The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 140 The obsession with masks, the failed design, and the gun that can also be used by foxes

In the high sky, there are bright stars and rivers above, and the vast western mountains below.

Bai Mo sat behind the fire toad balloon, twitching the corners of his mouth, it was difficult to accept...

"...This mask is going to run away?"

How much price did Fox Mountain pay to find it and purify it, and it actually had to run away?

Bai Mo's consciousness spread out like an invisible wind, catching the waves in the air as the mask escaped!


The fire toad balloon under him immediately turned its head toward the east.


The toad's butt puffed out like a jet fighter, rushing towards the east!

There is Hericium juice in the belly of this fire toad, and the energy source continuously produces gas. At this time, the horsepower is fully turned on, and it sprays like crazy, chasing it like crazy!

Not long after, Bai Mo's consciousness captured again...

"...This mask went south."

The fire toad balloon puffed and drifted in the air, turned a corner, and rushed south again!

This mask has the ability to move instantaneously, but it seems that it cannot be activated continuously. Most of the time, it is still flying in the air.

The fire toad balloon under the white ink seat is full of power. It bites its mask tightly and chases it high in the sky!

"Damn it, you went low altitude? Keep chasing!"


The Fire Toad's balloon butt blew out, smashing into the oncoming night wind, and dived downwards!

In the night sky, Peacock Hongbao was carrying Su Yaoyao and rushed to Xiaohuoshan Military Factory.

It was already flying extremely fast, and I could only feel the strong wind "swish" flying past my ears, being left behind by it.



A meteor surpassed it, instantly throwing it away and disappearing at the end of its field of vision.


The peacock Hongbao fluttered his wings and glided with disbelief on his face.


A toad passed it and instantly shook it off, disappearing from the end of its field of vision.


Peacock Hongbao flapped his wings and glided, holding a durian shell on his head. He suddenly realized that the thing that had just flown past was fiery red, a toad, and bigger than a van. Wasn't that a fire toad? !

Can fire toads fly?

Its wings were weak in the sky, it staggered instantly, and almost fell down with its head.

It was so frightened that Su Yaoyao screamed behind it.


"Hong Bao, what are you doing!"

In the sky, helicopters flew at high speed.

In the helicopter cabin, an old man with a gray beard was wearing soundproof earmuffs. His face was full of anger and depression, as if he had just eaten two pounds of live flies.

This old man is Professor Wang who was forcibly invited by Tie Shiba.

The few young men and women in the cabin were doctoral students and graduate students under him. At this time, all of them were silent and did not dare to speak out.

Suddenly, the chubby little female graduate student looked out the window and exclaimed.

"A meteor just flew by!"

The senior brothers and sisters all looked frightened, and then they saw Professor Wang in the front row turning back, blowing his beard and staring, "Fart! Where did the meteor come from at such a height..."

Before he finished speaking...


The helicopter seemed to be caught in the strong wind, bumping and shaking violently. The old man turned around and failed to sit properly in his seat. He was shaken around and almost fell down. He actually started to lower his head and retched, "Oh...oh..."

A group of students were panicked.


"Boss, don't..."

The mask flew into the low altitude, passing through the gaps between self-built buildings at the urban-rural fringe.

Bai Mo frowned.

"This mask actually knows how to use the terrain?

"You want to use the narrow gap in this self-built building to get my fire toad balloon stuck?"

With a thought in his mind, the fire toad balloon instantly shrunk to the size of a gas tank. Carrying the white ink, it also rushed into the gap between the buildings, chasing after him!

The majestic man who was climbing outside the fourth-floor window and was about to climb in suddenly heard a "swish" sound behind his head. He shivered in fright and almost grabbed the window sill.

"What the hell?

"What is it?"

He had just calmed down from the shock, took a few breaths, and was about to climb back into the building.


The violent wind passed behind him, and the huge air pressure difference knocked him off the window edge...


He struggled, screamed, and fell to the ground, landing on his back.


With a crisp sound, his spine was broken and he died.

Bai Mo controls the fire toad balloon and tracks the bronze mask all the way.

The man just now deserved to die... Because, Bai Mo's consciousness swept over and found that the man was a Sequence Nine Xing person, and the person he wanted to sneak into was a family of three who had just given birth to a child. The parents were eating, and the baby was lying in the baby's bed. Bed...this fishy man either wants to rob or steal the child!

Catching it with his spiritual consciousness, the bronze mask flew into the sky again and flew into the clouds.

The white-inked fire toad balloon also raised its head and climbed rapidly, blowing wildly as it followed.

Not long after, I entered the clouds and felt the white mist around me.

Bai Mo thought for a while and had a rough guess about the face.

As an immortal weapon, this mask has no intelligence or thinking, and even if it does, it is very limited... Its strongest thing is obsession!

Initially, its obsession was not to spread the pollution of the black flame.

But now that the black flame has been solved, its obsession has changed!

What kind of new obsession did it fly away from?

Bai Mo slowly stopped the fire toad balloon in the clouds, and spoke lightly, using the language of Alchemy Path Sequence Seven.

"I will take you to find Lord Qingyun."


Space fluctuates like water.

The bronze mask moved back in an instant, and in this high-altitude sea of ​​clouds, the empty eye sockets looked at Bai Mo.

There is expectation, doubt, and deep longing on its face.

It missed Junhou very much and looked forward to seeing him again, but it was afraid that Bai Mo would lie to it.

Bai Mo was very calm and straight to the point.

“Tens of millions of years have passed, the sea is full of waves, and the clouds are like white clouds.

"I don't know where Junhou is now, and I don't know if she will come back.

"I... won't take you to find her specially.

"But I can take you back to Fox Mountain...which is the mountain gate where Junhou used to be.

"You can wait for her to come back at Fox Mountain.

"If one day we meet her, you can leave.

"Otherwise, if you search in this world like this, you will be looking for a needle in a haystack, and you won't be able to find it."

There was a bit more suspicion in the mask's expression.

It was afraid that Bai Mo would lie to it and take it forcibly as his own.

Then I heard Bai Mo sitting on the fishing lounge chair, crossing his legs.

"I disdain things that lie to people... things that lie to immortals.

“But once we talk about it, let’s settle the accounts clearly.

“Fox Mountain helps you clean up pollution, and it’s not free.

"You have to help Fox Mountain and do something of equal value."

The mask shook slightly.

It sensed that although this young man was only Sequence Seven, he was sitting in the clouds, open-minded and talented, just like his old friend!


The space fluctuated like water, and the mask moved instantly and returned to the white ink pocket.

"Okay, you are welcome to become a member of Fox Mountain... temporarily."

Behind the fire toad balloon, the mist rose, and the white ink disappeared into it.

As for the Fire Toad Balloon, it resumed its jet speed and flew back to the sky above the small volcano in Xiling.

Night falls.

The main hall of Fox Mountain Dormitory was already dark, and the eyes of the Fox disciples were shining with dark red light, just like the stars in the night sky.

Most of the brothers and sisters were huddled together with their master, looking at the mid-air screen, looking at the small volcano arsenal, and paying attention to the development of their own industries.

Only the white-faced boy was in the corner of the hall, grabbing the mask that the master had just brought back, soaking it in the basin, and using a brush to paint it with mud.



While brushing, the white-faced child was talking like a fox.

It heard the master talk about the mask, and it couldn't understand it at first... Why does this thing have to find Lord Qingyue? Wouldn't it be better to just stay in Fox Mountain? Fox Mountain is the best in the world!

But then, it suddenly thought, what would it feel like if one day it lost its master and could never see him again?

You'll probably go crazy looking for it everywhere, right?

Upon thinking of this, it was immediately filled with sympathy for the mask.

Swish, brush, brush!

After three strokes, five divided by two, it cleaned the mud off the mask and wiped off the water with a towel. It saw a mournful expression on the mask, as if it was still thinking about it.

The white-faced boy held the mask.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"

...I'll take you to the cloud factory with me!

Then I thought about it, maybe this mask couldn't understand such a high-end language as Fox... It was all in vain.

He simply hugged the mask, ran to the bedside, found a seat, crowded with his brothers, and "run a factory in the cloud" together.

Today’s evening meal at Fox Mountain is golden chestnuts!

Some foxes still hold the chestnuts in their claws, and some foxes have already peeled the chestnuts open, nibbling and eating them slowly.

While chewing, I saw the image of Yun Da Factory in mid-air. It was already early morning.

In the main control room, the white-haired old man yawned profusely.

There was a room full of engineers, graduate students, and doctoral students, standing or sitting, swaying around, with dark circles under their eyes, but they couldn't stand it anymore.

Only Tie Shiba was still full of energy after staying up all night. He was grinning, showing his big white teeth, holding two newly produced bullets in his palms.

"Hahaha, thank you Professor Wang.

"It's done!

"It's really done!"

This bullet is fiery red in color, the size is like a human pinky finger, and is much longer than ordinary bullets. The surface is engraved with fine lines. If you look closely, you can even see brilliance flowing through the lines.

Tie Shiba looked at the room full of people swaying around, feeling a little depressed.

No one celebrated such an important moment with him?

Fox Mountain, in the main hall of the dormitory.

Bai Mo looked at the mid-air screen and stared at the bullet for a while... Although he didn't know how to refine weapons, he still had an intuition. Ordinary sequence nine, he was afraid that if he couldn't block the bullet, his defense would be broken by one shot!

"If this thing is energy-producing, it would be pretty good."

A group of fox disciples started to cheer and celebrate with their eyes shining brightly!




...The military factory in which Fox Mountain has a stake has begun to produce output!

Seeing the picture, Tie Shiba was not sleepy at all. Instead, he took out a few cartridge cases, loaded them with primers, and then loaded them with warheads.

"I'll give it a try.

"Professor Wang, where is the gun you designed?"

Professor Wang was extremely sleepy and pointed to a pile of suitcases next to him.

Tie Shiba opened one, and the thick black gun inside immediately made the eyes of the foxes watching the live broadcast in the dormitory hall light up!

This gun is so cool, they want it too!




Their fox claws are short and fat, so even if they get a gun, they can't use it.

Then I saw Tie Shiba opening suitcases one after another, picking and choosing.

Each gun in the box has a different shape and looks cool, but none of them are usable.



Then on the screen, Tie Shiba opened another small box.


The densely packed foxes in the dormitory hall suddenly widened their eyes and looked at the screen.

The gun in this small box has a slender body, thick barrel, and sharp lines. It is powerful at first glance!

The key is...the grip of this gun is small and the trigger is small.

Bai Claw shrank in his master's arms, looked at the gun in the picture, looked at his own paws, and then looked up at his master.


The black glove squeezed next to the master's shoulder. At this time, he waved his black front paws and gestured to the master.


The big and small eyes were squeezed on the other shoulder of the master. At this time, he was holding the master's arm and shaking.


That gun can be used by a fox!

They all want that gun!

Bai Mo was also stunned... What's going on with that gun, that strange grip and trigger size?

Tie Shiba was also stunned...

“What’s going on with this gun, this weird grip and trigger size?

"Are you here to be funny?

"Who designed it?"

The room full of graduate students and doctoral students all woke up and looked at the weird-shaped gun in Tie Shiba's hand.

The chubby little female graduate student raised her hands timidly.

"I...I designed it..."

Tie Shiba frowned.

"This grip and trigger..."

The chubby little girl, Yue Xiaosu, weakly explained.

"Um...I...I designed it based on my own hand shape..."

Everyone turned their attention to her raised hand.

Then I saw that the hand was white and tender, chubby, with short fingers and thick palm... If it matched the weird grip and trigger of this gun, it would be just right!

The main control room fell silent.

Everyone was speechless and didn't know what to say.

On Fox Mountain, Bai Mo's face was full of embarrassment.

"Want that gun?

"But, you see, for the military factory, it is a failed design. It will not be mass-produced, just that one."

The foxes shook their heads, very insistent.




Bai Mo thought for a moment and shook his head.

"Although there is something wrong with the design, it is their prototype gun. Maybe they want to keep it for research..."



The foxes opened their mouths one after another, full of disappointment.

Seeing the scene again, Professor Wang stood up with an impatient look on his face. He actually grabbed the failed gun and threw it out of the main control room door with a fierce voice.

"Yue Xiaosu, don't make mistakes like this in the future!"

On Fox Mountain, Bai Mo and his disciples fell silent.


That gun... they don't want it anymore?

Bai Mo twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the apprentice next to him.

"Big Eyes, you put on the invisibility cloak and go pick it up."

Although it is useless to get it back, it is also good to use it as a toy for the disciples.


His big and small eyes immediately jumped up, and he ran to the cabinet next to the main hall to look for the invisibility cloak.

On the top of the small volcano, in the main control room, Tie Shiba was already holding a successfully designed gun and pushing bullets into it.

Yue Xiaosu was restless, with a look of grievance on his face. He glanced outside the door from time to time, at his gun that had been thrown away.

She really wanted to pick it up, but she didn't dare to pick it up!

Looking at the boss's darkened face, she felt even more aggrieved and about to cry.

Looking at her gun outside the door, she made up her mind to pick it up secretly later.

But...she suddenly saw that the gun disappeared!


She exclaimed and burst into tears instantly.

In the main control room, Professor Wang glared at Yue Xiaosu and roared angrily.

"What the hell are you doing?"

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