
Amidst the sound of water, a huge mushroom boat, like a giant python, snakes forward in the swamp.

Circle beard, black ears, white ears, sitting on the back of the big mushroom's neck, driving carefully.

First go to a small island and receive White Tail and a dozen copper plates it dug out. Then go to another small island and receive White Star and two bronze bottles it dug out...

In this way, the big mushroom ship received more and more brothers. There were more and more foxes behind the big mushroom. There were more and more copper plates, stone slabs, and utensils, and the draft was getting deeper and deeper.





Behind the big mushroom, the brothers confirmed to each other that they were all here and no fox was left behind.

The bearded fox paw turned the steering wheel, turned the boat's bow, and returned to the shore.

Dusk has fallen in Fox Mountain, and the sky is getting darker and darker. They are going to have dinner and get off work after dinner.


Amidst the sound of water, big mushrooms slithered like pythons.

The foxes squatting behind the big mushroom swayed back and forth, swaying left and right.



They swayed their tails to balance their bodies from time to time, and were very excited. They all grinned, squinted their eyes, and smiled.

This is something I have never played before and it is a very fresh experience!

In the middle of the ship, Bai Xingxing squatted steadily, with his fat belly bulging, and his tail swaying from time to time, controlling his balance like other brothers.

But there was no smile on its face. Instead, its pupils were trembling, and it looked very scared.

I don't know's afraid of snakes, pythons, and this big mushroom.

Sitting on the back of this big mushroom, it was even more scared as it shuttled through the swamp!


Amidst the sound of water, a big mushroom swam ashore.



The foxes cheered, or picked up the newly unearthed documents, or raised the big mushroom boat, and together they rushed out of the ruins, rushed up the mountain road, through the dusk, and rushed to the Fox Mountain Canteen.

After eating and drinking, he carried the big mushroom to the dormitory hall.

The main hall of the dormitory was completely dark, and the foxes opened their dark red eyes, or played games in a circle, or chatted in groups of "嘤嘤嗷嗷嗷"".

Bai Xingxing poked his head around, climbed onto the bed with a "swish, swish", and then went to the other side of the bed, where he saw the master who was busy.

It "swooshed" and got into Master's arms, its head arched against Master.

Today I took that big boat that looked like a python, and it scared the hell out of me.


Bai Mo stopped what he was doing, rubbed Bai Xingxing's neck, touched its fat head, and pinched its fat cheeks.

Bai Xingxing is a very timid fox. In the past, his brothers and sisters took good care of him.

It looks like this today, is it wronged?

"What's the matter?

"what's up?

"Talk to Master?"

Bai Xingxing huddled in his master's arms and frowned.

Can this be said?

Tell Master that you are afraid of snakes?

Wouldn't that be embarrassing?

Foxes also want to save face!

It shook its head and said it was fine!


"Are you okay?

"Then let's work with Master."

What is Master doing?

It turned its head and saw to its surprise that there was a python-like mushroom boat in front of its master. The master's hands were pulling out strips of mycelium from the back of the "python's" neck!


It should have been scary.

But at this time, huddled in the master's arms, it was not afraid.

Looking at the "python" again, the feeling of trembling before was gone.

Yes, in Master's arms, what is there to be afraid of?


It shrank tighter into Master's arms so as not to affect the operation of Master's hands.

Bai Mo just like this, holding his apprentice in his arms, concentrates on preparing these thousand-year-old mushrooms.

Whether animals or plants, they are complex and exquisite biochemical machines, lasting hundreds or thousands of years. What Bai Mo is doing is to try his best to find some operating rules and principles from this biochemical machine, and then transform and utilize them.

At this time, thousands of nerves were pulled out from the back of the big mushroom's neck, trembling and swaying in the air like water plants. Bai Mo's consciousness went along these nerves to explore their functions on the big mushroom, and to explore the origin and destination of the signals they transmitted. After the exploration was clear, they could be transformed.

His brain was running at high speed, constantly testing, remembering, and deducing. He slowly figured out more and more, and slowly came up with a solution. Emerald green elixir fire rose up on his palms, and he began to transform everything. Nerve, began to transform the big mushroom into what he wanted!

Unknowingly, more and more fox apprentices gathered in front of the master to watch the master transform the big mushroom.

The fluffy heads came together, biting each other's ears, and talking to each other.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch."


The big mushroom boat during the day is already good!

Could this thing be more interesting?

Suddenly, Quanquan Hu saw Master throwing a small chair next to him.

It came closer and looked at the small chair... This is a chair specially designed for foxes to sit on! It's small and exquisite, just big enough for a fat fox to sit in!


It grinned.

Then I saw a hole behind the chair, just enough for the fox's tail to poke out.

It immediately sat down on the small chair, swung its tail out from the hole in the back of the chair, and swung it around, making it very comfortable.

Suddenly, it was picked up by the master, including the chair and the fox, and was placed behind the big mushroom boat's neck and placed down.

“This is the new seat for the mushroom boat.

"Just right, you try it first."

One after another mycelium grows from the neck of the mushroom boat, growing to the seat and binding the seat tightly.

Quanquan Hu sat on it and stretched out his front paws, just enough to touch the steering wheel.

I stretched out my back paws, just enough to step on them... Huh? What did you step on?

"That's the throttle, which makes the mushroom ship accelerate!

"Okay, now, you can try to step on it lightly.

"But don't go too fast. If the mushroom boat hits the wall, it will be very troublesome!"

A group of foxes looked at the mushroom ship and the wall in the distance, and nodded.

Yes, the mushroom boat is so fun, you can’t crash it.

But he saw the master shaking his head.

“Don’t get me wrong.

"The mushroom boat is very strong and cannot be damaged.

"On the contrary, the main hall of our dormitory is already an antique, and we are afraid of collision.

"I want you to be careful not to damage our dormitory hall!"

A group of foxes suddenly understood and nodded, so this is what it meant!

The dormitory hall is where they sleep, so be careful.

A group of foxes all left their positions vacant.

Huanquan Hu also turned the steering wheel and turned the bow of the mushroom boat so that it faced the open direction.

It rubbed its front paws excitedly, opened its mouth, and breathed into its front paws.

It was about to step on the accelerator with its hind paws. It really wanted to lift its hind paws and give them a breath... But this action was not very elegant. The master and brothers were all watching. It hesitated for a moment and gave up. .

It pushed the steering wheel slightly, and the big mushroom ship returned to normal speed and moved forward slowly and snakingly.

It widened its eyes, concentrated on it, and gently stepped on the accelerator with its hind paws... This accelerator was also made of wood grafted with mycelium, and it felt soft under the feet.

But the moment I stepped on it, the big mushroom felt like it had been injected with blood!


The big snaking mushroom rubbed its body against the floor, moving forward and accelerating suddenly!

When the python is slithering, the snake's head will not sway. It sits on the back of the neck in a circle and does not feel any sway. But the speed was one after another, and the speed was extremely fast, rushing towards the wall of the dormitory!

In the main hall, the fox disciples began to cheer and jump.




Then he saw the big mushroom boat rushing to the wall of the dormitory, and was surrounded by Hu who violently turned the steering wheel and reversed its direction.


Amidst the loud friction sound, the snake's head turned and its body swam, almost grazing the wall.

Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, he was really afraid of what would happen, and he almost let this guy knock down the wall.

The eyes of the fox apprentices shone brightly one by one, and the huge group of foxes began to chase the big mushroom boat, circling in the hall, jumping and cheering.




After driving around in circles, although he was very reluctant to do so, he still climbed down from the chair and gave up his position to the next brother.

When the big mushroom boat started up again and was racing wildly in the dormitory hall again, Huanquanhu also followed the big troops, chasing the big mushroom boat, spinning in circles in the hall, jumping and cheering!


Bai Mo sat on the bed and looked at his apprentices several times, almost hitting the wall.

These guys all like to play, but their skills are average.

"Be careful!"

"Oh, I'd rather hit the wall than the pillar!"

"Turn around!"

"Hit me to death!"

"Don't! Don't step on it!"

Bai Xingxing huddled in Master's arms.

It doesn't want to pilot a big mushroom ship, not at all.

It was even frightened when it saw that thing running rampant in the hall like a giant python.

Fortunately it was in Master's arms, and fortunately its head was on Master's chest. With Master, it is not afraid of anything.

Suddenly, a fox paw poked it.


Bai Xingxing turned his head and saw the white moon and the white sun.

The medicine fields of the three of them are adjacent to each other and they are all familiar with each other.

White Star has spots of white hair on its chest, White Moon has a crescent-shaped white hair on its chest, and White Sun has a small round white hair on its chest.



After some turned out that Bai Yue and Bai Sun thought Bai Xingxing was in a bad mood and had already helped him get a number on the mushroom ship.

After the three brothers finish driving, Bai Xingxing, the fourth one, can go up and drive, and he can race around the dormitory hall. It's so cool!

White Moon and White Sun, the two foxes patted their chests and raised their heads, looking like "good brothers, you don't need to thank me."

Bai Xingxing frowned and blinked.


White moon and white sun, it just doesn't feel right.


The fox said something like a fox, asking it if it was scared?



How is that possible!

Foxes also want to save face!

Bai Xingxing immediately jumped out of the master's arms, held his head high and frowned, showing that he was definitely not a coward!

Then "swish, swish" and run towards the big mushroom boat!

Bai Xingxing mingled with the team of fellow apprentices and followed the big mushroom boat as they ran wildly.

It didn't dare to look at the charging python at all, and turned its eyes to the side. But just listening to the "swishing" sound of the snakes scurrying around makes me feel hairy in my heart, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end!

This is over!

Looking at the big mushroom boat below, everyone is so scared. How will they be scared when they get up to drive it?

Could it be that his front paws trembled and his back paws twitched, and he hit the wall directly?

In that case, wouldn't my fellow apprentices discover that I was afraid of the big mushroom ship?

The wall collapsed and the dormitory was damaged. Where would Master and his brothers live?

As it chased the big mushroom boat, it gritted its teeth, stared, stretched its neck, and forcibly turned its eyes towards the big mushroom boat!


A must see!

It needs to see how the brothers operate it, and how the big mushroom boat moves like a snake. It needs to watch and learn first, and only by learning it can one avoid getting into trouble!

Watching the python slithering around, it became even more frightened and its eyes felt stinging. But in this case, looking at the big mushroom boat, it was possible to see the python's slithering movements very clearly.

The big mushroom boat's snaking, swinging, flicking tail... every movement seems to be burned into its heart!

Bai Er, who was driving, twisted the steering wheel, and the ugly tongue of the big mushroom boat twisted and changed direction accordingly.

Bai Xingxing suddenly had a premonition...According to the movement pattern of the big mushroom ship, this time, the swing of the big mushroom ship might hit the wall?

Sure enough, in the next moment, the master appeared at some unknown time, lifted it with both hands, and blew up the emerald hot wind all around, forcing the big mushroom boat to "swipe" against the ground and float away from the wall.

Bai Er, who was driving, was also startled. But he soon resumed his joyful barking, cheering "Ao Ao Ao", stepped on the accelerator, and drove the big mushroom boat out again!

Bai Xingxing ran with the large army and felt much more at ease... He suddenly realized that in Fox Mountain, he was not afraid of making mistakes. If the apprentice makes a mistake, the master will help him cover it up.

After a few laps, it was finally Bai Xingxing's turn to drive.

It was sitting on a small chair, its tail sticking out of the hole behind the chair, its front paws on the steering wheel, and its back paws gently pressing on the accelerator.

From its perspective, you can see the ugly big mouth of the big mushroom ship!

It is still afraid, but it is already very familiar with the movement patterns of the big mushroom boat and is not afraid of hitting the wall!


It encouraged itself, stepped on the accelerator, and felt the big mushroom boat rush out with a "whoosh"!

Not far away, Bai Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.


"Bai Xingxing still has this kind of talent?

"Starting floor oil?"

Among all the apprentices who drive the big mushroom boat, Bai Xingxing is the fastest. He starts with a smooth floor and rushes to full speed!

Moreover, this guy has a very good grasp of the movement patterns of the big mushroom boat. At such a fast speed, he can turn cleanly and always keep a reasonable distance from the wall. There is no risk of hitting the wall!

The apprentices chased the big mushroom boat and cheered "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"!

Bai Mo stood in the middle of the dormitory hall, frowning.

"I thought they still needed more practice, but I didn't expect that this guy Bai Xingxing is actually an Akina mountain racing god."

The apprentices all fell asleep, and Bai Mo returned to his home in Xizhou City.

Cicadas chirped outside the window. He took out two canned meats from the cabinet and prepared to taste them.

“Military food canned meat, I saw the review in the short video, it looks very good.

"Try how it tastes."

After tearing open the tin cover of the meat can, he didn't use his chopsticks first. Instead, he turned on his phone habitually and prepared to browse the forum.

But I saw a pinned post, which was also related to canned food.


【Almost had the can opened! 】

Bai Mo clicked to enter, but saw that the picture was taken in a bus. The bus door was not completely closed, and a huge claw squeezed in from the crack of the door, seeming to tear the door open.


Fairy beast?

Open a can?

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