asked.

"Every company has recommendations, so pick the best, like Xiao Shen Yang and others.

In addition, there are also roles left for Thailand. After all, chase scenes, group scenes, and fight scenes have to be filmed in Bangkok. There are a lot of roads and places to occupy..."

"Then take it to the Film Bureau and file it."

Lin Nan nodded and ordered. There is no need to change this list.

"There are only eleven or two days left in this month. Let everyone rest and prepare. We will start the production at the beginning of next month."

Liu Yifei also took on the attitude of a producer and added extra, and her aura was full for a while, very sassy!

"Oh, by the way. Let those two young actors come and let me meet them."


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