The ancient immortal revived, and ten thousand foxes worshiped me as their teacher

Chapter 164: Turn the fox ancestor’s street singing into a skill?


On the road, taxis passed quickly.

In the carriage, Bai Mo held Bai Mo's toes, touched its round and fat belly, and wiped the corners of its mouth again.

"The food in this world has no medicinal power, so you just eat it."

The car drove through an intersection, with dimly lit and dark alleys on both sides.

Bai Mo's consciousness spread out like tentacles and chased him into the alley...

In the shadows, the trash can was already piled high. Inside were various packaging bags, paper boxes, sour and smelly vegetable leaves, banana peels, watermelon peels, and flies buzzing around.

But what is most popular among flies today is the human skin half the size of a palm!

The human skin was half burned, and the black outline of the fire could be seen.

On the remaining half, two colors, black and bright red, were used to outline evil and weird runes.

It was the talisman just now! The talisman that folded into a glove and broke off the fingers of the dog's teeth!

In the carriage, Bai Mo withdrew his consciousness.

"Well, has it been abandoned?

"The talisman of sequence seven...are you so willing to give it up?"

The talisman was not only burned by Bai Mo's elixir fire, but also had a trace of medicinal energy left behind by him. He originally wanted to track down the mysterious seventh talisman master.

Unexpectedly, the mysterious Sequence Seven Talisman Master was so decisive that he threw the talisman directly into the trash can!

"Is it the boss behind the scenes somewhere, extending his hand?

"Or is there a new Talisman Path Sequence Seven in Xizhou City?"

There are rumors on the Internet that the boss in the seventh scene of Sequence who is located in Nantian City is the Talisman Path.

The boss in the seventh scene of the sequence who is located in Dongguo City is also the path of Talisman.

...But none of this news is true!

The identities of the current Sequence Seven are highly secretive and no one knows about them.

Nantian City and Dongguo City may really have Sequence Seven, or they may not have it. They are just made up by the committee to scare people and deter evil forces.

Even if it is really Sequence Seven, the revealed path may not be true.

"The ancient immortals are watching in dreams, and they don't know when they will come to the world.

"All the Sequence Sevens are practicing hard, right?

"Want to grab more development before the Ancient Immortal arrives?"

Bai Mo estimates that the other Sequence Sevens also think so.

"But this guy who broke off the criminal's fingers...does the practice of Talismanism require fingers?"

Bai Mo couldn't tell.

The only thing that can be known is that instead of going to other places to break his fingers, this bitch went to Xizhou City to break his fingers. He probably didn't hold back anything good.

"Could it be that you want to put a shit basin on me?

"He runs faster this time. Next time, if he dares to show his fox tail, let him look good!"

Downstairs of Golden Emperor Hotel.

A group of experts followed Su Yaoyao with notebooks and various instruments, conducting investigations everywhere.

They came to the place where Quan Boya fell to death... The body had been taken away, and a gray line was drawn on the ground, outlining the shape of Quan Boya falling to death.

A group of experts were talking about it.

"Didn't our alchemist from Xizhou take action this time?"

"Seems to be."

"The instrument cannot detect any medicinal residue at all."

The expert who spoke made a beeping sound with the instrument in his hand, and the number on the instrument panel was always zero.

Next to her, Su Yaoyao frowned.

"I don't think it's right.

"He still took action."

Although Su Yaoyao couldn't understand the instrument, nor did she understand other methods.

But she knew one thing.

"If that person hadn't taken action, how could Quan Baiya have jumped to his death like an ordinary person if he was at Sequence Eight?"

On Fox Mountain, the clouds were thick and the wind was howling.

Among the vast mountains and mist, the bronze hall actually seemed quite small.

In the bronze hall, Bai Mo's figure playing with torture instruments behind the table also looked small.

"What is this?"

He held a bronze dagger, thought about it, and recalled the documents he had read.

"Oh...the boning knife?"

Although torture tools are not a prescription, they also contain a lot of knowledge.

Bai Mo made Quan Baiya's heart stop beating in mid-air, using a punishment called [Heart Burning]. The elixir fire instantly heats up, burning the heart, causing it to stop beating for a period of time.

In the torture chamber, this kind of punishment can allow criminals to experience the tremendous pressure and pain of dying, and use their survival instinct to break down their psychological defenses.

In mid-air, this kind of punishment can make Quan Bo Ya's heart stop and his whole body functions stop. He can jump off the building like an ordinary person and fall to his death.

Punishments and prescriptions are all knowledge. Bai Mo will not reject anyone who comes to him, and he must learn them all!

Maybe when the ancient immortal comes, the inconspicuous knowledge I learned before will come in handy?

After playing with the boning knife, Bai Mo knelt down again and picked up the next item.

"What is this for?"

But he saw that it was a hollow sphere, carved into the shape of an animal's head, with its mouth open, revealing the dark cavity inside.

Moreover, a tall horn protruded upward from the forehead of the beast's head, which looked weird and nondescript.

"Is it an immortal weapon?"

Bai Mo's spiritual consciousness investigated and found that this thing had no immortal energy circuit inside, and it could not be controlled with his spiritual consciousness. Just ordinary bronze vessels.

"Is it also a torture instrument?"

How to use torture?

Put it on someone else's head?

But its opening isn't big enough.

Stab people with this tall horn?

But this corner is not sharp enough.

Bai Mo held it and looked at the top, bottom, and inside.

Touch it with your hands, rub it, knock it.


"Huh? Why is this voice so loud?

"Oh, the cavity of the big mouth of this beast's head acts as a resonance cavity, similar to the body of a guitar, amplifying the sound?"

Bai Mo suddenly remembered a kind of punishment he saw in the literature...sound punishment!

Special instruments are used to create a special melodic sound in the criminal's ears, making him unbearable, making his whole body restless, and causing his mental breakdown. Those who have been practicing this punishment for many years can even make sounds that stir the soul of the criminal and make him miserable!

"So this hollow unicorn head is a torture tool used for sonic torture?

"This torture sound is a bit similar to the song Black Claw."

After getting rid of the fear caused by the singing, Black Claw has returned to his work.

It does not grow medicine. Its post is in a ventilation room, a dilapidated palace located at a mountain pass.

The mountain pass was already very windy, and the front and rear walls of the palace had huge holes, which could just accommodate the strong wind blowing through, forming an excellent drying workshop.

Various medicinal materials were hung on drying racks everywhere.

Some of them have just been hung up and are still bright and shiny.

Some of them have been hung for a long time and are already covered with wrinkles.

Others have been hanging for too long, and have become dry and numb, like an old lady's face.


Black Claws shuttled between the drying racks everywhere, jumping up and down, checking the dryness of various hanging medicinal materials in the workshop.


I pinched it with my front paws and found that the dragon grass had been dried very well in the sun. It was probably hot enough.

He picked the dragon grass from the shelf and put it into a small bamboo basket, preparing to take it to the master later so that he could check it again.

The next drug is a light yellow translucent colloid hanging on a drying rack, Gum South!

Don't pinch this with your claws, it will get stuck!

It stretched its neck, opened its mouth, and blew upward.


Nanzhu immediately began to tremble and tremble, as if dancing. Amid the tremors, there was a "buzzing" trembling sound.

Blackpaw frowned.

The sound of "buzzing" means that the drying is not done yet and needs to continue!


It left the gum tree and went to find the next medicine.

Half a day passed, and the work came to an end temporarily. Before lunch time, Black Claw found a comfortable place, lay down on his back, touched his belly, squinted his eyes and giggled for no reason.

It stretched out its front paws and touched the human head mushroom next to it... This human head mushroom was also sent to be dried.

The master said that if you let it dry out wrinkles and age it in all aspects, it can be used as an "old man's head".

Touching it, it remembered the choir in the dormitory hall before.


I remembered again the sad song that was remembered in my blood.


It touches its fat belly and rubs its fat head... Times have changed. It is not a wild fox on the mountain now. It is a direct disciple of Fox Mountain. It can ensure the safety of the fox. There is a canteen and the food is delicious and plentiful. The boss is full, has a dormitory, sleeps with the master, and is guaranteed to be absolutely safe, and he also has a fat and round belly.

Now it just wants to giggle and has nothing to be sad about.


The strong wind outside is blowing in again!


The wind was so strong that it blew the broken copper palace as a whistle.

Black Claw subconsciously covered his fat head and the triangular ears on his head.


This wind noise is quite scary!

Thinking of this, it suddenly froze.


Is it possible that the songs left by the ancestors can be cultivated into a skill?

Practice hard and make a song that can really scare away enemies?

When the time comes, singing a song will scare the enemy away? Can it scare the enemy out of their courage?

When he thought of this, he lay on the ground, squinting his eyes, grinning crookedly, and curling up in laughter.

After laughing, it immediately got up and held the mushroom head. The fox's face was full of seriousness.


Just use this mushroom as the audience for its singing practice.

It cleared its throat, collected its emotions, and began to sing.




The mushroom head frowned slightly and drooped the corners of his eyes, looking very reluctant.

But Black Claw ignored it, just held it in his paws and continued singing to it.




In the blink of an eye, many days passed.

Bai Mo was sitting at his dining table, eating cold skin and scrolling through his cell phone.

The class group was extremely lively. It turned out that everyone had received the admission notice.

[Hahaha, look at this, the gilded characters! 】


[Holy shit, why was this printed on A4 paper?]


[My campus album and postcards come with it haha]

[ @Fang Yuan, @Zhang Jian, have you both received it? 】


It's a picture posted by Zhang Jianfa.

An admission notice from Heluo University School of Medicine was stacked on top of an admission notice from Xizhou University, then Zhang Jian's rough hands were stacked on top, and finally Fang Yuan's white and tender hands were stacked on top.

The group was quiet for a moment and immediately exploded!

【Kick it! 】

[This pair of dogs and men! 】

【Can’t bear it! 】

Zhang Jianfa posted a voice message.

When I opened it and listened, it was a tone-deaf song.

"I'm really happy~so happy~"

Bai Mo grinned. The singers are no better than the choir of his disciples.

"The original version is Liu Xiaoxiao's song, right?

"How come listening to Liu Xiaoxiao's singing makes people happy, but listening to Zhang Jian's singing makes one's head hurt?"

In fact, if you taste it carefully, Zhang Jian is really in tune.

But his voice condition is completely different from Liu Xiaoxiao.

“It can be seen that the effect of singing does not only depend on the voice.

"Zhang Jian, even if he sings with a hoarse voice, he still won't be able to sing as well as others."


It’s really a bit dumb!

Black Claw was very depressed, so he quickly closed his mouth, held his copper bowl, and lined up obediently.

This is the Fox Mountain Canteen, and there is a long queue.

A rich fragrance wafted from the front, tickling the noses of the foxes.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch? Ouch, ouch, ouch?"

In the team, Big Ear, who was in front of Black Claw, turned around and chatted with Black Claw. It smelled of banana and soy milk, and suspected that today’s lunch would be banana milkshake!


...the black nose and dark circles under the eyes are all handmade, hand-made milkshakes!

Black Claw nodded, his face serious, but said nothing.

Big Ears asked again, reluctantly.

"Ouch, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh?"

…Do you like banana milkshakes?

Blackclaw nodded.


...Have you ever had a banana milkshake?

Black Claw nodded anyway.

It doesn't want to speak, it doesn't want to make a sound...

After all, it's too shameful to practice singing and make your throat dumb.

Trying to scare off enemies with the rubbish songs of our ancestors... This kind of thing is quite shameful.

Foxes also want to save face!

It wants to practice secretly without letting other brothers know.

Learn this song first, quietly become more powerful, and then surprise all the foxes!

Therefore, it is silent and answers all questions with a nod and a shake of the head!

Unexpectedly, Big Ears continued to ask.


...what does banana milkshake taste like?

Black Claw's head is covered with black does it answer?

Not to mention shaking his head or nodding, even if he lets him talk nonsense, he still can't understand it!

It frowned, thought for a moment, gestured, and asked Big Ears to return to the previous question.

Big Ears was confused and returned to the previous question.


...Have you ever had a banana milkshake?

Blackpaw shook his head.

Never drank it!

Big Ear frowned, something didn't feel right, what happened to Black Claw?

It hugged Black Claw, a smile appeared on its fox face, and said nothing.

In the cafeteria, the foxes all received their own banana milkshakes, each holding a bowl and drinking with smiles on their faces and eyes narrowed into crescent moons. Sometimes he sticks out his tongue and licks the milkshake stuck to his mouth.




This is so delicious!

Black Claw drank the milkshake and moistened his throat. He was very happy and wanted to scream twice...but it was still mute. As soon as it opened its mouth, it suppressed the sound.

What it didn't notice was that Big Ear, not far behind it, had finished drinking the milkshake, licked his mouth clean, and licked the copper bowl clean. He sneaked out of the cafeteria and ran to the Bronze Hall to find his master!

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