During the simple self-introduction, these two former companions had already recognized each other.

At the beginning, after all, everyone had a choice.

Now, the two are working together again.

However, as if they thought of something, both of them looked in the same direction.

There, there is a tree house.

Inside the tree house, there was another person standing at the window, looking at them quietly.


Qingfan sighed, but didn't say much.

Instead, he waved his hand and said:

"Let's go, take the Raya Mountains as soon as possible"


Nodding, Jingji also chose to follow Qingfan.

In addition to the three extraordinary ones, Baihu, Qingfan, and Jingfan, the old four emperor crocodiles will also walk out of the foggy mountains this time.

There is no spiritual power satellite monitoring. , the Federation has lost control of the entire Tianfu area.

Now, let alone walking out of the foggy mountains, even if the Emperor Crocodile explodes with spiritual power fluctuations very arrogantly, it will not attract the attention of the Federation.....

But at this moment, a very dark and mysterious area of ​​mankind...

"Huh. Huh...."

As if suppressing something, the terrifying roar echoes uncontrollably.


As the heavy object fell to the ground, it was like an earthquake, and the entire square shook violently.

However, at this time, if you look towards the center of the square, you will definitely find a burly figure with a wolf head and a body showing disdain.

"Too light, too light..."

In the disdainful voice, the monster also kicked it casually

"With a pop, the power-refining stone weighing ten thousand kilograms flew out like a football.


With a terrifying roar, the power-refining stone flew to one corner.

But before it fell, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the other side:

"You disturbed me."

Although the voice was cold, it had a touch of charm. After a moment, a beautiful shadow was slowly pulled out from the darkness.

With a casual wave, a claw shadow was pulled out,

""Strike and pull" was like the sound of tearing brocade, this very huge power-refining stone was suddenly in the air.

For a moment,

"With a loud bang, the huge boulder of ten thousand kilograms exploded in an instant and scattered into ashes.

At this time, if you look into the depths of the darkness, you will definitely be able to find that the beautiful silhouette is not simple.

It is dark and very cute. Cat ears.

Behind the back, there is a very long tail, swaying gently.

Catwoman - Genetic Force, single-digit sequence - Number 5, the true pinnacle warrior

"Snap, snap, snap..."

Crisp applause came from the depths of darkness.

The eyes of the werewolf and Catwoman narrowed slightly at the same time.

Looking for the reputation, a bright light suddenly appeared in the dark corner

"Are there any more humans coming?"

Grinning, the werewolf's face was outlined.

Then, the whole person was in a dive.

""Boom" at a terrifying speed, almost setting off a sonic boom...

However, for a moment, as if something incredible had been discovered, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the depths of the darkness:

"How can it be?"

Before the words could be completely finished, suddenly, a cluster of flames suddenly rose up, and then without waiting for Catwoman to react, the overwhelming flames had swept through a small half of the underground square.

And among the flames all over the sky, there was a very embarrassing, even The body was a bit charred, and it suddenly pulled out

"Cough, cough..."

Amidst the continuous coughing, the werewolf looked into the depths of the darkness, still in disbelief.

"How can it be?"

"How could a small human being have such strength?"

With a low roar full of unwillingness, the werewolf looked at his charred arm, and was even more horrified. It was simply unimaginable to burn it like this in one encounter. What was even more frightening was that that guy was just an incompetent person. A big little girl. Yes, not big. Slowly raising her eyes, a beautiful figure walking out of the darkness has come into view. Her black hair is like a waterfall, and she is wrapped in a windbreaker. There are flickering flames deep in her eyes. Flickering, a few fire butterflies slowly disappeared between her fingers. However, she was such a stunning woman who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old. At this moment, a voice that seemed to be an introduction suddenly emerged from the darkness. Medium transmission

"This is Yan Ji, Miss Linger"

"This time, I came here to see our genetic troops and to cooperate with us in the next mission."

As he said that, a majestic man in military uniform with a strong aura also appeared behind Ling'er.

Ren Yong - one of the leaders of the genetic force and the seventh instructor of these monsters

"Flame Fairy, mission?"

While murmuring, Catwoman looked at the girl not far away, and was a little surprised.

She had naturally heard of Flame Fairy.

However, who could have thought that this Flame Fairy could be so powerful.

You know, The werewolf is not weak. In the single-digit sequence of the Gene Force, he is number six, second only to her in strength.

And here, it is worth mentioning that the Gene Force is the king of the sequence. In the single-digit sequence, there are all extraordinary strong men. , all of whose strengths are unfathomable.

Now, there are seven in the tens of numbers.

And the two of them are Werewolf No. 6 and Catwoman No. 5....

As for the others, except for No. 3, who was wiped out by the federation because of his out-of-control rampage, the other monsters are all in the deepest part of this base.....

At this time, Ling'er took a deep look at the two inhuman figures not far away, and the corners of Ling'er's mouth curled up slightly.

I have already heard the name of genetic army.

Now, it’s the first time we meet.

However, it must be said that the genetic troops are indeed among the top ten top-secret troops of the Federation, and their combat power is indeed powerful.

The spiritual power index of these two guys alone is as high as 50,000 to 60,000, and their combat power is even more astonishing.

If Ling'er's strength hadn't been much higher than that of the same level, he might not have been able to withstand this werewolf's 'culling'.

Ling'er smiled playfully, but Ling'er didn't care.

Instead, he turned his eyes and looked into the darkness and said:

"Please forgive me for being offended this time."

Then, Ling'er opened her lips lightly, and slowly spat out a word that made Catwoman and Werewolf's expressions change drastically.

"I heard that the 'Zero' of your genetic army is very strong, very strong, terrifyingly strong."

"I wonder if I can give you some advice??"....

Quiet, deathly quiet.

Even the instructor Ren Yong, who knew Ling'er's intention, twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely.

However, thinking of Ling'er's own strength, he shook his head helplessly.

Monster versus monster collision?

Feeling helpless, Ren Yong still took the initiative to remind:

"Miss Ling'er, we are about to rush to the Misty Mountains, please don't cause too much trouble...."


After being startled, Ling'er agreed.

However, at this time, if you pay attention, you will definitely find that her eyes are full of amusement.

Because, just now, she smelled...There was a very strong smell of blood.

Along with it, there is also the terrifying pressure that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

‘Zero, a vampire, was born with a thirst for blood. In the midst of extreme madness, he was a terrifying existence that he tried his best to suppress, a real monster. '

It is also the only terrifying weapon that even the military does not want to use.

If the combat power was not too strong, the military would be very reluctant to part with it.

There's no way this guy would be alive today. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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