Night falls in Xizhou City, and the lanterns begin to light up.

In the teahouse private room, the lighting is soft.

Bai Mo sat quietly, took a sip of tea and smacked his lips.

This tea is not cheap. A small pot costs more than two hundred yuan. But it doesn't taste very good. Any grass picked up on the roadside of Fox Mountain is sweeter than this.

On the long table next to him, Teacher Chen and a dozen classmates were scratching at the answers Bai Mo had just written. They were looking at the answers with anxious expressions on their faces.

"Is this written wrong too?"

"Alas, this year's question is difficult."

"Of the three solutions given by Bai Mo, the second one is considered the most conventional. Have you written it down?"

Zhang Shan leaned next to Bai Mo, not caring about the answers or scores, and was looking at the menu of the teahouse.

"Look, this swan cake is very delicate and delicious. Ninety-eight people, I don't know what it tastes like. Do you want to try one?"

Bai Mo looked at Zhang Shan, "Together with Teacher Chen, there are fifteen people here. Can't you taste it alone? Are you sure you want to taste it? How much is your salary?"

Zhang Shan shivered and dropped the menu on the table.

Suddenly, the box door opened, and a chubby head poked in, looking around.

Coincidentally, it was the little fat boy Wang Yuanbao I just met during the day!

But seeing this guy's face full of surprise, he opened the door and walked in. He stepped forward and took Teacher Chen's hand.

"Hahaha, teacher, why did you come to my teahouse and didn't tell me?"

Teacher Chen raised his head and was slightly startled, who is this? Does she know her?

The guy's face was full of surprise again, and he took Bai Mo's hand.

"Hahaha, Lao Bai! Do you still recognize me? There was a sports day in school before, and I sat in the row behind you. We had a great time chatting!"

Bai Mo raised his head and was slightly startled. Is this not the case?

The guy looked at the table again and waved to the female manager at the door.

"Manager Wang, my teacher and classmates are here, let's have a few pots of Longjing.

“Let’s get more of our specialty pastries and invite my classmates to try them.

"It's all on my account."

Everyone in the room looked at Wang Yuanbao in confusion.

What does this guy want to do? What's the fuss about?

But Wang Yuanbao turned back and looked at Teacher Chen, Bai Mo, and the answers on the table.

"What do you think of the answer?

"An answer so soon?

"Did Lao Bai do it?"

Teacher Chen smiled awkwardly.

"Would you like to check the answers together?

"Evaluate the score in advance?"

Wang Yuanbao grinned and sat down on a bench.

"Okay, let's go together then!"

Not long after, the box was filled with new tea and various pastries.

Bai Mo's classmates ate and answered the questions at the same time.

Wang Yuanbao took an English answer, sat at the table, and started checking.

The voice of the ancient immortal rang in his mind.

“Actually, it’s not necessary.

“English is just a trivial matter.

“How much can be said about a language that is hundreds of years old?

"I have read all the textbooks and exercise books you gave me, and I understood them at a glance.

"A paper worth 150 points, at least I can get 140 points."

Wang Yuanbao's fat hand holding the answer trembled slightly.

He thought silently in his mind.

"Master, how about you look at the answer..."

The jade pendant on his chest, the tiger's eyes secretly glanced at the answer.

So, not long after, he and Master Guxian fell silent together...

Wang Yuanbao calculated in his mind that if he went into battle by himself, he could get 40 or 50 points in English.

But for what his master did, he would probably only get thirty or forty.

In his mind, the ancient immortal's voice sounded again.

"Uh...hey, I really can't get interested in this kind of rubbish language.

"But it doesn't matter. Mathematics is the real test of IQ. With my wisdom, I can help you do math and you will definitely get full marks!"

Wang Yuanbao exchanged the answers in his hands with other students and came back with a copy of mathematics.

Hold it in front of your chest and watch it with Master Guxian.

After watching for a few minutes, they were silent again with Master Guxian.

"Uh... Hi, we ancient immortals study the art of celestial numbers and the avenue of heaven and earth.

"You guys are all grotesque and clever, and you also like to dig holes for others. It's not interesting...

"Look at physics and chemistry again! That is the true study of things to achieve knowledge. It is connected with the past and the present. The theory synthesis I help you do will definitely get 200 points!"

More than an hour passed.

The students have all finished correcting their answers. Although they cannot accurately estimate their scores, they have an idea of ​​how well they did in the test.

Monitor Fang Yuanzheng comforts her boyfriend Zhang Jian.

"It's okay. We don't go to the same university, but we can go to the same city."

Bai Mo was sitting next to him. He had just thought about the prescription and had gained something. He was going to go back to Fox Mountain to try it later. His eyes swept across the entire private room and Wang Yuanbao. But I saw that this guy was still holding up a page of answers, so that the page of answers was facing the jade pendant on his chest.

Could it be that Gu Xian is interested in human college entrance examination?

What's going on?

What's the point?

The head teacher, Teacher Chen, had just secretly checked Wang Yuanbao’s scores in all his previous mock tests. I found that this guy's score was very average, probably a player with a total score of 300.

She went to pat Wang Yuanbao on the shoulder.

"Classmate, how did you do in this exam?

"I see that you usually get 300 points in the mock test.

"Is there a breakthrough this time?"

Wang Yuanbao sat at the table, holding a copy of the answers to the Chinese multiple-choice questions.

The face is black.

The face of the ancient immortal master in his dream was also black.

In this college entrance examination, he used Master Guxian, the super gunner, and indeed made a breakthrough... But the breakthrough was downward, from the total score of 300 to 200.

The night was dark and the wind was howling.

In the main hall of Fox Mountain Dormitory, Bai Mo was sitting on a bench, guarding several buckets of medicinal soup, holding a tablet computer, conducting experiments and reading literature.

The fox disciples next to them lined up in a long spiral queue in front of the alchemy furnace to receive soda drinks.

A faucet poked out from the water valve under the alchemy furnace.

The queue just reached White Tail, who turned on the faucet with his paw and used a cup to catch the steaming soda that flowed out.

Insert a straw as a straw, then go to the ice bucket next to it, pick up two pieces of ice and throw them into the cup.

I squinted my eyes, tilted my head, bit the straw and took a sip, and the soda water flowed into my mouth...I suddenly felt cold and sweet, with the scent of grass, and also numbing and steamy!


This is so delicious!

Its eyes turned into crescents, and it immediately ran away holding the soda cup, wagging its tail, and then went to the back of the line to line up again.

Bai Mo already had several glasses of soda brought by his apprentices.

Pick it up and take a sip...

"It's really full of energy."

Even though only a drop of Hericium Juice was added to the huge alchemy furnace... the soda produced was already quite full of energy, far exceeding that of Coca-Cola.

Putting down the soda, he continued to read the literature and related information.

"[Bubble pod liquid] looks very similar..."

"[Black Stone Sour Water] also has similarities.

"[Monkey Head Juice], the juice obtained after the Hericium tree is diseased, cannot be used as medicine..."


Bai Mo's eyes widened, and he turned back to read this paragraph again.

Monkey brain fluid?

The sap obtained after the Hericium tree becomes diseased?

Can't be used as medicine?

"...The diseased monkey brain fluid contains a large amount of gas, but its stability is extremely poor and has no medicinal properties..."

Bai Mo frowned. So it turns out that this monkey brain fluid already existed in the ancient immortal dynasty?

Still identified as waste?


Bai Mo shook his head.

"The ancient immortal said it can't be done, but it doesn't necessarily mean it can't be done.

"On paper, it's easy to see. I'll try it myself."

He began to operate the several barrels of medicinal soup in front of him, filtering impurities, skimming off the foam, and gently stirring... He poured his spiritual consciousness into the inside of the medicinal soup, observing changes at all times. From time to time, he would spit out a mouthful of elixir fire against the side wall of the medicine barrel to control the temperature of the medicine barrel.

Not long after...


Add Hericium juice to the medicine bucket, and the gas will burst out!

This gas, with a strong medicinal smell, spread throughout the dormitory hall and filled the air instantly! Fortunately, Bai Mo did preliminary research and used harmless medicinal decoctions, otherwise he might have caused a catastrophe!

After a while, the steam was released, and when I looked in the bucket, there was only a clear soup with little water, which was about the same as waste.

"Not only is this thing unstable, but it also takes away most of the medicinal properties?"

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

No wonder the ancient immortals said it cannot be used as medicine, maybe it has been deceived?

One more small chapter. .

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