"Wu Ke, we are indeed sorry for this. We are really sorry."

The apology sounded in his ears, and Wu Ke could only hear the vague voice. Because of his anger, there was only a buzzing in Wu Ke's ears.

Forcing himself to calm down, Wu Ke drank the remaining cold tea in the cup in one gulp.

"I don't want to hear these useless nonsense from you. What are you doing here this time?"

"Wu Ke, I know you have met Chenchen."

Finally, the visitor finally mentioned the name.

"You are just a beast! What qualifications do you have to mention this name!" Wu Ke was now truly disdainful.

Wu Ke would never have imagined that the friend he once thought would be his lifelong best friend would now turn into this, despised by even him.

"I know you look down on me, and I even look down on myself now, but I really have no choice, I can't live without her, and what's more, the price has been paid, I can't lose her anymore."

The person opposite her didn't mention her name, but Wu Ke knew very well that that person was the one who really made Wu Ke gnash his teeth with hatred.

"What happened before can't be made up for in any way. Now that it's over, don't cause more regrets. Chenchen is living a very happy life now."

Wu Ke finally relaxed for An Chen.

"I'm still sorry for Chenchen, Wu Ke. I'm here to ask you for one thing. Protect Chenchen on your behalf. I beg you."

It was a normal sentence, but Wu Ke heard a very abnormal meaning from it.

"An Huai! I'm warning you, no matter what the reason is, An Chen is your biological daughter! Even tiger poison cannot eat its own children!"

"Of course I know. She is my daughter. She is held in my arms until she is two or three years old! But there is nothing I can do."

The man called An Huai finally experienced his first collapse tonight. Yes, he was An Chen's father, who had disappeared for more than ten years.

"Go away. I'll just pretend I haven't seen you today. Get out! Get out!" Wu Ke didn't want to continue the exchange and directly issued an eviction order.

It was ironic that they were close friends back then, but now we are strangers. Of course, An Huai knew Wu Ke. When Wu Ke said this, An Huai also knew that there was no point in staying.

Wu Ke was alone in the living room again. Wu Ke, who hadn't drank for a long time, took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, opened it and put it on the coffee table.

An Huai left Wu Ke's home and then left the community. This time, An Huai also had a long inner struggle.

He loves An Chen. No father doesn't love his daughter, but he loves An Chen's mother even more, so he has no choice.

There was no other way to come to Wu Ke this time. He trusted Wu Ke and knew that Wu Ke would protect An Chen on his behalf.

He would also try his best to prevent An Chen from being harmed, but he couldn't guarantee it, so he had no choice but to come to his old friend for help.

An Huai really wanted to see An Chen. He wanted to see what his baby girl looked like now. He had been secretly hiding An Chen's one-year-old photo.

She was obviously a little princess who was supposed to be pampered and grew up, but she went through so many hardships on her own, and even suffered more injuries than them.

Feeling distressed but powerless, An Huai admitted that he was not a qualified father, and was not even worthy of being An Chen's father.

But the future they imagined before was not like this. After all, it was still because of that tragedy.

What happened more than ten years ago is temporarily left in suspense, but this suspense will soon be solved.

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