The Adventurer System

Chapter 95 - Level Twenty

Squeek! Squeek!

Asarki heard a sound that entering inside the wet surroundings, to be exact, She saw Grim Draigh brutally stabbing the monster's chest even though some blood splashed on his body.

Moreover, the question pierced in her mind, why the young man could land massive damage even the weapon he used was the knife.

In the world, if the adventurer used another class weapon it damage will be reduced by 60% although it could wield it, still, the damage wasn't enough to kill a certain monster.

For example, a swordsman used a weapon of an archer. It able to use it, however, it will have a lack of accuracy and damage if it hit the target.

"Someone tell me, how this possibly do that?" Asarki was literally confused, yet she had enough courage to ask him. So she decided to watch Yumiro move in the meantime.

Then suddenly, a new blue view screen appeared in front of their eyes along the notification came from the system. And also, Yumiro stopped from stabbing the monster's chest as he knew it already died.

[You've received 236 exp from killing the Gorith Tiger!]

[Level up!]

[+9 free attributes!]

[+1! to all attributes!]

[+1 skill point!]

The skill point used to upgrade an adventurer skill in high tier, which his skill become more proficient and could deal high damage.

Then more tab view screen flickered on his red eyes while his face having a stolid expression.

[New skill acquired!]

[Stab Lvl.1- one-handed sword/ knife or two-handed sword required. No casting duration, no cooldown, cost 2 fatigue in each stab. It can deal +60 damage plus the weapon of the item used.]

[Guild is required!]

[You're now qualified to join in the Guild selection!]

[A better experience is about to start! Please enjoy the rest inside the VR world.]

[Grim Draigh Guild: None/ required]

As soon as all the elevated view screen vanished, he swayed his left arm along with the kariki knife, to remove the sticky blood that plastered on its blade.


Blood whacked on the surface, and Yumiro placed his hands to the ground then pushed himself into a stood-up position.

"I'm already level 20 adventurer." He muttered then took a glance at Asarki. "She's still level 19? What the exact experience she needed before become level 20?" He asked and inevitably to look at the time on his screen.

[3:30 pm]

This was too early for him because he expected he could back in the real world within the time 5 or 6 pm.

"I should come along with her in the meantime since I didn't take enough loot in this dungeon."

Swish! Swish!

Yumiro swung his left arm to seize the monster's core. His right grasp was inside the monster's body looking for the oblong crystal even though he felt warm on it.

When he touched the core, he tugged it without making any second thought. Yumiro swallowed his saliva after his mind reminded him if he used this core.

"Hehe, I don't want to have two heads." Yumiro said with a cautious smile on his face.

Asarki sauntered closer to him with a thought of how powerful this man. "He finished the monster on the sixth-floor for just a couple of seconds? This is impossible..."


She didn't notice that she was already bumped into Yumiro's body. "Oh, I'm sorry... I'm just out of my mind." Asarki apologized as she won't forget his condition, that she never walked closer to him.

Yumiro raised his eyebrows with a serious expression on his face, he didn't speak any kind of words just stared at her for a couple of seconds.

Two of them gathered in the amid of the sixth floor. "Grim, I have a request.."

Yumiro promptly traipsed in the next corridor, but he suddenly stopped. "What is it?"

"Ca... Can you let me or rather to say this... Let me take the monster's core!" She bowed her head with a red face.

He whirled around and raised his left arm while in his grasp was the monster's core. "Do you want this?" He asked without showing any type of expression.

Asarki lifted her head a bit to see what the thing he mentioned. Then suddenly she uncontrollably shook her head and her blanched skin tone turned into red.

"No! No! No! That is not what I mean! The thing that I want to say is, I'm the one who will seize the monster's core, so I can lessen your job in this expedition." She also shook her hands as she felt embarrassed about what she said.

Yumiro wondered what this woman suddenly asked for that? In his mind, there was a big reason why she wanted to did that.

"Do you plan to steal it? If you scheme for that, take it already..." Yumiro gently threw the red crystal directly into Asarki's hands.

She scowled as she was disheartened by this man, however, she didn't let herself noticed by Grim Draigh her emotion.

She increased her speed, so she could pass to him. "I'm not that kind of adventurer..." She spits some remarkable words and made 7 meters gap with Yumiro.

"What is her problem?" He asked himself, also thought he made a good intention.

Gorith tiger grave was turned into red glowing particles, just like a firefly that dancing around.

He deeply sighed. "I should end this because tomorrow I will meet Amiya..."


In the not spacious room, a little girl stood up in front of the transparent window. Watching the group of adventurers passed by with excited eyes.

"Please, Brother Grim. Come back here now..." Yuki said with a low voice, wondering what Grim doing right now.


Then unexpectedly, there was a woman who gently entered the wooden door. She had cat ears and attractive eyes.

"Yuki are you still bothered?" Chirla asked the little girl with a pleasant tone, moreover, she keeps an eye on her since she was terrified by Grim Draigh's words.

Yuki slowly shook her head. "No, Ms. Chirla. I know brother Grim is so strong. He also promises that he will help me to come back in my place."


The Guild selection was about to happen, stay tuned!

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