An Chen never thought that he would meet someone he liked at this age, and he would be a boy.

Still hiding the truth from Fu Yanxing, An Chen sometimes feels a little guilty, but knowing his mistakes and not correcting them has become An Chen's current approach in this matter.

The truth of this matter will definitely be told to Fu Yanxing, but now is not the time to tell him, and when exactly this time will appear, An Chen can't tell now.

I have been here for a long time, and a cup of hot milk tea dissipated the coldness just now.

"Let's go! Keep playing, there's no point in hiding in the house when you come to the amusement park." It was no longer the time to cry out that he was cold, Fan Luo zipped up his coat tightly, and then jumped to get ready to go out.

Just go out, who is afraid of whom? Everyone prepared to go out together, but as soon as they opened the door, a gust of cold wind blew through.

Well, a few people were stunned at the door, but they still chose to go out. They'd get used to the cold.

The car they rented just now was still parked at the door. Several people got on the high-end convertible car again and headed towards their next destination.

In fact, after getting used to the cold, it was really acceptable, because An Chen had already started singing songs to himself.

"Ride my beloved motorcycle, it will never be stuck in traffic jams." An Chen sang while sitting.

Others sang in agreement after hearing this. When Fu Yanxing lowered his head, he could see the top of An Chen's head swaying.

It's really cold, and we're not stupid. Of course, we won't take part in activities that we know will be cold.

They first went to the venue they saw just now. There was no need to buy separate tickets for anything here, and they didn't need to queue up, so they walked in directly from the adjacent passage.

This venue really lives up to its name. From the moment you first enter, the entire venue is decorated with various starry sky images.

There are some pictures when you first enter the door, but they turn into some three-dimensional decorations at the back. Walking inside feels like you are really in the galaxy. It is really an incomparable dream.

This venue limits the number of people who can enter at one time, and at this time, there are only a few of them in the entire venue.

It would be a pity not to take photos in such a beautiful place. An Chen and Fu Yanxing have not taken a group photo together yet, and today is the perfect time to get rid of this regret.

An Chen pulled Fu Yanxing to stand in front of a blue star map, and then asked Ji Xuan to help take a few photos, both front and back.

The mobile phone used for shooting belonged to Fu Yanxing, and Fu Yanxing took the initiative to hand it over before starting to take pictures.

These photos really made Fu Yanxing happy for a long time. After so long, he and An Chen finally had their own group photos.

Of course the looks of the two of them are first-class, and coupled with such a dreamy scene, the photos can be directly published in magazines.

Everyone else also took photos of each other. When they were all finished, An Chen chose a photo with everyone and posted it on Weibo.

During the recent film festival, An Chen really posted more things on Weibo than in the past few months. In fact, he had no intention of getting popular, but he just happened to have something to post these days.

There were a lot of photos, but all the photos An Chen chose were from the back, but it would be nice to have a back view, since there were a lot of them anyway.

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