And at this moment, outside the foggy mountain


Amidst the low roar, a three-meter-tall iron-eating beast was already licking the wound on its right arm.

It hurts, it hurts.

Even though it was halfway to the second level of transcendence, it was still so painful that its face twitched.

However, for a moment, as if he noticed something, the iron-eating beast's eyes were already looking at a young woman sitting with her back against a big tree not far away.


With a touch of worry, the iron-eating beast came closer.


Waving his hand, this girl with short hair and a heroic appearance stood up as if nothing had happened.

But for a moment, the girl couldn't help but frown.

At this time, following her gaze, Astonishingly, one could see that her chest was filled with rich blood.

"It is indeed the legendary Emperor Crocodile, it is truly terrifying."

Recalling the ferocious monster that was as big as a mountain, the girl's face was slightly heavy.

It was just a whip, a whip.

But it sent her and his fighting partners flying thousands of meters.

If it weren't for the critical moment, the spirit would be gone. To protect her body, just that one blow would seriously injure her.

Thinking of this, Liu Ziyan also sighed helplessly.

"It would be nice if you weren't hurt."

As she spoke, Liu Ziyan also caressed the head of her combat partner, Rolling Ball.

As one of the commanders of the Iron Knights, she was extremely talented and was already a second-level extraordinary at a young age.

However, it is regrettable that she Her fighting partner, the iron-eating beast, Rolling Ball, was seriously injured in an attempt to save her. Since then, she has suffered sequelae and has stopped at the peak of the first level of extraordinary. Yes, stopped at the peak of the first level of extraordinary.

This is a This is a very cruel thing, not only for the iron-eating beast, but also for her, Liu Ziyan.

You must know that although the members of the Iron Knight are terrifying in combat, the knight and the mount are twins. Like brothers, like sisters, even cultivation has been practiced to a certain extent.

Now, her fighting partner has stopped at the peak of the first level of extraordinary, which also means that her path to extraordinary has stopped here.

It is also because of this, Liu Ziyan is here The status of the Iron Knight has plummeted.

Otherwise, with her talent, how could her superiors allow her to go deep into such dangerous places.

Of course, she can also choose to abandon her fighting partners and abandon her current path as a knight.

But, is this possible?

Just thinking of this, Liu Ziyan couldn't help but tensed up.

At this moment, she seemed to be aware of Liu's complicated mood, and a low swallow sounded in the air.

Listening to this voice, Liu Ziyan was slightly startled, and then helplessly He shook his head and comforted:

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault."

As she spoke, Liu Ziyan slowly raised her eyes, looked into the depths of the misty mountains, and said in a very firm voice:

"I will definitely take the life essence of the demon tree for you"

"This is not for you, but for me"...

Essence of life, according to legend, is a kind of spiritual liquid bred by the demon tree. It can not only revive the dead, but also turn flesh and bones into bones. It is a rare treasure in the true sense.

With this kind of spiritual fluid, not to mention her fighting partner Rolling Ball is expected to recover, even if it takes a further step, there is no difficulty.

And when the rolling ball breaks through to the second level of the extraordinary, each of them has a tacit understanding and cooperates with each other. Their combat power is not as simple as one plus one.

It can be said that even if Rolling Ball has just broken through the second level of the extraordinary, with her current combat power, it is enough to occupy a place among the second level of the extraordinary.

And this is the terror of the Federation Knights.

Man-made spears are invincible.

The beast is a shield, indestructible.

The tacit cooperation between man and beast will reinterpret the ancient and time-honored profession of"knight" and even push it onto the world's mainstream stage again.

However, at this moment, Liu Ziyan's dark color darkened slightly as if she thought of something.

Essence of life, easier said than done?

Nowadays, it is difficult for her to defeat even a mutated beast under the demon tree.

And this is not to mention the unfathomable nature of the demon tree itself.

If not, a woman told her that the Demonic Tree in the Misty Mountains had long since left, and deep in the Misty Mountains, there was a spiritual pool that carried the 'Essence of Life of the Demonic Trees'. She would not have taken such a risk and led her team to secretly come here..

However, thinking of this, Liu Ziyan's lips couldn't help but squirm:


While murmuring softly, a look of fear appeared on Liu Ziyan's face.

Di Ji, whose original name is He Ling'er.

She is the most famous mysterious woman in the Federation.

At a young age, he is already the strongest among the second-level extraordinary people, and his strength is unfathomable.

And when they besieged that colorful spiritual flower half a month ago, they even showed their unrivaled strength.

Even the white emperor Wang Hao and Zhao Jiao, who were the geniuses, were eclipsed by them.

Of course, what is more important than this is that Bai Emperor Wang Hao was seriously injured in the war that shocked the entire federation, and Zhao Jiao mysteriously disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown.

It is said that he was buried under the claws of the 'mutated beast that came out of the misty mountains'.

But, where is she, Di Ji He Linger?

Apart from being missing for several days and having some disordered breathing, he was actually unscathed.

What's even more shocking is that just a few days ago, this woman made another breakthrough and became the strongest among the second-order extraordinary.

Its terrifying strength makes even the most unfathomable people in the Federation extremely fearful and even a bit unbelievable.

In this way, you can imagine how terrifying this woman named 'Di Ji' is.

But this time, she went to the Misty Mountains with the guidance of Emperor Ji He Ling'er.

It was the Emperor Ji He Ling'er who revealed to her that the Misty Mountains contained a rare treasure called 'Essence of Life'.

According to Emperor Ji He Linger:"When she was being hunted, she escaped deep into the misty mountains and accidentally harvested several drops of life essence. Three of them helped her break through, and only one drop remained on her body.". '

And it was that drop of life essence displayed by Emperor Ji that convinced Liu Ziyan that if she found enough 'life essence', her fighting partner Rolling Ball would be able to recover.

After all, recalling that drop of green liquid that was as bright as crystal but exuding rich vitality, Liu Ziyan couldn't help but bite her lips gently, showing a hint of excitement. ps:------------Request full order-----------

After climbing the Great Wall, I was so tired that I collapsed. I coded a little slower. The third update was at 11 or 12 o'clock, and the fourth update was in the early morning.

I still owe you three updates, and I will make them up on the 28th recently.

Peace of mind. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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