The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 157 The choir in Fox Mountain can never be unpleasant!

In the dark dormitory hall.

White Tails' chin rested on Master's shoulder.

Black Star's body was nestled in Master's arms.

Bai Mo frowned and touched Black Star's head.

Thinking about it...

"So the danger with this prescription is that if I'm going to use it, I have to make a bet with myself, am I an addict?

"If I really am, then I will be addicted to...hearing various sounds?

“Would you be obsessed with transplanting more ears for yourself?

"The ancient immortals back then were gambling before they took this prescription?

"Bet on your own physique, bet on whether you will become addicted, bet on whether you will become addicted, bet on whether you will be able to control yourself once you become addicted?"

Bai Mo didn't dare to say he was confident about this kind of thing.

Because those ancient immortals who eventually became addicted, lost control, and were hanged on the bronze door... must have been confident in the beginning.

Bai Mo was feeling sick when he suddenly heard a large number of foxes barking... Not far away, he saw hundreds of disciples lined up in a square formation and singing a chorus!





They squatted in the square array one by one, with their fat heads held high, their front paws on their backs, their fat bellies puffed out, and they sang very enthusiastically.

But I am tone-deaf and everything I sing is awful!

Moreover, this so-called chorus is completely untidy, each singing his own thing, like a big concert, it is very noisy, it is completely irregular noise!

Bai Mo looked at this noise choir and suddenly fell silent... If he really has an addictive constitution, if he really used Tonger Decoction, then he will be excited by any sound in the future!

Even if it is such an unpleasant noise, he will be excited when he hears it!

"No, no."

He twitched the corners of his mouth and wiped his forehead.

"This... is too perverted!"

"Sour and sweet, ice cold, very refreshing!"


At the dining table, Bai Mo took a big sip of cold noodles.

Buckwheat noodles, iced noodle soup, tomatoes, cucumber shreds, and egg shreds, go into your mouth, cool into your heart, and take away the heat of summer vacation.


While eating, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Dang Dang Dang!

Bai Mo got up and went to open the door, only to see the grandma upstairs holding a large bowl of ribs.

A few days ago, Xiaobao was one month old and they had returned from the confinement center.

"Xiao Mo, have you eaten?

"We have guests at my house, and we made a big pot of braised pork ribs.

"This is my specialty dish that I have been stewing for decades. I want you to try it too!"

Bai Mo looked at the bowl of pork ribs, and saw that they were bright red, oily, and full of fat and tender ribs.

"This... is so embarrassing."

He immediately went to get a big bowl and took this portion of ribs.

"Are you having a visitor at your house?"

The grandma upstairs smiled.

"Yes, a cousin of Xiaobao's mother heard that something happened to Xiaobao.

"I went to Shaojun Mountain next to their home and asked for an amulet for Xiaobao, which he brought to us.

"People come all the way, let's entertain them a little bit."

Come all the way?

Will this distant relative have any problems?

Bai Mo nodded, but his spiritual consciousness poked out from the acupoint between his eyebrows, like an invisible tentacle, penetrating through the ceiling and heading to grandma's house upstairs!

His spiritual consciousness observed that people were eating upstairs, and several people were talking and laughing around the dining table and a basin of ribs.

The dark and thin middle-aged woman was nibbling on the ribs with quick movements.

While chewing, I didn’t forget to brag.

"This amulet from Shaojun Mountain is so effective!

"Nowadays, there are such messy incidents involving immortals every day, but our Shaojun Mountain is where the ancestors of immortals stay!

"With this amulet, I guarantee that my little treasure will never suffer from three disasters and six diseases!

"There's nothing wrong with this amulet. It's just a bit expensive.

"It costs 3,900 yuan!"


At the dinner table, the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

Bai Mo downstairs was also slightly stunned.

What do these mean?

But I saw my dark and thin cousin from far away, and while she was talking, she actually took out an invoice from her pocket!

"Here, here are the invoices!

"I thought at that time, I am Xiaobao's cousin, I paid this money for Xiaobao, and I can afford it.

"However, the Taoist priest of Shaojun Mountain said that this amulet is special, it's called... it's called 'Mother invites her son'!

"Xiaobao's mother can only pay for this..."


At the dinner table, the atmosphere was cooler.

Bai Mo downstairs twitched the corner of his mouth, and after some exploration with his spiritual consciousness, he found the amulet placed on the edge of the dining table... It was a copper coin wrapped in a brocade bag, or in other words, an iron coin wrapped in brass pigment, even better than the one bought on Taobao. Still a little rough.

After identification, the amulet was fake.

Bai Mo's consciousness moved again, trying to discern whether Xiaobao's mother and the thin black cousin were really related by blood, whether they were really relatives... After a little discernment, he sighed.

After identification, this relative is genuine.

Grandma upstairs said goodbye and left, and Bai Mo closed the door of his room.

I couldn't help but curl my lips.

"Distant relatives come to try to steal money?

"Is there really such an operation?

"The forest is so big, there are all kinds of birds."

In the evening, Taohuayan and several other brothers entered the bronze hall carrying bundles of medicinal materials for Master to inspect.


"Ouch, ouch, ouch."

Bai Mo was at the side of the hall, blending several medicinal soups on the test bench.

The research on Cong'er Tang is progressing step by step... There is no way, there is no ready-made information in the literature. I don’t know if the ancient immortals haven’t studied it or haven’t figured it out yet. Bai Mo can only go into battle in person!

After checking the medicinal materials sent by Taohuayan's brothers, Bai Mo rubbed Taohuayan's fat neck.

"very good!

"The medicinal materials related to Cong'er Tang are basically all available.

"Once I understand it, I can start refining it."

After dinner, we came to the dormitory hall.

The apprentices formed their own circles and played individually.

The hall was filled with the sounds of the fox disciples barking happily.

In front of the white ink bed, dozens of flower pots are arranged in a square array.

In every flower pot, there is a model of a mushroom head.

Bai Mo knelt down, shuttled among them, and applied medicine to their ears one by one.

Some were smeared with medicinal powder, some were smeared with potion, and some were smeared with ointment... These medicines are all medicinal materials that can be used in Cong'er Decoction, or are intermediate products in the refining process.

Bai Mo was meticulous about everything involved in the entire refining process, trying them all to understand the addiction mechanism inside.

As the medicinal materials were applied one by one, some ears showed no response, some ears trembled, some ears curled up, and some ears even emitted smoke... Bai Mo's consciousness enveloped everything, observing everything, and was thinking seriously all the time.

Not long after, all the medicine was applied.

Bai Mo was about to conduct further research when he suddenly heard the singing of the Fox Choir again!




Bai Mo felt good to listen to them chatting. But listening to them singing at the top of their lungs is indeed a bit painful.


He thought for a while, suddenly had an idea, and immediately called to White Claws next to him.

"Come on, move these mushroom heads to the opposite side of the choir and let them serve as the choir's audience!"

Black Claw is in the Fox Chorus!

At this time, he squatted in the square, held his head high, raised his fat head, and sang a tuneless song.




Every fox in the choir sang very intoxicatingly.

They believe that they can sing well, and they also believe that the team can sing well.

They were even more excited when they saw that Master had set up an auditorium with human heads and mushrooms opposite the choir!

Although the human-headed mushrooms are not real people or real audiences, it still makes them feel that this choir is more formal!

Black Claw puts his front paws back, takes a breath, and sings at the top of his voice!




It noticed that its singing voice did not seem to be harmonious with that of its brothers... But it didn't matter. It had to stand out from the crowd so that the audience could identify its unique voice from the chorus!

It glanced at the auditorium and was surprised to find that there were several mushroom heads with smiles on their faces!



It sang even more energetically, feeling that this mushroom head was really high-end, and could actually appreciate the beauty of the fox's singing voice!

Not only Blackpaw, but also the other foxes sang more enthusiastically when they saw the audience!

I saw some audience members smiling, even inhaling sharply, puffing up their chests, and singing at the top of their lungs!

Bai Mo endured the loud noise and stood next to the mushroom auditorium, his consciousness covering all the mushroom heads.

Out of the forty-eight mushroom heads, twenty-five showed expressions of varying degrees of pain... This is normal. Normal people will feel pain when attacked by noise.

But the problem is, there are twenty-three others who actually smile!

Bai Mo frowned, thinking about the prescription for this Cong'er Decoction.

"This prescription...the problem is not a single one.

"The problem is huge!"

Just like that, while the choir was singing, Bai Mo sat cross-legged on the ground among a bunch of mushroom heads, pretending to be an audience member of the choir, and even smiled at the disciples, causing them to sing even louder!

But in fact, Bai Mo secretly sealed his ears.

He closed his eyes, and his consciousness spread like invisible wind, and then condensed like water, wrapping all the mushroom heads in it, observing the difference after taking the medicine, and observing their reaction after hearing the singing of the fox choir.

The mushroom heads are all colorful in the mind, like colorful clouds and glass.

As Bai Mo explores them, he is also tempering his consciousness, trying every means and skill to make his consciousness thinner, more flexible, more harmless, and able to penetrate deeper into the model's mind.

The night was getting thick outside the main hall, and the wind was howling.

In the main hall, the fox sang loudly, hooting and hooting.

Bai Mo sat among a pile of mushrooms, closing his eyes, trying, learning, exercising, and thinking.


Another part of the model's mind was touched by Bai Mo's divine consciousness and collapsed silently. The smile on the model's face became dull.

In the choir, the clever fox noticed it, his eyes widened immediately, and he sang even more energetically! Because there was an audience member who was so happy when he heard them singing!




Another part of the model's mind was touched by Bai Mo's divine consciousness and collapsed silently. The look of mourning on the model's face became solidified.

In the choir, the smart fox noticed it and immediately pricked up his ears, his face full of dissatisfaction! Is this audience made of stone? The singing of the Fox Choir couldn't impress it?


Blackpaw jumped outside the choir, waved his front paws, and began to conduct.



Its two front paws were raised high, signaling the brothers to raise their voices and increase their intensity!



There were two more spectators who were so happy that their smiles froze.

The Fox Choir is more energetic and excited, this audience...has taste!



There were two more spectators, with expressions of mourning on their faces, completely frozen, and even more ugly than before.

The Fox Choir was very disdainful and just continued to sing. This audience... bumpkins!

In the blink of an eye, one night passed.

In the early morning, the fragrant smell wafts in the air of the cafeteria.

It turns out that today’s breakfast is the heavenly scented Campbell’s Soup that nourishes the throat!

Next to the small stone tables, all the fox apprentices were holding were this soup. The golden and translucent soup base was filled with white round fruits, exuding a warm fragrance.

Black Claw, Black Tail, and Black Nose were sitting around the small stone table.


Black Claw took a sip of the soup and his throat felt moister indeed!

Several foxes put their furry heads together and whispered.




… Some foxes secretly said before that the choir’s singing was terrible.

...But Master clearly supports the choir when he cooks this Campbell's Soup with Heavenly Fragrance!

...Anyone who says the choir is not good is just talking nonsense... nonsense!

At the front of the cafeteria, Bai Mo was also holding a bowl of Tianxiang Campbell's Soup, drinking it in small sips.

He doesn't need to fill his throat. He drinks this stuff just like sugar water.

At this time, while drinking, I recalled the phenomena I observed last night, thinking quickly, and sometimes scratching the table with my hands.

"Is that so?

"Is that correct?"

He suddenly had a guess about the addictive mechanism of Cong'er Tang... At this time, combined with last night's experiments and observations, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this guess made sense!

"Think again……"

As he thought about it, he gradually fell into trance and gradually forgot himself.

I quickly deduced in my mind the entire addiction mechanism, the thirty-two factors involved, the sixty-eight processes, and the changes derived therefrom...

"No...can't think like that.

“It’s too complicated.

"Studying this problem requires new models and new methods."

He leaned back on the chair, his eyes dull, immersed in his own thoughts.

Sometimes he frowns, sometimes he smiles, sometimes he writes in the air with his fingers, as if he is calculating.


"Sure enough!

"I understand!

"No wonder the ancient immortals don't study this's really too difficult for them."

Bai Mo grinned, moved his stiff neck, and woke up from his meditation.

But they saw that the cafeteria was already empty. The apprentices had already finished their meals and went to work.

The half-eaten bowl of Tianxiang Campbell Soup under his hand was also missing.



But Heibitou was so happy that he brought Master's half bowl of soup back and put it in Master's hand.


Just now, Master's soup had cooled down, so he took it to help Master warm it up.

It is a professional chef from Fox Mountain, and it understands that this soup needs to be hot to taste delicious!

There is another update, but it may be late. . . Forehead. .

Thank you Xue Ruixun, for the gift of separation in life~

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