The Almighty Men’s Clothes Boss is a Girl

Chapter 1193 Group Favorite An Chen

Anyway, they don't know what the situation will be like in the future, and they don't want to worry about that now.

They got in the car from the airport and went to the hotel first. After delivering their luggage to the room, they set off to eat at the restaurant they had reserved in advance.

On the way to the restaurant, the coach learned the results of the draw. The first game will be at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning. This time is really confusing.

Why the game must be played during lunch and lunch break is a bit confusing.

The other teams are all concerned about who their opponents are, but what they are most concerned about right now is when will they have lunch tomorrow.

When the coach heard them discussing tomorrow's lunch, he looked really angry and almost threw the document in his hand.

"You guys are unreliable, as long as you win tomorrow, you can have whatever you want, manager's treat!" The coach said the last sentence, and the topic changed to the manager.

After lunch was decided, everyone started to care about which team tomorrow's opponent would be.

The person who drew the lot was quite lucky. The team they played against every day should be the weakest among these groups. Moreover, they had also played against each other, and the winning rate was very high.

Although the opponent has been known in advance, one cannot relax one's vigilance now. After all, the situation on the field is changing rapidly, and the team's strength has also changed greatly.

Now, no one can be sure what the result will be if you ask tomorrow. After all, no one knows who the god of luck will favor tomorrow.

The restaurant where we ate tonight was a Chinese restaurant. Fu Yanxing was afraid that everyone would suddenly come here and not be used to eating anything else, and there was a competition tomorrow, so eating badly today would delay things.

Fu Yanxing was really very careful in these aspects. Even An Chen didn't think of this.

Can falling in love really change a person so much? An Chen used to be very careful and could observe many things, but Fu Yanxing was the opposite.

However, after the two of them confirmed their relationship, Fu Yanxing became particularly attentive and cared about An Chen's affairs down to the smallest detail.

An Chen is different. Unlike before, he has nothing to do. Moreover, he is surrounded by a group of brothers, so he doesn't have to do anything by himself.

Later, Fu Yanxing came along, and Ji Xuan, who had already existed before, An Chen simply "reached out his hands when he was wearing clothes, and opened his mouth when he was eating."

After arriving at the restaurant, they went to the private room and waited for the food to be served.

After a day on the plane, Fan Luo had become acquaintances with everyone, and now they were chatting happily.

Everyone except Qu Yan will arrive here at five or six tomorrow morning. Qu Yan may not arrive until after the game ends tomorrow afternoon. Qu Yan complained for a long time because he couldn't see the first game.

Fang Yan and Ji Feng finally took leave from the crew, and are now working on the crew to prepare to come here.

I didn't expect that so many people would come over when An Chen played a game. It was really flattering, but it was normal.

Who made An Chen the favorite of the group? In order to prevent everyone from delaying his own affairs, An Chen didn't tell anyone about this matter, but everyone knew it.

After knowing that everyone was going to come, An Chen tried to persuade them, but failed, so he did not continue to struggle, but left the front row tickets for them.

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